EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Sending lots of sun through the universe your way


Thank you. I think I may need it. The thing is when itā€™s bad weather outside here my indoor grow tent is absolutely perfect conditions.


One of his crosses the cherry berry white is my biggest plant too. Fucken monsters he made


Yeah they are difficult to manage. I reckon he did it purposely to teach us all a lesson :rofl: I may make room for one in my next indoor photoperiod grow :+1:


If those plants lift the greenhouse off its foundation & walk over to @Ghandisflipflopā€™s place :circus_tent: it has nothing to do with me. :sweat_smile:

They want to eat his spider collection! :japanese_ogre:




I read something the other night that weā€™re supposedly getting another Indian Summer until October.

Read something yesterday about an Atlantic storm heading our way too.

Read today about a Tornado coming and just before that itā€™s gonna rain for ages again as per.

On a better note Iā€™ve got a nice tan so I couldnā€™t give a f**k :sweat_smile::wink:


You maybe need to also take some precautions mate. The entire area is having the electric checks done. They need access to each room in the house.
Iā€™ll try and pop down and see you over next couple of days to explain about feeding the outside girls for me while Iā€™m away. Iā€™ll make it worth your while sorting them for me :wink:


They way they are growing the limbs on a branch could more or less touch him without doing any walking :laughing:


Or maybe thatā€™s just what theyve told u bro :wink: had a guy check my electric yesterday my meters outside thatā€™s as close as anybody is getting without 24 hour notice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Iā€™d stick a tarp round it before you go away, then itā€™ll kickstart the plants into bloom sooner, and they should be well on their way to budding and when youā€™re back, theyā€™ll be further in ā€¦?! ( Jmo mate.) - if not then itā€™ll be the end of October/November before they finish . :exclamation::question:
Youā€™ll have to tie them or bend them / what height is the greenhouse.?
Good luck with whatever you do :+1:. ā€¦
Talk again later mate ā€¦


7 ft @Gaz29. Once leccy checks are finished Iā€™ll move autos back indoors then stick a tarp over before I go. It means they will be in the dark for 6 solid days mate. I donā€™t want them to die on me.


Can @Ghandisflipflop not take the tarp off & on for you - just for a few days/nights just to kick them into flower,:question: and as soon as theyā€™re actually flowering; they wonā€™t go back to veg, as itā€™s getting darker for longer everyday, i wouldnā€™t put the tarp over it for nrly a week, if you do it for a few nights before you go, then it should push them a bit faster towards nug-making ( jmo.) ~ your call bro , i donā€™t want em to die on you either ( lol.)
Anyway good luck with your outdoor :+1: ā€¦


Yeah although @Ghandisflipflop is one of my best and oldest personal friends Iā€™d not say he was that reliable but to be fair heā€™s pretty busy doing his own thing. Itā€™s only a week difference @Gaz29 so Iā€™ll tarp them once I get back from Majorca :+1:I may have to snap a few stems but Iā€™ll ensure they are well supported when I do it


You gonna chewy me barta pueta like :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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They were at mine not long ago it was for safety reasons.
A while back they sent workers out to fit smoke alarms. I think they are malfunctioning (shit) :sweat_smile: as they fitted new ones then tested the circuits or something.
I started to think they had bugged the house.
I cut down on my weed usage too :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::wink:


How was that auto NL???

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Thanks for that. :sweat_smile:
I would of done it until I read the unreliable bit.:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::wink:

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Haha. Mate you get stoned/pissed and forget to do shit :laughing:
I couldnā€™t possibly ask you to do all that for me anyway. The outside plants will only need fed every 2 days as Iā€™m gonna soak them the day before I go so they should be fine until Thursday or Friday. Iā€™m just gonna give plain water as the bodhi tree isnā€™t liking the feed Iā€™m giving them. :v:

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Only smoked (smoking ) the Blue Dream.
Itā€™s rather spliffing old chap. :wink:
Got me all creative and in the mood, just made a wicked tune up on the auld pia pia piano. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Then it wears down into a pretty strong mellowness I could just fall asleep now :slight_smile:

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Probs be alright anyways, what with all the rain we get, they probs suck the water right from the earth lol