EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Have you tried Remo nutrients?

That’s what I’ve used since my friend introduced me to growing .

I can’t compare it with anything.

But it was a little expensive. Maybe $130 CAD for the box of 1L containers .

I like it .

I’m going to start feeding heavier though. I think I stretch it out way to much haha!

I don’t really Feed until flower, depending on my soil I guess 🤷

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In all honesty the first time I used megacrop the results I had were mega. The plants grew huge without issues. Now with this bag I acquired things are not working as well as I thought it would. Blocked lines, plants yellowing up with green vains and purple stems that Point towards an iron deficiency.
You know what?? I think I’ll just dump the full rez again tomorrow and go back to the one part nutrients I’m used to. It just works how it’s supposed to and doesn’t give me any issues.


To maybe get back on track with some questions and back reading.

What EC are you running and have been running.
1.8 but now dropped down to 1.5 with the bigbud is that EC reading after the addition of the bigbud?

Did they ever go dry ? Or how dry have they been running as that top layer looks dry mind you it typically is with bottom feeding.

The lights you’ve been playing with where were they say 3-4 weeks ago and at what setting vs now ?
as where they were back they looked fine at least what the plants were showing.

Stretching thats another thing but ill get into that later.

Here’s what i suspect though definitely could be wrong.

Base of it is your EC is too low, and the consistent res changes as of late is exasperating the situation assuming your ph was on track or was dropping cause of the plants and such.

So say if one was consistently feeding at one rate and conditions made it so nothing every really cycled through the media but due to evaporation and selective use “wicking systems in general” what does occur is EC build up in the root zone, now as the EC builds up the Plants are trying to still bring in nutrients but in turn they have to make there internal EC lower to allow that transfer typically by releasing negatively charges particles “ph drops…”

Now say if it starts cascading and then one trys to correct the issue with same EC res changes, then lower EC res changes, you may notice the res water increasing in EC but also dropping in PH as the plant is just trying to work its hardest at trying to get it in range so it can feed again, the frequent res changes outs essentially causing the same effect as flushing “lowering rootzone EC so the plant pulls from itself to try to balance itself with the media in turning stripping whats movable from the plant while it consumes its internal stores”

… my suggestion would be ditch the other stuff go back to the original feed and increase the EC in stages maybe starting at say above 1.8ec “2.0 ???” but only a light fill so they plants can burn through it in 2 or three days, then refill but increase EC a point or two again, the goal to try and build it back up without drastic changes which could lead to burning and lock out, we need to match the internal EC of the plant and then go higher gradually.


Now stretching that’s a whole other thing.

Base of it is yeah it is genetics, but conditional otherwise.

If one has a very bright space there is no need or desire for the plant to try and hunt for more light, and with led lights now adays we can easily provide too much light to the detriment of plants being stunted and harmed by it.

The next thing is if plants are spaced out to the point where they dont have to compete with their neighbours they will have no desire to stretch apart from growing away from their own branches, if they get jammed together in high density expect alot of vertical growth. Consider a forest vs a lone singular tree in a field and how their structures differ, sure at the base of it is its genetics but conditions dictate how that expresses.

Work arounds, cram more plants together or at least closer at the start till they start to fight for space, have the light at a level where the plants have a desire to hunt from brighter light, whether one hangs their light higher and keeps it on a higher setting where the plant can grow into the light zone/density that they want, or gradually increase light level as you keep plant distance separation between light and plants the same as growth happens up to the point once passes the stretch phase and gets into flower developments where you would keep an adequate light level for bud grow without detriment of too much light and you dotn have to move your light anymore, the former option being a bit easier to handle but the later is more efficient and shape-able but more work and finesse.


Sorry for the delay in replying @Mr.Sparkle
Ive been really busy lately.
I’ve dumped the rez fully and cleaned it out to remove any salt build up. Refilled the rez and went back to the ionic one part bloom nutrients I normally use. Cleaned and configured my pH pen thoroughly and now it reads correctly both the pH buffer 4 and 7.
I didn’t take a e.c reading before adding the nutrients but followed the bottle instructions and used 3/4 of what they recommend. I’ll give them a few days and see if they green up a bit.
Oh I’ve got the light running at 400w and about 24 inch from the tallest cola.
It’s a new tent and light so I suppose I just need to dial stuff in. I’ll add 9 autopots into the tent next grow but I’m probably gonna use that coco based compost I use outdoors so I don’t have to mess around with pH. Cheers buddy :v:


They seem to be responding positively now. I may give them a rez with veg nutrients to see if it helps green them up a bit.
PH 5.8
EC 2.1 with big bud added

Next grow will be with a coco based compost so I’m not chasing the PH. :roll_eyes:


Are those your Strawb/Banana Autos from FastBuds .?

They look good & they should finish up nicely …

How long did you let the outdoor Auto plants go for , the Gambian X and the other one .?

Happy growing mate …

Gaz. :facepunch:


No mate that’s the Sluricane.
I’ll grab a picture of the stawberry banana a bit later.


@Gaz29 as promised. The strawberry banana plants.

They getting 18/6 100w of solstrips and just being fed using with nutrients from my big tents rez.


New phone landed today. S23 ultra. Gave the macro camera a test on the strawberry banana.
Results are using the flash turned on.

They ain’t far off finishing. Maybe 2 weeks.


@ReikoX these should be right up your street for extraction. I’ve got 6 sealed packs with a single seed in each I can send you if your interested buddy?? You send enough seeds out to people so figured I’d give you dibs on these if you’ll use them.


Thanks for thinking of me, but my dance card is full. :wink:


No worries buddy. I just thought I’d try and play what you’ve sent me in the past back to you. :+1::v:


@Mr.Sparkle. Any good for you buddy??


Just took in 2lb of soap tonight. How come my weed doesn’t look like this??? :rofl:

I’m definitely doing something wrong.:roll_eyes:


if you knew me and my love of bananas :nauseated_face: lol.

Saying that its just a name and who know how they truly would end up, i do have space if one was considering a seed run done with them, would have to make some fresh sts.


Like PGR weed that was machine trimmed? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s up to you bro. You can do what you want with them. Got 3 small plants going as we speak and they stink the grow area out. Shoot me some details over and I’ll get them out to you quickly before the Christmas Post starts slowing stuff down.


Lol :joy:. It comes from california supposedly, smuggled in. It’s double air sealed. He’s paying 2k a pound for it. That’s expensive but in all honesty it stones the head off me. It’s being packaged up in foiled seal bags with decals and he’s getting £30 - £35 for a 3.5g bag.

Them bags cost £1 each to buy.


Its like the AlcoPop of cannabis :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :rofl: