EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Quickly took a picture of the Slurricane.
Raised the lights to encourage more stretch as they have barely moved. Got plenty of bud sites showing.
Lights set to 400w at the minute. I’ll up it to 600w in a few weeks.

Still using megacrop. At 1.8 e.c at the minute and 5.8 ph.
Wished I’d put 6 plants in with how they are growing.


They are going to fill it up plenty. :sunglasses: :metal:


I hope so buddy. I switched to 12/12 2 weeks ago today and barely any stretch. Trying to not fuck with them too much to see if it increases their production. On a different note I’ve not had to tap the valves to get the nutrients flowing again in a few weeks :crossed_fingers:


Looking like 3 main single cola plants. Meh at least they’ll get the light they need.
Was hoping on them spreading out. What will be will be.
Lifted the light again to see if I can get more stretch. Dunno if it’s the strength of the light or the genetics keeping them stout
Adding Advanced Nutruents Big Bud from today. Let’s see if it makes a difference.


Is that the Discreet Seeds version of slurricane or is it in-house genetics ones.?

I have a Discreet Seeds version of Banana Punch just finishing and it (. Bud.) smells like ‘refreshers sweets’ or ‘swizzles’ ( very similar.!.).

It’s a cross between Banana OG and Purple Punch and it’s at least 65 days in flower.

My picture doesn’t do it justice. Lol.

Can you not dim your lights for a few days to see if they’ll stretch some more .?
Good luck with flowering those, mate …


It’s the discreetseeds reproduction buddy. In all honesty they are all growing alike other than one that’s decided to branch out. .
I’ve got a few ft I can lift the light if needed. I’ll likely do exactly that tomorrow. Cheers @Gaz29

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Got purple happening on 3 out of 4 plants.

Think they need a nitrogen boost. I’ll add some chempak 2 tomorrow.


Just some more pictures.

The additions to the megacrop.

Also added some Vitalink Calmag. (Not pictured)
Hoping stuff green up.


I can’t catch a break. Looks like I’ve got an iron issue again. Dump and reset tomorrow. :roll_eyes:


I know they look shit but strawberry banana for my personal use. They stink.

I’ve got 6 more fem seeds of strawberry banana here I’m thinking of putting in my big tent next.


I think your light may be too much for your plants, did you dim or lift the lights since last time .?

I have a 460W ( at the wall.) of Samsung/Osram led lights and I dim it down to 60% ( 250ish watts) and it’s plenty light for the flowering plants in my 4 by 4 tent.

Good luck with the Slurricane mate.



Yeah I lifted it up but maybe not enough so I’ll lift it even higher once the lights come on. I’ve noticed the temps are in the low 70s with the ballast outside the tent so I’ve moved it inside to increase the temperatures. Cheers @Gaz29


Lifted the light. It’s around 3ft from the canopy now.
Dumped the rez and reset. Megacrop at 1.5ec with AN BIg Bud added 1ml per litre.
1ml of vitalink calmag per litre also been added.
Ph is 5.7.
:crossed_fingers:they bounce back and recover.


OK. Plants looked fucked because of laziness. I cleaned and configured my pH meter properly today. Configured it 3x and now its showing the correct levels the pH buffer solution is expecting and everything is where it needs to be. Checked the rez pH and it showed really low. Below 5 so I adjusted it back to where it should be.


Flowers look great! Love the spikey hairs on that one!

How far are they in most recent photo?

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5 weeks come Sunday. I’m not happy with them but it’s my own doing. I really need to start giving them more attention and making sure my grow tools are looked after and configured as I’m paying £30 a week keeping stuff running and need 4oz minimum to break even. They will be 9 weeks Christmas eve. :v:


I’m not sure how loyal you are to your nutrient line, but might I suggest using maxibloom. I see you burning through lots of nutrients…maxibloom would be good to use from seed to smoke. Maybe some calmag and silica. But it keeps costs waaaaay down and produces amazing herbage.
Plants look like they’ll be hooking you up nicely though!! Keep on givin’er!!


I’m giving megacrop 1 part another run but its not working our like i hoped. I’ve got some liquid coco bloom nutrients there I can still use so all is not lost. Maybe it’s time to go back to what works without these problems.


My wallet was crying seeing you say that you had to dump all your nutes/res. and start fresh…those bottles ain’t cheap. Hope you can find something that works, that doesn’t hit the pocketbook as hard. :crossed_fingers::pray:

What were you using before?


Ionic stuff. It’s cheap af and just works without all this shit happening. 5l costs around £25. Its 3ml per litre though.
I’ve also got the Vitalink one part bloom here. That 5l bottle is more or less 3/4 full still.
I’ll give my latest corrections this rez full and if no change In the next week I’ll go back to the one part liquid I’m used to.