EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

New venture. Got some mckennaii shrooms going.
Not much to show as yet.

Also bought a proper monotub kit *waiting on delivery" and 20ml of Ash Tidal Wave spores (in my fridge.)


Had an appointment with my surgeon yesterday. Got to have more EEG tests done. With me keep waking up with a numb hand and white fingers something isnā€™t right.
I hope they get it sorted as its starting to effect my daily life now. I keep dropping stuff when Iā€™m eating etc and itā€™s starting to effect me mentally. I depend a lot on my grip at work so stuff doesnā€™t look good.


Try not thinking about it too much, mate :point_up_2:.

Iā€™m maybe gonna buy some more Cannacotta seeds ( still 50% off on tastebuds stuff.) at Discreet seeds ā€¦
I have their ā€˜auto Black Apple Fritter - and auto Cheesecakeā€™ up, as seedlings - which has Cannacotta in it . :+1:. Happy growing, mate.



I like their back 2 the future 2 bro. Grows huge.


Emerald fire og from @blowdout2269

These are growing fast as seedlings.
The random autos I grew are about ready to take.
I wish Iā€™d logged what they were.:thinking:

Meh itā€™s free smoke.


You should check out this YouTube vid you might find it helpful for your shoulder and arm problem buddy.


That video explains a lot. Iā€™d never have thought about working the opposite side to my injury. It makes sense as tendons are all connected to one another.
Iā€™ve saved the video and will give his method a go. Thanks for posting this @Shadey. Even if it gives me some temporary relief itā€™ll be worth the effort. :+1:


I hope it helps man, I will be trying it as well as it may improve some of my symptoms that I am assuming are caused by my C spinal stenosis damage. The problem with doctors is they only know their way of fixing things, but as I regularly find there are usually more.

Saw my kidney specialist Wednesday, I have over 30 small kidney oxalate stones, but he doesnā€™t think thatā€™s the reason my kidney function dropped so drastically, so I did a load more blood tests for enviromental pathogens like mold or something I could have picked up tearing this old house apart, or viral like lymes or weals disease, I suspect I may have lymes having had several tick bites last year. Also testing for hepatitis and other sexually and intravenous drug transmitted diaeases. The only drugs I have injected were steroids back in the 80ā€™s and I used a clean needle for every poke, but they want to rule everything out.

Also have to do a 24 hour piss collection with all my natural supplements I use, then come off everything for 2 weeks and do it again to see if there is a difference, he said if there is he will work with me to identify which ones might be causing problems so I can keep using the others.

He is a nice doc, knowledgeable about intermittent fasting, keto diets and natural supplements as he does the same himself so I didnā€™t have to explain much to him.

Good news is my eGFR filter rate has climbed from 22 up to 30 in the last couple of weeks, so I am out off the danger zone for needing dialysis and tgere should be no problem with anesthesia if I need an op on my brain :sweat_smile:.

So today I am off to see the brain box surgeon and see what she has to say about this Glioma, hoping to avoid surgery and deal with it naturally, but that depends on how aggressive it may be, if it moves from stage 2 to 3 it usually requires chemo or radiation as well as surgery, so it might be better to just chop it out now and get it over and done with.

I just donā€™t want to get get my head shaved, it will take about 4 or 5 years to get my hair back to this length lol. I could always see if I can get away with a Mongolian scalp lock or long Mohican depending on where they want to cut the hole in my head, being located in my front temporal lobe they might go through my nose cavity or eye socket :crazy_face:.


Bro after reading that properly it makes me feel bad moaning about my issues. You must be stressed to bits. You and your healthy living will beat your health problems Iā€™m sure. Hey. Always remember. Your British and we donā€™t give up easily. :+1::v:

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Slow growth on these plants. New growth looks nice and healthy though.

My mckennaii shrooms are colonising very quickly. Grabbed a quick picture while misting and the mycelium is spreading extremely fast.

I maybe able to induce fruiting next weekend.


Emerald Fire OG auto.
They all look identical in size and shape. Iā€™ve got a good feeling about these autos. :v:


Bought a couple of basting brushes to see if they work like the cannabrush does. Figure these small autos will be perfect subjects for the test.


