EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Buddy not much will help with my shoulder. I broke off the side of the socket the ball joint sits in. I’m full of metal but my body doesn’t like it. I had a plate in my face for a while but my body rejected it so I had to have it removed. I told the hospital my body doesn’t like metal in it but they didn’t listen and put it in anyway. People rave about the UK national health but I personally think it sucks balls.

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Macro shots of the Slurricane.

My usb microscope doesn’t work with my new phone so I’m looking at WiFi microscopes now. Any recommendations??


Hello everybody

@Esrgood4u please your strawberry banana was an auto ? You flowered it in 12/12 ? Because she is big and I am running some just now too and want to put her with the photoperiod plants and not in 20/24 light

Thank you

All the best


They were fastbuds strawberry banana buddy. I grew them in 3l pots. 3 plants under 18/6 of 100w of solstrips. They are drying as we speak. It’s looking around a 3oz yield but I’m very often wrong.


Hahaha I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to anyway :sweat_smile:

VERY IMPRESSED though with your plants and love seeing the photos of the chunky monsters hahaha

Hope you have a Good weekend .

See you around the forum ;]


I am not that old lol but thanks for the compliments :blush:

It’s like they think you know nothing about your own body and how it reacts to things, no thinking outside of the box, we need to fix this without metal, fuck it, can’t be bothered to think about it and it will probably be more exspensive, just stick the screws in and ignore the patient and let him deal with it. Great customer service as always lol.

Those buds are looking prettier by the day :+1:

Thanks for the heads up, I will have to check them next spring when they have leaves again, to see which pheno type they are.

Found this yesterday on a Ted X talk, Bacopa plant used in Ayurvedic medicine, will kill Giloma blastoma cells in vitro, undergoing studies at the moment, used in a tincture or add the leaves in food, or use powdered capsules, grows well in North America and Europe as an ornamental flower, ordered some tincture from a naturopath in BC Canada yesterday, will be buying seeds in spring to plant and make my own if I haven’t already dealt with this problem by then.


Bacopia Monnieri
I have seeds. Very small seeds. Somewhere!?!?!
Will send some your way when located. lol


That’s 9 up. 5 Cannacotta and 4 Jungle Lava.

1.2 x 1.2 tray “should” be here Friday. Doing away with the autopot trays and only using a single autopot valve with a single line to the new tray should stop any blockages but also if the line does block it’ll be easier to clean it out. I’m lazy so suits me. :v:


Sorry I didn’t reply sooner buddy.
They ain’t that chunky. They are macro pictures so I’ve got to get in close so the trichomes pop like they do.
I won’t know the yield until the bud is dry but I’m running that new light at 400w so if I get 400g from them I’ll be happy but in all honesty I think I’ll be lucky if I get half that amount.

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How they look tonight.


:thinking: they stopped my codine today buddy. They put me on 20mg of amitriptyline on a night time. I’m unsure about these if I’m honest. They supposedly stop the pain receptors triggering.

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My doc wanted me to take these when I injured my back and had bad sciatica. They are anti depressants that are used off label because they help nerve pain, but are not that effective. They can take as long as a month to start to work and you can’t stop taking them abruptly.

What to avoid

Do not drink alcohol. Dangerous side effects or death can occur when alcohol is combined with amitriptyline.

Avoid driving or hazardous activity until you know how amitriptyline will affect you. Your reactions could be impaired.

Avoid exposure to sunlight or tanning beds. Amitriptyline can make you sunburn more easily. Wear protective clothing and use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) when you are outdoors.

Amitriptyline side effects

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to amitriptyline: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself.

Call your doctor at once if you have:

  • signs of a blood clot - sudden numbness or weakness, problems with vision or speech, swelling or redness in an arm or leg;
  • unusual thoughts or behavior;
  • a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out;
  • chest pain or pressure, pain spreading to your jaw or shoulder, nausea, sweating;
  • pounding heartbeats or fluttering in your chest;
  • confusion, hallucinations;
  • a seizure (convulsions);
  • painful or difficult urination;
  • severe constipation;
  • easy bruising, unusual bleeding; or
  • fever, chills, sore throat, mouth sores.

Common amitriptyline side effects may include:

  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting, upset stomach;
  • mouth pain, unusual taste, black tongue;
  • appetite or weight changes;
  • urinating less than usual;
  • itching or rash;
  • breast swelling (in men or women); or
  • decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm.

The paperwork I had with mine also said, avoid using cannabis with it along with the alcohol, I guess as it’s illegal there they are not listing it as they do here.

I told my doc I would stick with the weed and wine lol.


Like that’s gonna happen :joy:
I’ve been and picked the script up but I think I’ll avoid taking them until the new year is here.
I remember taking a couple in my late teens for a “buzz” and they gave me an uncontrollable itch. It wasn’t a nice feeling to have.
They are trying to totally phase out codine phosphate here in the uk for some reason. I have a few friends that practically beg me at times for them. They self medicate as the opiate lifts their mood somehow so I’m guessing it’s something to do with that why they are stopping the supply.


I didn’t have any luck with the amytriptaline shit. Didn’t help my pain at all. Hopefully it works for you.


Yeah I don’t think they will help either @chronix but I’m at the point now where I’ll try anything. Getting baked helps but I can’t be smoking while at work or ill end up having another accident.


It’s worth a try, see how it goes. Everyone is different.
It made me really lazy, and hard to get out of bed, even if I wasn’t sleeping. I just layed there forever. :laughing:
If I remember correct I was on a 60 mg dose a day.


Just checked in on the Jungle Lava and Cannacotta seedlings. They are under 100w of solstrips. Things should speed up now they are on their 2nd set of true leafs.


Slurricane is ready but I’m f#cked if I’m taking them before the new-year.


Let them go, if you stop watering them they will pre dry on the stem and maybe boost the trichs from the stress.

Happy Christmas m8 I hope it’s pain free for you :wink:

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Oh it’ll be pain free buddy as i plan on being p#ssed right through it :rofl:
All the best @Shadey. Hope you and your family have a wonderful time.