EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Seems like the autos I have budding now are much mightier that the previous batch. I think they just really dig the hotter sunshine in the dead of summer.

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They have started to bud. I think Iā€™ll get something this time as the critical are fast finishers and the bodhi tree is indica. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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The more light they get the more food they can take and the bigger/fatter they will be. :+1:
I do admit though the outdoors stuff gets neglected

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Itā€™s okay though, quite frankly, outdoors is a lot of LITFA. Lately Iā€™ve been babying mine some but just cuz Iā€™m bored. A few foliars here and there and keep up with the drenches per the soil test, but mostly I just look at them while they do their thing. lol


LITFA is my specialty. Few times when itā€™s been warm Iā€™ve come home from work to a wilting mess :laughing: they are still kicking so the way I see it Iā€™ve hardened them up. I donā€™t ā€œspoilā€ my plants with special teas and such. Maybe if we ever get legal Iā€™ll try a little harder. :v:


I hear kookaburras in there. :neutral_face:



Haha! Donā€™t you mean Chupacabras? Oh wait I think thatā€™s just in the corn fieldsā€¦ :alien::space_invader:


Autos at 3 weeks from seed. Lifted the light to see if I can get them to stretch a little.

Replacement LRUV x Cheese finally shows itā€™s face. Took more than a week. Hoping this one ends up a female.


Itā€™s turning into a jungle out there.

I donā€™t think the bodhi tree likes being grown outdoors here in the UK or maybe she just likes lower ppm nutrients.


Holy fuck balls theyā€™ve got just a tad bigger :rofl:


Yeah they are all 6 footers mate. Iā€™m having to bend stems to control the height. Been stretching for a few weeks now but have now slowed right down. Hoping the sun gets out strong again to ensure they fatten up. It be a shame if this outdoor grow fails me. The greenhouse will hopefully allow a couple extra weeks if we get any frost before they are ready to take :+1:


Iā€™ll cross me toes for ya

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Iā€™d still do a bit of light deprivation for a few days/nights - but looking good so far mate. :+1:
Yeah id Litfa the Bodhi Tree for a bit n see how she responds ā€¦( jmo.)
And your indoors autoā€™s are looking really well, how many watts you got them under ā€¦ And what are they.?
Aye, i hope you get to harvest your outdoor gear this year too, bro. :crossed_fingers:
Happy growing ,


650w solstrips gaz.
Back left to right. Zkittlez, glueberry og and LRUV x tangerine dream.
Middle left to right. G14, @ReikoX fem mix??, GSC
Front left is train wreck and right is LRUV x cheese

@cogitech LRUV x tangerine dream is a total beast.


How many sun hours do you have right now where you are?


Around 14.5 hours of sun @Meesh. :sun_with_face:

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So itā€™s gonna be another month until your photos start budding right? Iā€™m at 13.5 and I just started


Yeah. I should use a tarp as suggested but Iā€™ve had to move the autos into the greenhouse temporarily so the council can check the electrics within the house. Also Iā€™m away on holiday a week on Wednesday for 5 days. Iā€™ll start depriving them of light to force them once Iā€™m home again. I need to do some bending as @cannabissequoia plants are practically touching the roof now :scream:


So, yeah. No wonder you get mold problems. You guys actually have a fall and your bud basically starts in the fall. Thatā€™s rough. The UK rains like crazy all the time correct?


99.9% of the time :rofl: hence why Iā€™m constantly busy with work. The sun and heat has been the highest since records began this year and we still have more to come supposedly. It is what it is @Meesh. If they finish they finish :v: