EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

They were wilting today when I got home. I watered them and within an hour were praying to the sun. The pots are a little small for the size of the plants and likely all roots and no soil below the surface mate so id still like daily checks if that’s ok. :+1:


Finally found the time to move the autos back indoors.
@cogitech the LRUV x Tangerine dream is taking over the tent. She’s sat rear center :+1:

One of @ReikoX autos. Beautiful looking compact plant.

Another @cogitech creation. LRUV x Cheese. It’s a few weeks behind after the first one ended up a male. Hoping this one is a girl.

Greenhouse :scream:

Bodhi Tree looking much better after a weeks LITFA :muscle:


No stopping the Train Wreck. Stretch is on.

@Gaz29.The g14 only just started budding 12 weeks I reckon


Fk :exclamation: That’s a long time for an auto mate , though iv had auto’s take 7/8 weeks before showing sex etc …
I hope mine don’t go THAT long , but is it looking good or.??
Nice big auto’s you have there bro …:+1:


Nah mate :rofl: shes 4 weeks old now. I think she will go to 12 weeks to finish. :+1:


The indoor autos
@cogitech the 2nd LRUV x Cheese is a girl

Left to right rear - GSC, LRUV x Tangerine dream aka the beast and Glueberry OG.

@ReikoX fem mix auto???


The autopot that the Train Wreck is situated in the valve was blocked when I got back from my holiday. It must have happened recently as she wasn’t wilting to badly.

G14 is S L O W. I’m expecting her to go way beyond the 9 - 10 week suggested time.

Considering they were left to their own devices for 7 days without being checked on and I’d used liquid nutrients to ensure the filters didn’t block and kill them they don’t look to bad. I’ll make up for the lack of attention over the coming weeks :+1:


Oi oi he’s back hope you enjoyed ya holiday mate plants look good can tell you’ve been away though a lot more leaf there than normal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: bet it feels good to get back an see the difference in a week.

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I’ve been stressed to bits about them while away mate. I’ve been checking temps while I was away and at one point it hit 95f ffs so I killed the lights for a couple of hours. I know it was risky doing that but felt I never had a choice. Got home and someone had been in the spare/grow room and closed the f’ing windows :rage:. I’ll do some pruning over the coming week and I may even remove the pots from the autopots and hand water for more control until they finish. It’ll allow me to rotate them to get even light spread.
Autopots are going the distance after this grow to be used in greenhouse next year and I’m investing in a commercial RDWC system. I’ll likely cut the plant count down to 4 or 5 in the future also :v:


Reikos auto looks like what I believe is the alaskan purple x . I just harvested and tested a nug the other day. Good stuff! Put you right to sleep although not as quickly as one of the purples or pinks. lol


Yeah she’s a beautiful squat but stocky plant @Meesh. She smells awesome and is really sticky. She’s still got 4 to 5 weeks left. I reckon she’s going to end up a special plant :seedling:

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They can take that heat if they’ve got a LOT of water & RH & air movement. Outdoor plants of mine have survived 115F. :thermometer:

I think in a tent/closet it’s roughest because of the restriction on air movement and low CO2…


Did the greenhouse walk away on it’s own? :wink:



Haha. I’ve ran out of height in the greenhouse @cannabissequoia. I’m having to bend stems to control them. I’m gonna have to figure some way to force them to grow sideways :thinking:
I’ll take a few pictures later today :+1:
When I was in the greenhouse I’d noticed a snapped branch on the bodhi tree so I decided to see if it will clone for me.

I have pre flowers everywhere in there but I still think I should tarp it to force them a little.


The greenhouse :see_no_evil:

The bodhi tree stem is the smallest out of them all but it’s the only one I could get close too to get a clear picture of.


Those grew out big :sunflower: !


Sheeeeet that stem! Greenhouse turned into a fuckin jungle real quick.


Yeah i think they would be around 7ft minimum if I’d not had to bend branches to control the height :dizzy_face:


The stems are all like tree trunks @Explorer. I’ll take another picture later with a clipper lighter alongside to show the circumference a little better




Ah you using root 12L fab pots or summat? Looks about same size as my PPP stem came out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah 11 litre root nurse pots mate :+1:

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