EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Don’t stress about that. I’m not a pip whore.
I’m feeding them from my photoperiod rez so currently being hit with Big Bud

Big tent. I need to get in there and strip some leafs.
I can’t be arsed though.
Every leaf is healthy so why bother??:thinking:
Maybe next week??


@blowdout2269 the Emerald Fire OG autos are perking up a little now.
Canopy looks nice.
I think I’ll have to feed daily.


Big tent currently running at 400w.
Stretch is on.
I maybe need to move the smaller plants to the front when I defoaliate over the weekend. Plants look mega healthy.
Gonna keep upping the light output every 3 weeks or so until I’m running the full 720w the lights capable of.


@blowdout2269 your Emerald Fire OG autos.
Been feeding bigbud along with their usual feed. I don’t know if it’s the bigbud doing it but I’ve got a lot more bud sites now and the canopy is unbelievably even. For them only being under 100w of led they are doing great. I can push the lights power up to 200w if needed.


Cannacotta and Jungle Lava.
Check the size of one of the Cannacotta leaves.

The main tent. I’ll get amongst them over the weekend and strip 50% minimum of their leaves.


Fuck sake @Foreigner. I keep expecting you to kick my cage after you like a picture


I was gonna say something like “stop growing so good you make us look bad.”


Bro it’s been a few years since my grows have looked so healthy. Thanks for not kicking me while I’ve been down.
Been an unbelievable 2 weeks for me. You honestly wouldn’t believe what I’m about to tell you.
After my cousin died. 3 days later they found one of his dad’s murderers dead in his cell. Was an overdose. I’d like to think it was guilt and he took his own life after finding out my cousin died but people like that don’t feel guilt do they.
My aunt. My cousins that died mam had cancer few years back. She had it removed. We found out yesterday it came back and it’s inoperable. She’s been giving a year if she’s lucky.
This family has no luck at all.
I’ll prob get a thc allergy this year :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Getting prepared for the uk summer.
Bought some Alpujarrena seeds from Pyramid Seeds. They supposedly perform extremely well under cold conditions so I’ll give them a go outside this year.

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Watching Jim Jefferies. The man’s a legend and makes total sense if your not American :rofl:


No I’ve still not done any defoaliation. I’m lazy.

This one is beasting out. I keep having to lift the light because of it.

The Emerald Fire OG autos
Yeah now you decide to stretch :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


My attention isn’t what it usually is at the minute.
Your autos.

The big tent is doing well even with the lack of attention they are getting at the minute.

Got one plant beasting out. I hope it starts to behave soon.


Emerald Fire OG, right?

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Yes bro. They’ve filled that 2x2 right up haven’t they.

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Yeah, it got crowded quick! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Those Emerald Fire Ogs look amazing!

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They are growing exceptionally well buddy. I fimmed them early on to help them fill the tent and they took it like a champ. Maybe have a word with @blowdout2269 about them??? I’ve got 6 remaining seeds that will go outside come April :+1::v:


Yeah I might need to lol. @blowdout2269, my Scarlet Grapes plant is coming down in a couple days. I love the smells on it. A sweet, rich, very slight diesel aroma from the stem rubs. Probably my best auto from this run, and definitely the most hearty plant among them.


The Cannacotta and Jungle Lava.
That plant rear left is creating concern. Won’t stop stretching. I’ll give it a few more days then I’ll likely flop it.

The remaining plants are doing well.
Been running under 400w for past 3 weeks and I’m upping it to 600w on Tuesday.

Currently being fed 2.5 e.c of vitalink coir bloom with added vitalink calmag and AN bigbud.
Got a bottle of overdrive here ready for weeks 7 to 9.