Consciously I thought I was quite calm about it, but I realized before meeting with the brain surgeon I have been clinching my teeth and jaw this last week in anticipation of a bad result and trying to stop my misses worrying too much lol.

She made me take her with to the brain surgeon because she knew if it was bad I probably wouldnā€™t have let her know how much.

Good news is its benign, she said ,in all honesty we donā€™t know what it is exactly but 3 of tge brain surgeons in Halifax have had a good butchers at it, and said, it could have been there a long time and any high temperature infection or blow to the head, of which I have had many through my life could have caused it.

So at the moment they just want to monitor it with an MRI every 6 months, in case it does become malignant, but there has been no change in it since my previous MRI in early August last year :grinning:

So I donā€™t need to get my head shaved but she said I could get away with a Mohican if she does need to dig it out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

On the downside she confirmed my hand tremors have nothing to do with it as I was hoping if I did have to have an op, those symptoms would go away, but I can keep doing the fasting and low carb diet with some new types of supplements I have acquired that should boost my brain cell MitochondriaI function and hopefully correct this problem over time along with the tumor.

I have complete faith my body can repair itself if I can give it what it needs in food and supplements and fasting, I have proved that to myself with my kidneys in just 2 weeks now, and I have a better understanding now of whatā€™s going on, and the possibility of a time bomb in my head has just given me more drive to get healthier than I have ever been. I also have more appreciation for everything in my life, even the crap stuff doesnā€™t seem so bad lol.

We are the center of our reality, everything personal takes precedent, so donā€™t feel bad itā€™s normal, thanks for the good wishes and vibes man it all helps :+1:


That was an easier read buddy. Things look positive for you. Daft as it sounds I often call out your name here on OG and if you didnā€™t reply my heart would sink. Your one of the good ones. Iā€™ll shoot you my WhatsApp details tomorrow so I can keep an eye on your welfare. Youā€™d be a huge miss if anything happened honestly.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Your making me blush m8 lol.

One of my wifeā€™s and I friends dropped in this afternoon to see how we were doing, itā€™s humbling when someone breaks into tears of joy for you. I hate asking for help from anyone, I prefer to struggle along and beat the challenge on my own, but when you kind of isolate yourself in that way, you miss how much people actually care and want to help you out.

I guess it comes down to personal belief of ones self worth, I have learned some interesting life changing lessons in the last couple of months, and realize amongst others, although I am anti pharmaceutical and doctors in general, they really do want the best for their patients, even if their misguided pharmaceutical treatments are sometimes not the best or wanted lol.

The 2 specialists I had the pleasure of meeting this week, were never condescending about my choices of how I wanted to treat these problems, and actually asked questions of genuine interest, surprisingly for me, at how I have been treating myself since my fall that fucked my neck up as one of the neuro surgeons the second opinion was asked from, was the doc whom I saw 8 years ago after my fall. He inquired if my new surgeon knew if I was in a wheel chair yet after refusing his operation, and told my new surgeon to say hi and he was glad I proved him wrong .


Cannacotta and Jungle Lava are looking mega healthy now. May need to drop the light a little as the node spacing could be better. Few more weeks and Iā€™ll switch to 12/12.

@blowdout2269 Iā€™ve fimmed your autos to see if I can fill the tent fully. They are growing mega fast.

Just took a kg of strawberry banana home. Got some serious Frost on it. Smells awesome. Bought from an Algerian so ill personally not be smoking it. :man_shrugging:


What day above ground are the EFOG?
And did you get the F5 or S1 from me?


trick to the basting brushes is cut them down to about 1/3rd the bristle length, gives them some rigidity


Iā€™ve had to go back through my thread to check. My 1st post about them is 10 days ago so they are likely between 15 and 20 days from breaking the surface. Iā€™m not very good at logging dates and stuff. I just allow the plants to do their thing and use a microscope to check them when I feel they are nearing the finish line buddy.


That was my plan @Mr.Sparkle
There is to much give In the silicone at the length they are now and would be a PITA to use efficiently.
If I like how they work Iā€™ll pull the trigger on a proper cannabrush or two.

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