F13 and F13 hybrids

thank you man I appreciate it very much, I am aware of it and working on it.


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too bad I cant show how this pheno of F13 is branching out from cut with good veg time… it is crazy!



Ive been after authentic F13 for a spell now. This seed company outta Canada Hemp Depot has a few packs left of the F13 throwback. I emailed him and he said they were legit. Hasnt the F13 throwback been sold out for years? Has anyone done any business with this Hemp Depot? Would be $164 total to find out if this is a score or a scam. Im so starry eyed for F13 i might take the risk. Is anyone making F13 F6? If this strain is DJs fav what is holding him back from a F13 F6 release? Thoughts on any of this rambling? This F13 quest is starting to get to me…


Check out this site that has many reviews of Hemp Depot. I have not used HD before. Some customers like HD, some hate HD saying the quality and customer service has declined.
For me, i see too many bad reviews to take a chance. I’m in the US.

PS. DJ’s son JD i think is on Overgrow. You could ask him if the F13 Throwback seeds are legit.


I was reading through all those reviews last night. So far their customer service has been top notch. Ive gotten email responses within ten mins of contacting them. They say they have two packs of F13 left, " I am down to 2 packs of the DJ F13 Throwback in stock, until I get restocked in a few weeks. They are in his original Canadian packaging, manilla coin envelope with his logo sticker and label with the item name on it." The biggest flag for me is the getting restocked in a couple of weeks line… from where? When asked he said, “My Canadian DJ rep still has the F13 throwback in stock. The DJ stock I have are not copies and are original DJ gear. If they were knock off’s, I would not sell them as DJ’s.” So are these F13 seeds a secret stash from like 2016?


Good to know, thanks for your thoughts. I may give them a go in the Fall. HD has been around a long time.

I know that DC Seed Exchange has DJ Short gear. They’re in the state of WA. Used them a few times. Very good shop but may not have F13.


Yeah DC seed exchange is awesome and i would recommend them to anyone. I just picked up a packs of CocoBubble, 90s Blues, and got the last pack of Blue V2. Excited to work with all those genetics for sure.


Is that a close up pic of pheno 2?

They’re real DJ Short beans. That bank has legit stuff. DJ Short has been doing this a long time and has people that buy his stock up quickly and then sit on it. They buy lots of packs. Makes sense he could order more from someone who grabbed a bunch. I’d just want to know when they were made and if they’re still popping no problem.


Maybe check wit @Josh_Blue or @Kavman


what are we talking about with the thrown back f13 ?

F-13 {F2}
F-13 * SFV

peace …


Hi @ChinookKing I was in a very similar situation a short while back when looking for some Vanilluna. HempDepot came up as the only reputable shop having them in stock and they were listed as being the last pack or two available. I had ordered seeds from HempDepot once before about a decade earlier, though they weren’t DJ genetics they were some JoeyWeed and Beanho.

That said, with respect to the Vanilluna at HempDepot I went back and forth trying to convince myself of the purchase. The F13 throwback too. I would have been absolutely thrilled with Cocoa Kush. Now we have Coco Bubble available. I ended up going with some of the newer work through some of the current authorized retailers like you instead of ordering the older work through HempDepot. Coco Bubble and K45 through authorized retailers or as directly as possible will surely be my next seed purchases. If anyone can bring out shades of blue it’s DJ, JD, and Josh and I’m learning that the best time to get old rare stock is when it’s first released.

I think your best bet for some F13 would be to try and get in touch with JD who did the Seven of Nine release to see if he has any more of those seeds available or @Josh_Blue who is also working the F13 if I’m not mistaken. I think HempDepot is great for those who can’t order directly from a breeder they like or their authorized retailers and look forward to collecting more Beanho stuff in the future.

On some authorized retailer websites the Coco Bubble says that it comes with Happy-13 freebies which are pretty much an F13 throwback of its own kind. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re in your pack retailed through Paul at DCseedexchange even though I don’t remember seeing it being mentioned on their website, so you probably already have an F13 “throwback” of sorts coming your way. Wishing you the best in your search for some original F13. Much love


F13 throwback is F13 #14 x DJ’s F4 Blueberry stud. F13 #14 is a selection from original F13 seedstock. F13 is F13 x multiple pollen donors including B130 if I recall. The seed line was named after the mother plants alphanumeric ID. Much love


Hello, im the F13 seeker my Arizona buddy speaks of. DJ short is my fav breeder of all time and im on a mission to know why he said F13 was his favorite strain of all time. Ive been breeding as my main hobby for around seven years. What generation are the F13 seeds you are running? Im kinda surprised there are so many different phenotypes. Would be cool to work two lines of F13; foxtail vs. conical buds. Anyways, im enjoying your posts. Let me know if you ever want to run some of my gear.


I recently bought a pack of cocobubble, 90s blues and blue v2. Is there possibly F13 freebies in any of those? (Obviously they are all still sealed). Im a big fan of your work. Have you considered creating S1 or Bx seeds from your beauty foxtail F13 plant? Would be amazing.


I can guarantee they aren’t in the 90s blues. I made those packs by hand. Not sure about the others.

I have a batch of seeds of f13 bc. Its f13 #21 x temple flo (10 males from @kavman repro run). So I expect some diversity but havent tested them yet.

I don’t sell untested stock and also these were made out of house, so I’m not sure I will ever release them. I share with friends and people that support my tested lines, that have interest in them.

Feel free to shoot me a message and we can discuss it further.


sorry guys, I shared over 50 seeds of it, I have around 60 seeds for myself, for now. it is possible I will make more seeds in future.

my seeds were F6, so what I shared is F7… but I have to make bigger selection, thats sure too.

I keep three females, and still not sure if they are real keepers, I test it from cuts now… and it is quite different, only maybe pheno2 behaves similarly to plant from seed indoors…


I dont think that description says it is DJs all time favorite :smiley: it says that it is his favorite one from otm, vanilluna, grape krush, true blueberry… or am I wrong?

this leads to the question.

what is all time favorite of DJ? do you know @Josh_Blue ???

this is DF13haze bud. very sativa pheno:


Beautiful flower. Dj seems to have favorites for certain time periods. Hes always looking forward to the current work being done and finds what stands out to him at that time. Its been, f13, vanilluna, hp, etc… He has done a lot of breeding as of late, not sure what his favorite currently is. Happy pussy was our jam for a while. It tasted like blueberry jam floral goodness and a great euphoric effect similar to bb. I ran his k44 parents, there were some great ones in there. One of my favorites was 5-6 just like juicy fruit bubblegum. The g2 mother was fantastic floral grape. I ended up doing the outcross to blue star and called it grape jucie cocktail. I have several lines to test for him and am deciding on which to do first. Theres the g2, and k44s, and then he gave me a few tf/pt crosses that are intriguiing me. Ill pick one to get going soon along with the big vanilluna project.