EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Bro that £1 bag gets an extra £10. :rofl:
Advertising is everything I suppose.

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So if you bought £10 bags theyd sell for £100 :thinking:

:smile: :rofl:

More power to you bro!
I just think it’s hilarious at times what people will buy. I hate the idea of not even seeing (or smelling) what I’ll be smoking.


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Yeah a 3.5 we’d normally sell for £25 put into a foil bag like that people jump at and pay £30 - £35. Mental isn’t it??.
I don’t like the thought of ripping people off like that so I couldn’t sell the stuff. I just hold, weigh stuff out and hand it over as the numbers come in.


Slurricane starting to green up now finally.
They definitely not gonna yield big but as long as I break even I’m not assed as its cheaper than buying smoke.

Coco based compost next grow so I can forget about the pH. :v:


Strawberry Banana autos

Check the length of the new pistils on this one.


No daft arse. 3.5 in a normal ziplock sells for £25. If you put it in a foil bag that costs £1 you get £30 - £35 for it.


What about £100 bags, and flipping for £1k?
I’m joking bro!

Do you get pick the design for the bags? Or is it just whatever is available?

Like could you use your own images on them?


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I can’t choose if I buy locally. There are sites though that will do a design as you want it. there own designs are good enough.


Those prices are crazy over there! :astonished:

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I know the idea is that people are wanting it because they’re getting “cali” weed.
But do you think a Geordie themed design would do well too?

If you branded it ‘Geordie OG’ or ‘Broon Ale Cookies’ :smile:
I’ve got a feeling there might be a market for that.
I’d love to knock up some designs for that as well haha



You’d have to put a leaf behind a picture of the Tyne bridge though bro.

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The prices are crazy to grow it though buddy. If we could grow properly outside I’m sure the prices it sells for would be drastically reduced.

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This new camera is awesome.

I’ll start checking with the microscope from the weekend.


Fastbuds Strawberry Banana.

I’ll likely take these this weekend. Need Xmas smoke. The smell is ultra prominent. :v:


I figure this thread is as good as any…

When I was half as old as now I worked as a mechanic for a shop run by Cambodian mafia, was paid in cash, saw strange & immoral things.

Ever see a gallon size Astroglide dispenser? I have. These hookers brought in a custom van & that was in the center console.

One of the charlatans who parasitized the place was a Stanford-educated chemist with old money family. Dude had 9 fingers due to an Acura alternator belt.

He invited me to go fishing & so I followed his minivan down a dirt road, barely keeping up in my VW GTI, to what was essentially a pirate dock in the SF bay. There was some kind of derelict clubhouse with a bar(you know, like for AA meetings) amd I was offered Budweiser at 9am. Nope.

Then I got to see what was a nice boat in the 1950s but was now his dirty home & went to meet “Captain John” with the boat. He was “probably late because he was smoking crack”. Captain John had an aluminum dingy with about a 200hp outboard and offered me something known as “Hot Damn”, a nasty atomic fireball liqueur. Nope.

The destination was between the county dump/landfill and the Chevron refinery, Striper Bass the quarry. Workers in neon vests peered down in confusion from mountains of rubbish, wondering WTF we were doing.

There was a narrow inlet where the outgoing tide would flush out the fish & BANG I got one fast. You bet I ate it. But only about 15 minutes into our voyage Captain John had to hurry back to shore, because he was the tow-truck operator for the bridge & someone crashed. And for some crack.

One time I saw a can of spraypaint being used to “rebuild” a transmission, turning 5$ into 1400$. I would have slapped the guy but he was the owners brother in law. And tied to gangsters. Nope.

Strange place, it was.



Picked up a box of “Haribo”.
Looks nice.
Buds feel a bit fluffy but still sticky.

Probably a PGR weed so I’ll not be smoking it. :roll_eyes:


The slurricane will be 7 weeks tomorrow.

20231209_201240_compress69 20231209_201306_compress99


Dropped 9 seeds directly into 50/50 coco/compost 3l pots
6 tastebudz cannacotta.
3 original sensible seeds jungle lava (jungle boys strain reproduction.)
Let’s see what happens.


I have a single fem seed of Tastebuds’ Cannacotta, it sounds like my type of bud…

I’ll keep an eye on your Cannacotta and see if I want to crack it. :facepunch:. I have a couple of those Back to the Future 2 from Tastebuds that you grew a while ago,- those and the Mac Muffin are also in my future. Lol.

Your slurricane looks great, and should be some nice stuff for New Year celebrations …?!

Good luck with the new batch. :crossed_fingers:.



Buddy the btf2 is off the charts what I’ve noticed with tastebudz gear is they tend to copy anesia seeds strains. Both state stupid high thc levels and have very similar names :roll_eyes: