Explorer's extended expeditions

Lol til I read this bit mate I thought that was for the cool tube an I was like noooo I’m doomed :laughing::see_no_evil: that fan is an amazon one I just think it lied about how many CFM it pulls cos it’s a pile of shit tbh it’s more booster fan than fan luckily I’ve got my old faithful TT fan, that moves some air so regardless it’ll be fine. Issue is puffin on the stardog early and I think about having to pull the fuckin ladder out, climb all the way up(bout 8ft) lean in and grab my other 4” fan. What a ballache eh :rofl:


So I’ve had some heat problems. Who hasn’t lately we’re in the middle of summer but hey ho fuck mother nature I went out and bought a new 5” fan. Using the 5” for outtake air and I’ve piped up my 4” fan for air intake but I think my 4” is dead cos it’s vibrating like fuck driving me insane so it’s an on and off air intake :rofl:

anyway GSC #1,2 and 3 are all up loving life, the Delhi Friend is up loving life and shock horror the one Washing Machine that’s come up had some weird shit happen an I had to re-bury it as it had curled on its way up and I found that it had flopped over yesterday with there being nothing to support it. But now it seems to be back on track AND the other 2 that seem to be taking forever have just come to the surface showing their husks. Been thinking about helping them shed the husks but for now I’m gunna leave them be see how they’re doing later in the day.

Will be giving these about 2 weeks in the solo cups before flipping them as I would like some cuts. Another thing I should mention on this detailed grow is I’ve not given any water to these solo cups in 4 days as all but the stardawg are still pretty moist. That said I’ll be giving the stardawg a soaking this afternoon :+1: don’t drown ya seedlings people :100:


Well, got up this mornin am checked the ladies… pissed right now cos the Delhi Friend is looking fucked so that’s prolly gunna die. The other two WM haven’t come up so again, pissed off.

Top of it looks stringy as fuck.


Give the poor we thing a chance lol, it’s only just started. Does look a little stunted on the leaf size though.


Hug your water and plant for good vibes :rofl::rofl:


Haha I know man just looks like it’s damping off the top of her is really thin and she’s gone from green to that horrid yellow. Pissed about it as I kept saying well atleast I got all 3 different strains can always clone with them being fem then like I say woke up to her like that and got mad quickly. I’ve chilled out a bit but I’m still pretty pissed about it. I don’t blame the breeder I blame the heat so fuck summer.


My GSC and train wreck were fucked also mate so I replaced them with like for like. It’s this heat the UK is having. I’ve added an extra tower fan into the tent and opened all the windows in the grow room to try and get the temps down a little.

It’s still a little high for my liking but I’m watering them twice daily to try helping them :+1:


Sorry for your disfortune bro but that makes me feel better knowing it’s not just me facing the struggle. Pretty pissed about it the thing that’s got me sideways is the fuckin GSC I’ve got seem to be flourishing they’re loving the heat stems are toughening up lovely all good with them. I did same as well mate I bought a new fan with more movement and added an intake pulling from a window and the temps are still 29C.

It has been 26 here today though so managing to keep temps only a few degrees over is a bit of a miracle in itself :rofl: the short of it all is summer is wank unless maybe you’ve got a spare couple grand for an AC orrr live in a cave perhaps :laughing:


Summer is only wank if your a grower :slight_smile:


Just another update, the Delhi Friend dampened off on me was fine one day and the next the thing went really stringy I let it be to see if it’d recover but it’s dead so that’s one gone. The other two Washing Machine are also no where to be seen but one has come to the surface but is doing nothing so I’m gunna leave it alone but 0 faith on it sprouting a week later :blush:

Made some changes to my drobe. Put my little humidifier in there and put my tray in so now everything is where it needs to be. I raised the lights up slightly compared to what they were at by a couple chain links, not stretching anymore and are developing their first set of proper leaves so pretty happy about that part.

So the lineup that are above ground that I’m confident will survive are 1 Washing Machine: 3 Girl Scout Crack and 1 stardawg which I topped last night. So it’s a good lineup just gotta leave them the fuck alone and let em grow.

RH is dwindling between 50-70% with the humidifier so not gunna bother with the bottle domes anymore. I will update in a few more days as now these stages are quite boring waiting for it to really kick off.


Looking good explorer I’m tuned in :tv:


Well almost a week later and we’re picking up some speed now. We’re at 2ml of CANNA Rhizotonic, 1ml of A and 1ml of B per litre. Got our second nodes breaking through on her I’ve moved the lights up a little as they’re no longer stretching so here they are now.

Will be upping the Rhizotonic to 4ML in a couple more days, some do give full feed straight off but I don’t trust full feed anything at seedling stage despite what the feed charts say.

The bigger on on the left is the stardawg, the one bottom right is the Washing Machine and the other 3 are Girl Scout Crack. The WM seems to be praying loads last couple of days so I dare say she has adjusted to me burying her pigtail stem. I topped the stardawg on last update she was showing growth up top 2 days later and lower nodes have stretched and grown as expected but she’s not praying going to up pot her soon. She was pretty root bound when I got her and I figured the extra space in the cup would tide her over for a bit but I don’t think she likes it she wants more space so next few days I’ll shift her over again to a bigger pot. The GSC all seem to be crinkling so I figured humidity that they don’t like so running my humidifier lower now we’re between 25-45% humidity. New growth is not showing crinkle so whether it’s just what they do early doors I do not know but for now all is well in the drobe!


They are looking mighty fine @Explorer. Looks like your struggling to get the humidity up like I am. Mines sitting around the 40% mark. I may hang a damp towel to see if I can get it a bit higher :+1:


Nah nah that’s cos I turned the humidifier down bro. If ya zoom in on that picture the GSC have some crinkle leaves or a couple do and they weren’t really praying so I thought overwatering cos of humidity :man_shrugging:

I can hold steady 60-70% in there with that on full blast I just think I blasted em too much :rofl: could be wrong either way but they’re goin as they should so me happy for now :blush:


@Esrgood4u Just reminded me to check in quite glad but I took a pic to prove my point :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I’ve not took offence just showin ya lol forgot I turned it up as it had run out of water.

Quite clearly they were happy enough in roasting heat :joy:


Haha my bad. Crinkled leaves can be a strains trait so I doubt it’s anything to worry about :v:


Yes mane. It was at 64% RH btw haha I uploaded wrong photo but yeh I’m keeping it at around 30-40 steady but does drop and go above every now n again(like now) plus all 3 are doing it so it makes sense to be a trait vs problem I just did it for precaution mate I need them to explode so don’t want any problems but only runnin 100W so tryin to be patient as well :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I’ve got my strips running at 300w and the heat is still in the mid 80s and humidity low 40s :laughing: once I see roots at the bottom of the pots I’ll push it up to the full 600. I’ll need to figure some way of reducing the heat as it’s meant to get even warmer here in UK over the next few weeks. I’m slightly worried about algae in my rez so I’ll likely add a little pool shock and keep it sterile. Growing is a pain in the ass in the summer. I may change it up and do auto flowers outside in the summer and photos indoors when it’s cooler. :thinking:


I’ve got the peroxide in my basket bro I’m prepared for this bullshit. I have legit turned my fan off though and let the little pc fans do all the work last couple days and my temps legit seem better but we’ve had a cool couple days so could just be that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh also use a humidifier bro that helps bring temps down massively.


The Geordie humidifier.
