F13 and F13 hybrids

I grew only local crosses but it was bomb… F13 is great breeding tool… I had also nigerian sativa x f13, but I cant find it LOL


25% of F13! :smiley: may be it is that right portion of F13 in outcrosses… who knows, me not :smiley:

I made similar cross, F13haze x haze :smiley: it is also 25% of F13, but it is different than yours hahahahah cheers.


Only thing is I want to make my own selections unless it’s a op , :slight_smile: but it’s still cool I wouldn’t mind it I guess if I know the person making the selection but I think it’s still kinda questionable


I have 16 plants and I clearly see it is not enough… some are slow growing, like half of them… some are without smell…


Thanks for the class, license to follow :pray:



I feel that sentiment too. I don’t think there will ever be another F13 seed release that will equal the original, as the parental inputs are no longer making seed and haven’t for some time now. There maybe some made better or some worse, but that’s the nature of it all. The romantic in me would love some of the originals.

My first pack of “expensive” seeds were when I finally let myself splurge on a pack of F13 from Seed Boutique. Started those seeds and someone called needing me to help them across the country and when I got back the seeds didn’t make it.

When I heard about DJ doing classes in Pasadena and giving out cuttings, including a selected F13 from original stock, I scraped together what cash I could and made the trip. Sadly, the cuttings weren’t available but that’s how it goes sometimes and I left stoked leaving with a bunch of seeds and flower to toke on. That was a trip man! Smoking weed in the city walking down the street felt so liberating.

All that to say, F13 definitely has a special place in my heart, and I’ve yet to even really try it. Reading of it’s legend has piqued my interest to say the least. Those pictures from gentlemanfarmer are etched into my mind, how could they not be! Such a beautiful plant.

My idea is to just grab as much F13 as possible whenever possible because like the originals one day they will be gone or nearly impossible to find. I passed on the F13 throwback in favor of the Seven of Nine and will definitely be getting some of Josh’s work when it’s available if I can swing it. The more selection’s the better for sure, keeping the gene pool as diverse as possible.

Does anyone know if DJ or anyone ever got any of the B130 S1’s from Chimera to germinate? If I recall, that was the father to the F13 and would be the ideal place to start from. I read some posts saying they hadn’t gotten any to germinate, but that was a while ago now hoping there is success with those seeds at some point. Much love


Thanks, it doesn’t show when I visited and I guess I need to have an account. I did join the newsletter, but those out of stock tags weren’t on the page I opened.

Damn, $120 for .01 grams? That’s 12k a gram… :grimacing:

I collected around 3 grams of a desirable strain this last summer. So, I have $36,000 worth of pollen? I’m okay with that. :joy:


I mistyped in my original comment 0.01 and quickly edited to the more accurate 0.1

Hope that didn’t cause too much confusion. I think they’re pricing them along the lines of what full packs and half packs of seeds tend to go for, approximately. I could be totally wrong about that though. Much love

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Okay, that makes more sense, lol. I was about to start packaging pollen! Still, that’s $120 a gram. Just like coke!


Here’s the article about transgenic segregation that @MAHAKALA was quoting from, is a little hard to find so I dug it up and made a PDF for here and the Google results:

“General Irregularities/Anomalies of Cannabis Relating to Transgressive Segregation” by DJ Short

DJ Short Article-General Irregularities-Anomalies of Cannabis Relating to Transgressive Segregation.pdf (76.9 KB)


B130 s1s didnt germ. I only had a small batch.

I had Kavman throw a couple of my selected cuts of f13 into the tf room. Perfect because tf is the direct lineage to f13.

The original f13 used 3 males, so there were lots of diversity. Kavman had 10 males dropping pollen, so this line will have lots of diversity as well. I’m not sure how I will proceed with the f13 seeds. For right now I’m hooking up people that want them as freebies if they buy any of my or djs other gear. We do not sell anything that hasn’t been tested yet. So these won’t be for sale, just freebies currently.


F13 fun


That is a wicked looking plant :sunglasses:


I noticed that bean hoarder has some F13 crosses. cant talk for quality as I didnt grew it. but Reeferman is growing plants at Caribbean… and he said he grew few commercial offerings like greenhouse, sensi seeds or mr. nice seeds, and beanhoarder seeds were stand up among them… just saying what Reef said.


Got any idea how much he gets for seeds? That Trainwreck x F13 sounds nice.


I was thinking the same and the Chem D x F13. “Deeply relaxing but clear high”. Yes please!


I dont know but it should be cheap. his beans are cheap, similar work like Nirvana back in the days…

I believe that you never buy genetics… as for me the genetics is given by nature and is for all. everybody has right for it, property of all… I believe that when you pay for beans, you pay for work mainly.

at DJ Short you pay for work, at beanhoarder for some pollen chucking.


absolutely lovely!!!