Explorer's extended expeditions

Did you mean de humidifier? Water in the air puts the temps up.


I’m currently having the reversed affect? :rofl: and I’ve heard it the opposite the drier air puts temps up lol but I’ve never had one so wouldn’t know.


I thought high temperatures make raise the water in the air , what came first, the chicken or the egg?


I’ve legit no idea what way round it is but the cool water I’m refilling mine with and it’s a small tank so it’s often keeps my space cool. Cooler than when it’s not on.

Will update again in another few days let them grow I’m not in a rush for them to get moving so takes however long it takes really, no set veg time on this grow just gunna flip when I feel ready and I want clones first which we’re a good couple weeks off I’d say.


Higher temps = lower humidity.
Check your humidity once the lights have been off for a couple of hours and you will see it’s raised quite a bit :+1:


Yeh I don’t discredit that but when you’ve got a humidifier filling it with cool water and it’s pushing cool air constantly it cools my room. Like if it was just watering pots keeping the rooms RH the usual shit would apply so higher temp is low RH. Humidifier on my temps are high so is RH. Humidifier off my temps are a lot higher and low as fuck RH.


They all got moved today. I only thought to take a pic on the last one which was the stardawg which I think we all figured would have a strong rootball anyway.

I watered them in with 1.5ml A and 1.5ml B, 4ml of Rhizotonic. Spread a litre between them just to make sure they aren’t starving as they were all pretty dry hence why I took the chance to swap them at this point. Will update again in a few more days as again not much to see don’t think they’ll grow much for a couple days :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh and front 3 are Girl Scout Crack, back left Washing Machine and stardawg right.


Not really an update but what’s transplant shock? :wink:


That’s how i felt with my transplant​:rofl::rofl:


Again sort of an update. They’ve definitely grown some more :blush: all the GSC have some upward leaf curl going on but to be honest we’ve just had like 3 solid days of 29C+ ambient temps so room been 31C+ also decided my stardawg needed topping again so took some clones.

Before top.

After the top.

Me doing my straight coco and PHed water clones :+1:

For those of you with beady eyes that see the blue-tack and skewers these cheap domes are quite floppy so their there to help keep the trays shape when moving it around. Cheers for checking in :+1:


So I watered today. I didn’t update but I LSTed the stardawg plant like 2 days back, this was after topping she needed some attention aaand she looks like this today.

Aside from her I watered all of them today. We’ve gone upto 2ml of A and 2ml of B per litre now as some leaves were looking a bit pale here and there oh and rhizotonic is 4ml per litre now too. It’s being given in alternate feeds at the moment though as it’s not needed for much longer.

These are the couple clones I took off the stardawg plant a few days back. Since realised I used the wrong hormone gel it’s out of date I thought it was my new bottle so whether it’ll still work or not who knows nothing lost nothing gained either way.


She definitely looks hungry, but they are getting bigger. :+1:

I read a cloning techniques report on either ReikiosX, Sebrings or Tiny Tuttles threads that having 3 full unclipped leaves gives a slightly higher percentage of cuts rooting, but it also said that the quality and amount of roots from un clipped leaves, is much better. I think lol, that was a either yesterday on Sunday, so you might want to check it to make sure :confused:

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They’re all actually turning out to be quite hungry ladies. The stardawg forever seems to be going through stages of being happy to then no praying but I think they want hotter temps as they seemed happier in 28C and upwards.

I’ve not read up about the leaf thing though ill check it out to be honest though I normally just snip a couple bits off to show new growth I rushed a bit on them 2 and it ended up being a bit brutal but ya know how it is when it’s done ya can’t go back :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Odd, that definitely wasn’t me. I clip the fan leaves to lower respiration rates (dry climate) and also so I can identify new growth. :+1::seedling:

I’ve never noticed a difference one way or another. With rooting or root structure. I’ll have to play around with not clipping and compare.


Yeah just checked all 3 threads cant find it perhaps Tiny or Seb posted it on some one elses or perhaps I going mad in the heat lol.

Sorry for the wild Canadian goose chase Explorer.


Haha I was like that last night man I smoked a load of stardawg and the stuff melts my brain. If ya do find it though lemme know an I’ll have a read I’m always interested in new shit.

Not overly bothered whether they survive or not though to be honest after I’d done them I kind of regretted it because I thought about those in the drobe now and the clone that’s in there now. Big and bushy and way ahead of its friends so they’ll probably get thrown outside somewhere and I’ll hope to chop them up for clones in the future :laughing: if they actually survive my sloppy clone job, not even been spraying the dome bro :sweat_smile:

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I pulled the clones out. Decided that I couldn’t be bothered with em they’d be way further ahead than the other cuts I plan to take just cba with the headache of that :rofl: anyway here they all are after some defoliation. Managed to snap the middle GSCs top while pinching it over so taped it back together. Haven’t done that in a while :rofl:

Have a feeling this Washing Machine strain I’ve got back left is heavy indices as she’s not going up just out


What you feeding them @Explorer??? They seem to be lacking in nitrogen mate. Really light green in colour.


Got em on 2ml per litre of A n B bro I thought they looked dark me :rofl: ya reckon I should pick the feed up a bit?


It may be the light doing it but they look kind of lime green on the picture. Maybe it’s just my eyes but it’s nitrogen needed during veg and stretch.