Estacionsj v2

Can you forgive me and give me a second chance…

I think you need to talk to @TeamOG sorry


You need to talk to @moderators in a pm.

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You played a lot of us for fools. The only thing worse than being used is being stolen from. Now, even though I give away my beans for free, I feel like you violated that. With that being said, it takes some balls to come back and ask for forgiveness after what you did to us. I admire that courage, my feelings are mixed. I wish @Bert was here to ask his opinion.


He did give it his blessing a bit further down.

I’ve been given a shit load of second chances in life… The apology does sound like it comes from the heart, and I’m sure someones gotta be watching his IP for any future “terms of OG” infringements.
I haven’t made any seeds yet, and would sure hate to have burnt any bridges in this community.
The fact that he man’d up says alot.


It might just say that he wants back in. I mean if you want the cynical viewpoint. There are some things polite members of society don’t do. A pattern of deceit over time is what we’re talking about here.


I thought of going that direction as well, trust me.
I’ve been at OG for a year, and seen its generosity and forgiveness. The way everyone looks out for each other, is like no other online community I’ve ever come across.
It’s definitely changed the way I treat people in general, both online and off.
Possibly from growing in general or just having seen what’s possible here at OG.
I have no clue of the context of this hole situation, but it’s obvious if he had 2 accounts and was acting maliciously. That’s probably the biggest NO NO here.
Maybe no beans until a full journal is complete or something that shows he now has good intentions :person_shrugging:
But that’s way beyond my OG pay grade :slightly_smiling_face:


My general advice is,

Temper your expectations, most people don’t pop beans right away even if you gift them,


If you don’t want to be taken advantage of, or feel taken advantage of, vet the people you give your beans away to


Same idea for gifts in general really


My first giveaway someone pm’d me out of the blue and told me not to expect to see any one grow them. Maybe 10% at best. Just the way it is. Especially here where most that have been here for a couple years have deep vaults. Myself included.


Yup. If that even.


When @HolyAngel told me that I was kind of shocked. I guess I fall on the most outer parts of the bell curve.

Total is 79, Only 37 left to grow out at least once.
Sitting at 54%. I should be able to get too 100% in the next 3 runs.


Damn! Those are some sweet numbers dude! I’ve grown as many as I can but I’m not as good with keeping records as you are :star_struck:

You are the man woodsy. I’m gonna message you with some beans you might like. Add a few more to your list :grin:


Very kind of you brotha. I have a Cannabis field of dreams type mentality.
“If you send it, It will be grown” :joy:

I see you running thru those many varieties as well! My head is a swivel trying to keep up with what you have growing. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hope you had a great week and have an awesome weekend.


That’s how we all figured out @estacionsj2.0 was a scamming pos.


He/ she has won many seeds here. Estacion could show a picture of his/ her many winnings of whats left. As in not selling them. Might help make a case.
Nice list inthewoods!


@JustANobody ,
I acknowledge that my behavior in the past was unacceptable. I deeply regret my actions and the hurt they have caused. I want to take full responsibility for my mistakes and assure you that I have sincerely reflected on my past behavior. I have taken significant steps to improve myself and make amends.

I understand that words alone cannot erase the pain I’ve caused, but I am genuinely committed to becoming a better person. I ask for your forgiveness and hope that you can see the positive changes I’ve made. Your understanding and support would mean the world to me as I continue on this journey of growth.

Thank you for listening, and I am truly sorry.



I have no idea what unfolded here. I will say actions speak louder than words. Don’t say you changed SHOW you changed! Than ask about forgiveness.
Maybe dm people and ask what they need as an amends for the behavior


I demand an apology but I’m not sure why.


Plenty of scammers still running around. Watch yourselves cuz noone else is.