EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

It still has to make economic sense buddy. I think luckily this run I’ve gained but only slightly. I’ll be able to tell more in a week or two once it’s dried fully. The uk humidity is stupid high at the minute so may take a bit longer.


The Cannacotta and Java Lava are growing well. Another week or two and I can up pot into 11l fabric pots.

If your uk give this company your attention Coco & Coir Bloom All Purpose 50L | Coco & Coir £13 for a 50l bag with free delivery. They use FedEx so non of this shit that Evri etc cause.
Slurricane still drying but looking nice.


Well the 1.2 x 1.2 tray purchase was a waist of money. Was gonna use a single autopot float and flood the entire tray so the plants bottom feed constantly.
I’m vegging out in 3l pots using a 60x60 tray with the same method and I’ve got bad green algae growing. Heat, light and nutrients isn’t a good combination :rofl:
Back to my original plan of 9 18l autopots.


Ahhh man don’t you just hate that, you think you solve a problem and then something just fucks it all up and your back to square one and out of pocket. I have an autopot float and was going to do the same thing for when I went on vacation. The price of a big tray in Canada stopped me lol the cheapest I could find was nearly $170 for a 4x4ft. Asked the daughters BF to water them instead lol.


1.2 Metre Square Garland Tray (G127) - Garden Retreat :sunglasses:
I was thinking maybe I could buy a 1.2 x 1.2 sand pit cover and cut circles out to fit the pots into :thinking:

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Good idea mate.

You should give it a try.

Btw, I bought a 50L bag of that coco mix for the £12.99 & free shipping. Have you tried it yet .?

Gaz. :facepunch:

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I stuck 4 autoflowers in 3l pots into my small tent a few days back using it mate.
I bought 3 bags of it and plan on using it in my 4x4. I may up pot them this weekend if I have time.

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I’ve just ordered one bro. Has to be worth a shot eh??
I’ve also ordered a compass circle cutter to cut the holes nice.
Should be here by the weekend hopefully.

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Treat myself to a new electric grinder. £21 on amazon.


@Shadey this should work OK and keep the algae at bay eh?? Was a cheap enough buy. Cutting the holes in was a PITA though.
If the float sticks it will be a pain to fix. I may cut a slice in it and fit a bit sticky backed velcro just above the float. :thinking:


Random autos. I’ve no clue what they are though. Just put in to fill the tent free space.

These are from @blowdout2269. They are emerald fire og autos in my 60x60 under 100w of solstrips in 3l pots.

Can’t wait to see the tent fill up.


You have ‘Magivered’ your way to a nice wee set up now, by accident too. !
Lol :joy:.
Is this your Cannacotta and Java Lava .?

I will have to Google the J.Lava, iv not heard of that one. ( i live a sheltered life. Ahaha.).

Talking of Autos, Iv been popping a few random ones as well - but this time I know what each is. Still all random/different strains. I enjoy variety.
I’m tracking everything I crack now, though :ok_hand:

I’m away for my lunch. Talk later :wave:.



Mate it’s jungle lava by OSS. I was pissed and high when I wrote the post out :rofl:

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Looks good m8, what did you use that you cut the holes in and cover with mylar?

I think a little access panel to allow you to get to the float would be a good idea, it would save a lot of time if you needed to get to it :+1:


I opened one of the fabric pots and it was the same size as a bucket I had laying around so I flipped the bucket and ran a Stanley knife around it’s perimeter.
I had to map it out into 9 400mm Square sections then placed the bucket central in each section.
Even if it only does 1 single grow the cover was only £10 to buy. :v:


I’m interested to see more of these grown out!

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I’ll try and keep you updated with how they are doing as often as I can buddy. :+1:

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Hey @Esrgood4u ,
Bro I checked my emails yesterday and I found one saying ( on Sunday past.) that they had sent it out AGAIN.

Seems it was stuck in the Fed-Ex building and if I didn’t complain then the coco coir would have stayed with the seller/courier for .?

This :point_up_2:.
It’s BEEN sitting in the Fed-Ex building since last week ( on a “NEXT DAY DELIVERY”.), too.

Anyway it’s looking better than it was last week Lol.
I’ll let you know IF/when I receive it. :+1:.


Seems i was mixing the couriers up with the other one, i had stuff not delivered yet from Evri on/around the same time as i was expecting the cococoir.

Anyway you can put that company back on your ‘buy again’ places, as it was Fed-Ex that FUggeD up.

I don’t know why it hasn’t yet arrived ( I was just thinking,) - today is Weds and the email said they had sent it again on Sunday but ….?

I’ll let you know if I EVENTUALLY get it.


You live way out in the sticks don’t you bud?? I know FedEx are now employing from outside of the company. I’d forgot to mention that my delivery came in a white unmarked van and not the brown and gold van FedEx usually use. Maybe they just struggled to get an outside courier to accept your delivery?? :man_shrugging:
Glad stuff is moving forward now though as it’s a decent coco. The strands are not shredded as much as other companies and that helps make it mega airy so should aid in growing some big assed plants.


Cannacotta and “Jungle” Lava in the coco your waiting on @Gaz29.
The light was too intense so ignore the lower growth. I’ve since lifted it to around 3ft and stuffs greening up now.
This tent came with a scrog net and clips to hold it in place. I may fit it this run and give the plants more veg time than I’d usually give. I’m not 100% set on that though.
Anyway. Said plants.