EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

I was just thinking the same thing lol .looking pretty much perfect :+1:


@blowdout2269 your Emerald Fire OG autos buddy.
They don’t look pretty but they are a nice green and growing extremely fast. :v:


Cannacotta and Jungle Lava.
Cannacotta grows some serious big leafs.

I’m undecided if I should throw a net in as most the plants look like they’ll be a single main cola. :thinking:


Random song just because it’s my thread and I can post whatever I want on it. :fu:


This post is off topic (I really wanted to flag it but that’s too far.)


It’s a good song. I grew up watching Young Einstein. Answers a lot of questions don’t it?? :rofl:


Buddy sorry I’m not my usual self firing stuff back in a big way. I’m in a bad way with this shoulder of mine. It’s effecting my entire life now. Not sleeping. Smoking loads. Don’t get me started on the chemicals I’m taking. Life’s pretty fucked at the minute. I’ve got control of it though so no one worry. :+1:


:persevere: what a shitty few days this has been. Unfortunately lost my cousin 3 days ago. He lost his dad about 9 years ago under horrible circumstances. Was murdered at a house party attempted robbery and it made him turn to alcohol in a big bad way to deal with it. 34 years old. Fell asleep drunk and just didn’t wake up. At least he’ll find the peace now he was looking for while drinking.
Quick updated photos of the tents.
Big tent.

Small tent.
@blowdout2269 these are yours. Canopy has filled up nicely and the FIM worked and didn’t slow stuff down. Got a lot of bud sites showing.


Shit man I’m sorry to hear that.

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I was expecting it happening @Foreigner but not this soon. His mother found him and said he was wrapped in his blanket with his head laying against his hand just like he always did. He supposedly looked like he was peaceful and just fell asleep. I hope I go the same way.
It’s funny. I’m feeling sad but not upset.


I have a similar story but the guy was 27 and dropped dead in front of his parents. They did CPR and all that. Everybody knew it was coming. He was drinking really hard, and that’s coming from me.

His last picture was at my wedding.

But I get sad but not upset.

Sorry for your loss.


Thank you buddy. He missed his dad and thats what created his problems. Now they are together.


Shitty deal friend.
Even though you felt prepared, the loss sucks none the less. :disappointed_relieved:
Not getting my goodbyes is what haunts me.
Glad it sounded peaceful. I agree.
Hope it can be that way for me too, lol.

You got a family here if you need us.
The plants look spectacular!


Cheers buddy. I know I can rely on my OG family if needed. Yous are always there for me when I need yous.
Your plants are looking mega for being in a 2x2. The canopy is full. I’ve got a scrog net I can throw in if needed but don’t think it’s needed. Watch this space in the coming weeks. :+1:

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The Emerald Fire OG from @blowdout2269.
They are looking stressed so I’ve lifted the light higher. Got a good few bud sites :ok_hand:

A bag of sterilised millet grain colonising with cubensis b+ liquid culture.
Who’d have thought growing a fungus would require more work than growing cannabis?? :thinking:


They look thirsty to me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Fed each one a litre last night till run off. I’ll give them some more. The pots did feel light if I’m honest. I may just flood the tray. :thinking:

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I’ve had that happen before.
And yeah, if they still felt light, I’d do a round or two of bottom-watering. Even been known to throw some BTI in the trays too, lol. :+1:t3:

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Already done.

I’ll do better with these just this past weeks been a fucker on my attention. :v:

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Fresh outta likes homie! :yum:

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