Everything Motz

Thanks Paps. I guess he really is going dark for a while. Hope he is well. I was gonna try and get him to come up and visit this year since he’s been to this area before. He threatened to do it.


I recall from the other thread he is financially struggling and really just having a tuff go with life. Hope he is well.


Who Jet?
Thats to bad


Yep said some dude stole over 100k from him in some business venture. Same time as all this COVID stuff. Double whammy


He had a really fucked up event in his life years ago. Not sure if he told that to people here. Fuck, I lost pretty much everything, but nothing like him. I ended up where I’m at feeling more rich than ever, for a lot of reasons. I hope his situation guides him to the same place. He should know how to get in touch with any of a lot of us. peace


Takes a special kind of POS to steal someone’s retirement


Well looks like the time has come I have to quit smoking and along with that done growing, no reason to now.

Sounds like I’m gonna have to go thru a biopsy also.

Sooo I’m gonna put the whole collection up for sale, no sence in having them around and going to waste.
Anybody interested pm me.

Serious inquiries only


Sounds like a pretty bad prognosis Motz. I’m pulling for ya and hoping for all the best. I knew I shoulda pulled one of your packs w the stuff i started on Sunday. When I get home tonight I think I’m gonna drop a few AK beans into a jiffy plug in your honor.


Good luck with the Biopsy @OleReynard,


Good luck sir and God bless. I have to have a biopsy on my leg done. It’s looking like asking cancer. We re hoping it’s benign.

Blessings and prayers.


If it is hope they catch that shit in time.
Prayers with ya Balti


Damn bro, maybe let a little time slip by first. Some of that stuff doesn’t happen quickly so maybe you should get a little more info first. Was it kidney you said? From the little I know about it all, if you have to go through any type of chemo, you’re going to want/need cannabis. I’m sure you have a stash, though.

I’d be honored to try and acquire your gear, but I couldn’t if I wanted to, and I’d rather not see you have to part with it. These days they can knock a lot of stuff out quickly and effectively and you could be right back on your way.

Hit me up if I could ever do anything. Not re: buying seeds. I can’t do that. I’ve been around a few fucked up illnesses of family and friends. I might have info from any of those if it could ever help.

Stay in touch with your friends. Don’t need to go through it all alone. It’s healthy to share it. No need not to. We’d all be glad to share the journey. Prayers and vibes sent bro. Cannabis could be an effective aid in your healing. I could share a couple of interesting links if I can find them.

Hang in there, brother. We’re all here with you. Hit me up any time.peace

same goes for you @Baltimore! be well. peace


Thank you brother. I’ve spoken with the family. I’m going in house in a week. I have to clear some thing’s up. I can still check in from the isolation unit.:+1:t2::rofl:

This site is saving my life. 1 year clean. Now it’s time to get this infection gone and move on from that nightmare. Thank you for the kind words.:blush::v:

Same goes for me. I looked over and I just can’t take his things. Sealed in the freezer. Money is necessary. Just in my heart I can’t. I love all you guys n gals. From the bottom of my heart. I love you @OleReynard Mozzarella! I hope everything goes well.

Have a good Holiday. Always here for anyone.


well biopsy showed just what they were thinking damage caused by high blood pressure, dehydration and wear and tear from a lifestyle.

Now to stop further damage and stay at level 3 cuz they ain’t gonna get better.
This is the warning stage saying better straighten your act out.

So I’ve been losing weight a bit of walking.
Cut down on food intake which is tough, spaghetti fuck.
Everything I like is bad for me.

Blood pressure is in check now, think I have white coat syndrome.
Is how its put to me.


Everytime I go to the doc my BP spikes. Start monitoring at home if you haven’t. Sounds like w some dilligence you can keep things from getting worse? Its good ypure treating it as a wake up, we’re all pulling for ya!

This is a wake up for me- Drs been telling me to keep my BP in check…


That’s sort of good news bro. At least you have a chance to keep things at bay. I was about to be put on BP medicine and I asked my doc to let me try and get the weight off. I was really broke at the time and it was sort of easy to eat once day and sometimes just a sandwich at the end of the day.

It worked. I lost it pretty fast and the pressure came right along with it. I just didn’t want any pharmaceuticals. I have a problem staying hydrated too. I drink too much beer but about to take a break from that for a few weeks. I just can’t get myself to drink water regularly.

Best vibes to you bro. I’m sure glad it wasn’t worse. peace


I was a fat-ass who ate like crap. I was put on BP and cholesterol meds but didn’t change my ways… until I was diagnosed with diabetes less than a year ago. That was the motivation I needed. I dropped 30 lbs real fast by cutting out all beverages except water (no booze either!), making better food choices, and eating smaller portions.

This quarantine situation isn’t good for my waistline. I’m not losing anymore since I’m relatively sedentary but at least I’m not gaining any back. It’s interesting how bad things sometimes eventually result in something positive.


Hopefully you can get down and lose that diabetes monkey.

My dad had a chance started out with the pill didn’t want to listen to anyone.
He gives himself shots now.

Stand tough you can do it


@OleReynard glad to hear the report. Still not great news but maybe the best for what you were expecting.

You’ll be able to change your eating habits. It will take a couple months. When I get on a kick the good for your food actually starts tasting really good.

I don’t drink any water either, and need to work on that. My wife tells me my pot of coffee per day doesn’t count.

Good luck getting everything dialed in.


Listening to you guys making me think about my own abuse. Gained 50lbs in the last two years. Biggest I’ve ever been is right now. I probably should get my shit together before I get diabetes