Example of high priced seeds

That’s the Easter egg :wink:

The way Clarke says the import ghanis were predominantly skunk and of high quality then by the 3rd generation were garbage strangely reminds me of what we know of skunk bud.


It’s worth tracking down if you can find it {Ebay ?}

What do you mean ?



:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: that’s hilarious. 800k for a pack of cookies @Mithridate


I hope it was only a test… or money laundering and not someone paying that :joy:

But wait there’s more !


The operative word there is “jealousy.”

Too bad, I’m not jealous :joy:

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They growing in Dubai these days or something?? Haha Those have to be fake. I hope at least. Jesus. Those idiotic prices make me feel like we don’t even deserve the plant. Haha

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The person running a starfighter f2 seed increase could buy Europe with a handful of seeds


This must be someone trolling the auctions maliciously, that’s my first thought. With that said, the format looks familiar, is that the Seeds Here Now auction? Are they doing auctions again? It seemed for a while they had taken a break from listing things up for auction so I stopped checking. Much love

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Definitely a troll bid…


Bullseye! It’s shn auctions. I didn’t know they were on break prior to visiting…

I was checking out the hundreds of bog packs left and thought I’d check what’s the priciest pack they sold :joy:

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This is what I always wondered with the stupid high price stuff. Doesn’t make much sense to launder money through other drugs, but now that it’s “more legal” I wonder…


I used to enjoy checking and refreshing for the new listings as occasionally some great deals could be had with a Buy It Now option, which would disappear once bids had been placed on a given item. It seems like they haven’t listed anything up for a bit now.

There were some awesome BOG packs that were on there, hopefully some more show up sometime. I didn’t go for a few of them that looking back now wish I had gone for like the Sour LSD and Sour Strawberry which haven’t been restocked since. The Bogglegum as well to some extent but they sold for so much I don’t feel like I missed out on them as they would have been beyond my budget anyways.

I think there were even some Lifestar, which is BOG’s Sensi star cross and the most recent Sweet & Sour Cindy’s sold at auction ended up selling for less than retail price! I’m guessing the priciest pack was for a pack of Sour Bubble, during the fundraiser for the BOG’s. A legendary move by all involved to raise that I’m a time of need for the BOG’s. Would love to see those BOG varieties back in stock on the regular website too! Hopefully soon. Much love

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I have a stardawg cross and I’ll trade it for Croatia.


At one point, the IRS will realize that SHN is not Sotheby at all ^^

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Some stuff is expensive for the sake of being expensive/ bragging rights. “I was sunbathing by the pool on my 1400$ cindy Crawford towel” sounds better to some than “I got it with a base of beer” :joy:

ML is often accomplished through art pieces/collectibles on the big scale, then front commerces like gyms, restaurants, bars… anything where you can do “creative accounting” lol


Unless it’s made of her actual skin I’m not paying that kind of money.

And nail salons. There are dozens around here. With no customers. And Christmas trees up in July :thinking:


Esthetics in general yeah. Tanning, hairdressers etc
Also daycares, home designer, consulting jobs haha


The really sad part is that “real” businesses can’t survive around here because of the overhead. There are entire series’ of storefronts that have never had a tenant for 12 (yes 12) years.


Around here you cant get a loan to open a restaurant, money has to come from somewhere hah

The 2 wheel guys had a huge gym here, hundreds of yearly subscriptions came in daily. That was before the 99$ a year gyms… 599 a month.

It was so bad they built a police station across the street. :rofl: