F13 and F13 hybrids


Gorgeous ladies :heart_eyes:


The last of my seeds have faced many obstacles ,mold, shells not releasing, dampening off or just not germinating😕. They don’t seem likely to survive. I’m disappointed but happy I got to experience them in the past. Hopefully a couple turn out but I’m not holding my breath.

:face_with_monocle:Anyone have experience with DJ’s 7 of 9?

If nothing else I was able to get JD’s Formula 17
(GG#4 x F13), maybe there will be an F13 leaner.


7 of 9 is a legit f13 line. I haven’t grown it but its straight from Dj, and Jd used several parents I believe. A nice source of f13. I’m testing out the f13 back cross now. The #21 selection from Dj’s original f13 he gave me to work. Crossed to the temple flo males @kavman ran for the tf repro. So about 10 tf males for some diversity.


Well it looks like my beans didn’t take.
Anyone know of or have any F13 stock I could trade or if last resort purchase?
If not I enjoyed my time with this classic beauty :raised_hands: if you have her cherish her while you have her.


I’m impressed with your knowledge of DJ Short Genetics. Which lines do you like breeding with and why?
Which seem to make the best hash sieve or water?
Any info on his genetics is appreciated.

I currently have his 90’s Blues, V2, and the Everything mix. Thank you :pray:


Most any of Djs lines are great to breed with because they can pass on traits locked into them on a consistent basis. 90s Blues breeds toward the blueberry side, while blue v2 will have more narrow leaf types in the choc thai to juicy fruit thai traits, (nl, foxtail). A little more clear vision, halucinogeni in v2, while the 90s blues bb types tend to have more of the relaxtion/euphoria. Im not really too familiar with the everything. Since its a mix you would have to hunt and find the traits of each pheno that pops out to choose to work with or not.

I lean toward the blueberry lines in Djs work. The euphoria and aroma/flavors turn me on to my bliss state. Blue Star lines are based on blueberry and sour diesel, those are my favorite plants.

As for hash, I think Dj lines by dry sieve may be a good option, while blue star lines I prefer water extraction or solvent. I find bb and flo to be more dry resin while the bs lines have the oily/tacky resins to the touch.


I’m going to make some F13 (f3) soon.

I don’t know what f? All i know is that it’s an open pollinated f2 of DJ Shorts F13, of which i am just going to select one or two of the best and cross… if they’re all decent i might just do a small open pollination too, but i will see.

:alien: :yin_yang:


Getting Closer…


Did you get any of your old seeds F13 to germinate?


Sadly no. None of them took.
Thanks for asking.
Maybe she’ll cross my path again in the future.

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Idk what it is about this damn F13. Everyone loves it but nobody made any seeds with it! Hopefully some of Josh’s backcross F13 seeds germinate.


Agreed, they are very fickle.
I did find a pack of 7 of 9 and hope to get them started for another attempt of a seed increase.
I’m also excited they came with a free pack of Newberry. Here’s to a New Hope.


7 of 9 should work. And Newberry is awesome too. Let me know if I can do anything to help. Ive been on a quest for a fresh batch of F13 seeds for some time now. Where did you manage to find a pack of 7 of 9? I’m wondering if they have more.


Ok, i have 6x F13 females and zero males… looks like i’m doing a feminized F13 (f3) or whatever f? it really is…

I personally am not fussed that they will be feminized but i know some people are.

I think i’ll probably choose my 2 favourites and go from there.



Thats awesome! Fem seeds are great imo. It is my suggestion to reverse the two females with the best terps from stem rub. They say males pass on strong terps better than females to next generation.

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You choose which ones have the best flowers lol

Stem rub doesn’t mean much if it has low quality flowers.


No doubt that is the optimal way to do it. However, then one must deal with taking and raising clones. Which I’m not always up for.

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And Ones Done…