EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

5 out of 6 of the Tastebudz Cannacota and all 3 of the Jungle Lava are above ground. Plan is to leave them in my 2x2 in veg until I’m ready to up pot into 18l Square pots. Got a 1.2 x 1.2 tray on its way that I’m gonna use a single autopot valve with valve cover in my big tent.

New horizons coco based compost will be used so I don’t have to feed for the first 6 - 8 weeks or adjust the PH.


Slurricane is close.

Not the yield I was hoping for but the buds look amazing. :+1::v:


They do look really good, nice colour.


They are 8 weeks from flip on Sunday coming @Shadey so not far off taking. Just running the rez down then Ill fill it with PhD water only for a week or two. Hopefully we see them swell.


I’m almost exactly the same as you, with this plant being almost 8 weeks old and I think I’ll leave it for another 10 days:/2weeks…

I have a few seeds in this one :point_up: - as I dusted some Blue Kush pollen on a few buds. :facepunch:.

I’m sure mine will fatten out a good bit more in a couple of weeks …( hopefully :crossed_fingers:. ). ?!

I like the look of your Slurricane - what’s the smell like & is it sticky etc.

Happy growing, mate.


It’s really sticky buddy. Smells like berries, sort a blueberry muffin smell. They really lean towards the purple punch parent.


With the amount of new pistils they are still throwing out I would think that is definitely going to happen buddy.

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I hope so @Shadey
The rez today is down to the last few litres of the nutrient solution so tonight when I get home ill dump it then start with a flush for a week of two. Obviously I don’t want to be trimming bud over the Xmas period so they have no choice other but go to go an extra week or so. Hope your keeping well buddy. :+1::v:

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Personally I like to give my weed a bit longer to finish I usually don’t check trichs until week 10 anyway.

I feel good, but I had a second MRI last week with a dye so they could get a clearer picture, I got the results yesterday, good news is I don’t have parkinsons, bad news is its a brain lesion or tumor on my right temporal lobe a low grade Glioma luckily, so it’s not aggressive or growing fast.

I have an appointment with one of the best neuro surgeons in Canada, another bit of luck, mid January who will give me a better idea of how they want to treat it, if it’s compatible with how I want to treat it, it will be a bonus, but I am probably going to piss her off, as I did my last neurosurgeon who wanted to slice my neck open and mess with my spinal cord. I proved him and his predictions wrong lol.

I had blood tests a couple of weeks ago that showed my kidney function has dropped also down to a third of what it should be, my treatment will be the same for that as with the tumor, ketogenic diet to starve the cancer and reduce inflammation in the kidneys, Wimm Hoff breathing technique to highly oxygenate my blood and body, lions main, turkey tail and magic mushrooms for brain cell and mitochondrial regeneration intermittent and re starting long fasting again to create apothagy to get the damaged cells and mitochondria recyled and replaced with new healthy ones.

I am more concerned about my kidneys at the moment as the dye they use for the mri is pretty hard on them.

Apart from that things are great, nearly got my new bathroom finished, really pleased with the walk in shower and tiling I completed last week, I put a rain shower head in there and everything is at a height for me so I don’t bend down to get my head under it lol, vanity and toilet went in on Monday, I just have trim work for the windows, doors and skirting boards, today I am going to start plumbing in the waste water and sewage pipes, I cant see a vent pipe anywhere in the house connected to the original plumbing in the old bathroom and kitchen, so I will add one on this section, hoping to get that finished by tomorrow, then I am going to do some practice trim with my new router to try and copy all the fancy trim in the rest of the house to keep it close to original as possible.

I hope you are doing better with your shoulder man and the northern damp and cold is not making it worse for you at the moment :wink:.


Ahhh @Shadey that was uncomfortable to read. :slightly_frowning_face:
I know how serious you take your health and well-being and it looks like you’ve got a plan to beat this.
I’m rooting for you buddy. I know it’s only words on a page and it’s unlikely that I can help you but I’d go out of my way if I can do anything.
My shoulder is still a mess but I’m not getting to rest it properly with working as bills still need to be paid. Roofing is all I know so I’ve just got to shut up and put up with it buddy so I tend to hammer a lot of codine into my system during the day and once home our favourite plant gets some serious abuse via a big water pipe.


Good morning @Shadey,

Got to agree with @Esrgood4u although it is good to hear you are feeling better.
Just want to add for your consideration along with the Lion’s Mane and Turkey Tail,
think about Reishi and maybe Cordyceps too. The Reishi seems to help a lot with
with the kidney disease and neuropathy.
Microdosing is good if you can maintain the MICRO dose levels and not succumb to the
“enjoyment” temptation. lol

Radix astragali is also suggested in TCM, (Traditional Chinese Medicine), for
strengthening kidneys. I have yet to find seeds, I’d prefer to grow my own, so I am
buying from one of my TCM friends.

It is good to hear you have some positive stuff happening like your new bathroom.
Positive vibes and laughter are important healers too. (but you know that).

@Esrgood4u sorry to hijack your thread but I am reasonably sure you will not mind
my reply to @Shadey as we are both wishing the best for him.

I am not familiar with your shoulder problems but, please look into moxibustion as
a pain relief solution and possible healing assistant. Just my .02 worth.
Healing vibes to all.


Cheers man, positive thoughts are as good as anything, whether thought or action they are the same thing, it’s all energy when broken down in it’s basic form.

Yeah I know what your saying, you got to do what you got to do and try and minimize the damage further as best you can.

Thanks man, I have been on the Reishi capsules since I got the kidney diagnosis, I think we have Cordeceps growing on the property as well as Chaga, I took a big lumps weighed 4 pounds of a birch tree in the summer their is still another half of it on the tree I left to keep growing.

I don’t like more than 0.5 of a gram of magic mushroom at a time so I am not tempted to go more.

I will check that out thanks.

I am really positive about it, it will give me the impetus to really make my body as healthy as possible, as far as I am concerned it’s gone already. I often wondered how I would deal with a diagnosis like this, should I get one, never thought I would get cancer, strangely like the possible parkinsons suggestion from my doc, it hasn’t phazed me a bit. I know my body can heal if it’s given the right foods and exercise to do it, now it’s just something to be dealt with immediately instead of I will get around to it soon lol.

I have a dark sense of humor and often laugh about myself experiencing nasty shit, if you can’t laugh about something your doomed lol. It’s my wife I feel bad for she’s taking it hard, I had to laugh when I was comforting her about it after the call from the doc.

Moxibustion for pain, I will check that out as well, I hope it can replace Esrgood4u’s coding, that stuff is hard on the liver.


Not familiar with Esrgood4u’s coding.

Moxa and moxibustion are used a number of different ways.
The Wikipedia info is a good start;
Moxibustion - Wikipedia

My moxa burner is similar to this one: EXCEART Moxa Cone Burner Copper Moxa Stick Holder Burner with Handle Moxibustion Therapy Healing Box Moxa Therapy Tools for Back Leg Belly Waist Golden : Health & Household

although it is made for use with loose moxa, (Artemesia vulgaris), not for the “sticks” per se.

If you and/or @Esrgood4u decide to try this route, please let me know as I have some
very old, well aged moxa I could send to you to try.

Radix astragali: Seeds brother seeds ! ! ! Prefer to try to grow my own. lol

I would prefer not to take capsules as I don’t know who or how these were prepared if not by me.
]f this works for you, more power to ya.
I just harvested the last Reishi bloom yesterday and will be reupping another block order as I was unable to keep this last fruiting tub going.
When these dry, I will make a tea with some, lasts in the fridge for a couple of weeks, and
the rest will be ground. I add this to whatever I am cooking which is mostly green leafy veggies and
sweet potatoes. lol


How do ya do it!!!

Looks like your yielding pretty good here on these runs without much training!

Some sizeable budd!@

I gotta start copying g you


Sorry, fucking auto correct changed it, should have been Codine.

Thanks for the link :+1: I have Mugwort growing in several places here as well, I love my new property so glad we moved here.

Yeah I am ordering stuff to make my own capsules shortly, time is of the essence with kidneys, I can’t afford for them to get any worse.

You sound like your a vegetarian like me :grinning:


There are a bunch of different “Mugworts”. My teacher, James Tin Yau So, James Tin Yau So. | Virginia Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (,
set his students up with excellent moxa 90% was A. vulgaris, a few were A. argyi and occasionally we would check out the Korean A. princeps.
He was a “Healer”. I have not found one locally in 40+ years.

Yes, I try to keep the "green leafy vegetables and sweet potato regimen on a daily basis,
only occasionally adding tofu and other root vegetables. Gets easier the longer you do it.
Cannot think about eating animal flesh or ocean creatures. Does not taste good anymore. lol

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Ffs don’t copy me buddy :rofl: I f#ck up more anything.
I’m a lazy grower so they just get unlimited LITFA until I see any issues then I start chasing my tail trying to fix them. Most of the time it’s me not cleaning and configuring my meters. I’m gonna start using the coco based compost I use outside as it stops me having to adjust the pH and they just need fed water for the first 6 weeks or so.


It’s not I hijack buddy. Talk all you want within my thread. @Shadey is a legend and deserves all the positive comments he gets. :v:


Thank you brother, Love your attitude and vibe. :green_heart: :pray: :peace_symbol:


One of the Cannacotta didn’t crack so I’ve replaced it with the remaining Jungle Lava seed I had. They seem to be growing fast. I hope they don’t get too big before my big tent has finished. It’ll be January before they get an up pot. :thinking: