👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

You’re going to need a bigger boat :rofl:


Hell Yeah! Im here cheering in the corner :slight_smile:


Strong and steady. They are some fine plants growing and I hope for all females as I want to grow out 2 for smoke, and then keep the biggest as a Mother plant for cloning options. So far I’m thinking of keeping #1 as it’s the most vigorous from the very start; however I have a soft spot for #3 because it’ the only 1 of the 3 plants that didn’t ask for support while establishing itself making me thing it’s real show is hidden IN the soil and not above ground like it’s siblings.

CF-R #1 & #2 are both showing the green phenotype through their stems while CF-R #3 is clearly red. It’s not a complaint but an observation for all of us growing them out. That’s 1 out of 3 from the reds actually turning out RED. It’ll be interesting to see what comes out of the green phenotype beans when I get to them. Full disclosure I understand that the the red & green designations by the grower are based on the plants where the seeds formed; and that both plants were hit up in an open pollination with both red & green male plants.

CSI Humboldt Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1:
They have graduated from the dome and are now hanging out with the UP & CF-R’s in the propagation tent. Each are growing evenly, which is something I’m not used to and am going to chime it up to the solid breeding efforts of the folks at CSI Humboldt making these crosses. When I looked them up after winning these beans I had my doubts due to seeing 223 feminized crosses on their website and find it hard to believe that they are able to test out all these creations enough to make them stable… but well here we are and I am impressed.

Fog Dog AutoFem:
No photo yet but it’s rooting itself and even though it’s tiny as fuck it’s shed it’s casing looking like a green sprout in and out of the soil it’s trying to grow in. I sprayed it down and covered it back up with the 4" square pot “mini-dark-humidity-dome” and may need to bury it with castings tomorrow.

Creme de la Chem AutoFem:
No photo but it’s doing the best of the 3 autos soaked at the same time. This one is sitting up in the soil as a 10mm tall seedling with helmet. Seeing photo’s of this plant I’m hoping for a showstopper in my tent and it’s getting a larger Air-Pot when the time comes so it can show it’s stuff. :+1:

Pineapple Express AutoFem:
No photo. Not sure what it’s doing but I hope something! :rofl: It’s as I planted it with half it’s head out of the ground. I sprayed this one more as it didn’t have any tail after the 30 hour soak but planted it anyways for continuity with the other 2x autofems.

Side track before last plant update…:
The Covid #'s have been increasing by 28% each day over the past week here in Ontario; this means todays numbers were the highest recorded since the pandemic began and it’s assumed that the real numbers are higher that the recorded ones due to the system being so overwhelmed. All in all to make this part shorter: my partner and I are not going to be able to see our families for Christmas this year to be physically and morally safe and this has been bumming me out a lot.

I got an envelope in the mail today from a solid OGer who after reading one of my many posts offered me a miracle which I was hesitant to accept until it was emphasized that it was a “mean’t to be” situation. Running the seeds was a done deal but WHEN was the in the air situation with no expectations by the gifting party. I’ve been waffling all afternoon while also stressing out about family and the holidays so I made the call after meditating with my currently growing plants…

Last Beans to be Popped in 2021:
To @Floyd , thank you so much for helping this heavy heart lift up during a shitty situation. I hope that these gifts of 5x Tony Green GG#4 RIL Regs turn out to bless me with 2x Males & 3x Females so that I can Ouroboros this gift into a bucket of magic to share and keep going for my and my family for as many years as I can grow. :pray: :hugs: :bowing_man: :heart: (The Gorilla Bubble F2’s & GG#4xC99 are going to be run sometime in 2022 :heart_eyes: )

Thanks for checking in! All the best to you and yours, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Awesome update.
The isolation during the holidays during this pandemic is very trying, it can definitely feel overwhelming. Glad you got a true bit of holiday cheer to soften things a shade.
Check in if you’re feeling down!



5 of 5 seeds got tails under 30 hours floating in water.

3 of 5 are already climbing up 3-5mm out of the soil helmets on; the other 2 are most likely doing more below the soil before they start climbing.

Creme de la Chem:
Sporting the most developed looks of the 3x auto flowers popped together. It’s about 10mm tall with it’s 1st true leaves coming in.

Fog Dog:
This one tossed it’s helmet early but is huncheched over. Only today was I able to see that there was still part of the membrane stuck to the head and stem impeeding the plant from looking up. I sprayed it down and plucked it apart with tweezers after it was soft enough.

Pineapple Express:
It hadn’t propped when i planted it so it was a 50/50 with whant end to put down. I chose wrong as there was a tap root poking up out of the exposed end. I flipped it over and 24 hours later it’s already climbing upright.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Upgrades to 4x4 & 2x4 tents:

I’ve left a few kijiji alerts open for almost a year and have been picking up items here and there when at a “to good to be true but it’s legit” price. This included extra AC Infinity products and some RapidLED pucks.

I almost had the 4x4 dialed in perfectly when it was all set-up upstairs but there were a few issues that I couldn’t address no mater what. One of which is power as there is only so much that can be done with a 15amp circuit that shares itself with 2 other rooms. It was nerve wrecking knowing that something had to be turned off to allow for something else to be turned on!. This pushed me to move my big set-up downstairs to the basement so I can install dedicated breakers for my indoor gardening and peace of mind.

My basement IS a finished and furnished one but has the worst climate control in this 1967 built house as there is no central air piped down there and it’s heated with electric baseboards like the rest of the house. In the summer the room got to 30c when I was doing a test run with the 4x4 AND the 2x4 so I knew the winter would be okay with the added heat but it’s 100% that i’ll need to invest in a portable AC unit IF i want to use the 4x4 in the summer (the 2x4 = much cooler as the SF2000 has 1x ballast vs the 2x TSL2000’s in the 4x4 which have 2x ballasts per unit).

Here’s a view of the business side of the 4x4 with all its controllers and power. The radio is set to a local “classic rock” station so I can get the “biker growing in a basement” vibe that was prob a bigger thing in my area not that long ago (lots of Hell’s Angels back in the day, less visible now).

This AC Infinity T6 is pulling the air out of the top left of the 4x4 into the basement itself. There is another 6" inline (vivosun) that will be on full tilt venting straight outdoors to address the bulk of the heat buildup; while this T6 is set to bleed extra heat directly into the basement to hopefully increase the ambient temperature which has been averaging 16c. I chose to use the AC infinity as I wanted it automated for lights off and it’s more fine tuned than the POS vivosun so I trust it much more to do the job.

Here’s the exhaust as seen inside the tent. Nice and neat.

Here’s the full interior; now with ΩPot and as far as my fake wind goes here’s my tally:

  • 1x 6" Clip Fan (left wall)
  • 1x 8" Tornado Fan (ceiling)
  • 1x Tower Fan (right wall)
  • 1x AC Infinity Cloudline T6
  • 1x Vivosun 6" Inline
  • 2x 4" Passive intake at base of both left and right of tent (will be upgraded to active with 4" duct fans)

I needed the footprint on the floor, so the tower fan is mounted again leaving not 1 single space on the floor that wont receive a breeze. :hugs:

The ΩPot:
WELL it’s been a long and hard road but anything I do this long and hard (that was for you @Slick1 ) usually turns out for the best! Originally slotted to run the Mexican Death Sativa, it’s now looking like it’ll be blessed with my Bog SourBluTooth F2 which so far in the sexing chamber is looking like it’s gonna be quite the femme fatale unless my eyes are deceiving me.

I decided for peace of mind to put it all into a 48" x 28" Mondi propagation tray as a catch-all incase of any leaks, spills, etc.

In total it uses 25 litres of solution to reach the exact bottom of the 10" net basket containing the hydroton. I filled it last night and have had it running all night to ensure if there is a problem it’s not gonna be when a life is involved. :+1:

My straw colour code is strange because I only had so many straws :rofl:

GREEN = safe line IF roots are in solution drawing up the goodness
PINK (bottom) = at this mark the water is even with the basket.
Below the bottom pink is BLUE = solution is ABOVE basket line.

The last thing I need to do is add another hole which will fit in a small LED flashlight that’ll allow me to illuminate the interior of the reservoir so I can see what’s happening inside through the refilling port.

While the 4x4 generates it’s own heat which NEEDS to be dissipated, if it’s NOT RUNNING the 2x4 doesn’t get above 16c. I need as much space WITHIN the tent itself so I did 2 things which in conduction has resulted in the tent averaging at 22c while the basement itself is still at 16c!!!

Step 1: Forced warm air using a tiny oil space-heater + AC Infinity 6" duct fan on LOW. This is drawing the rooms air through the radiator and into the tent increasing it a few degrees.

Step 2: The heater on its own was not enough to raise the temp so I had the “excuse” to go and order a 48" x 20" heating mat + controller. WIth the mat set to 22c and the heater/duct fan it’s all gravy now!

Annoyed due to the cold but doing well otherwise.

They didn’t seem to care about the cold… which emphasizes WHY they are slotted for 2022 outdoors!
Even the small later bloomer decided to toss out some new growth even when “chilling” at 16c. :smiley:

SOLOCUP RUN 2: They really didn’t appreciate going from 25c to 16c but it is what it is.

Strawberry Shortcrack:

Trizzler F2:

Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil:

Thanks for checking in! I may post again later today with photo’s of all the speedcups with the younglings.

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Great looking setup, and use of available space!
My tent looks like an octopus, and it’s not very tidy. Perhaps I’ll aspire to this level of sexy tent Tetris before I pop my next round

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Thanks @HeadyBearAdventures ! What you’re seeing is a 50/50 blend of ADHD with enough OCD in play to keep it all in check :hugs:


Looks like I need to turn my ADHD down from 11, and my OCD up from 2. Thanks for the adjustment tip!

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The love and care you put into your grows really shows! Great update and pics @Pigeonman


Dang I’m late to this thread but have enjoyed reading through it. Sweet grow setup you have and great updates. Will be following along!


As always, fantastic log! Excited to see it all play out! I just got one of the 8in infinity fans in and wanna see just how quiet these things are. So my understanding is they will update the controller if I request one!? Keep up the good work bud.




My ADHD and OCD mix make it complicated for me to keep things coherent regarding notes… until I discovered that while I’m bad at math, I can use cell based software (like Excell) to keep my shit together!

Here is an example with my 4x4 with dedicated 20amp breaker power chart:

Anything that goes into this tent is listed, and can be turned on/off to calculate total draw when running. You can see at 1422 watts why I was so nervous running this on a single and shared 15amp breaker!

Comparatively the 2x4 takes up much less power so it’s fine to work with the shared basement 15amp:

(*note that the heater for this tent is piggybacking off the 4x4’s power. So I have even more headroom if needed!!!)


The nutrients I have been using for almost 10 years now are locally made by a single shop outfit in the West end of Toronto called “Grow it All”.

Their nutrients are sterile, lacking needless additives, and are very cheap by comparison to other lines because its locally made, supplied and they buy direct from their manufacturer as their supplier. As much as I love the idea of trying other nutrients, the costs involved due to their shipping into Canada + mark-up has made it not appealing; especially if I already have such great results coming from the “Trip Tonic”.


The new line I am about to mix up and test with 3x AutoFems is from my side of Toronto; a family-run company with 2 locations in the East end (one North, and one south by the lake) called Hydrotech Hydroponics.

I’ve been going to this place for a decade, and know the 2 staff members by name and we distract ourselves often with talks of our grows and gardening in general… which is how I found out that they as well have a house brand!.

Using the same logic, they have a local manufacturer and supplier of their nutrient line so the costs are negligible to the consumer, profit margin’s are higher for them, and yet they still didn’t mark it up to match the imported goods to ensure their line is more accessible to local growers!

I ended up buying parts A/B in both Veg and Bloom and they hooked me up with samples of all the other parts of the line! 2x types of fulvics, 1x amino boost, 1x seaweed boost, 1x 50/50 (verm/kelp concentrate)!

Additionally they gave me a sample bag of Bokashi Pro Gro to try out as a secondary “set-it and forget-it” option as I was talking about wanting to figure out how to give autoflowers to people so they just need to water it and then crop and smoke it!

(link to that stuff: Bokashi Pro-Gro Fermented Fertilizer | Boost Your Soil | My Good Green – MyGoodGreen)

I took the info down off all the bottles and powders, made some calculations comparing the feed rates I currently used with the suggested ones by Hydrotech and then opened up Excel to make up this chart to actually wrap my head around it.

If anyone reading this has any opinions or suggestions based on what is written above, please chime in! (@GramTorino , this chart was inspired by your charts, thank you for sharing your wisdom)

…Now if only I could get Jacks 321 up here in the:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Okay it’s another long post on the same day but what can I say, I’m very excited!

Here are the new nutrients from Hydrotech Hydroponics.

I copied/pasted some of the info from various website below to break down what each item does for anyone that’s interested. (which I hope all of you reading this are!)

Super Veg A & B = two-part formula for the vegetative stage which contains all the macro & micronutrients that are essential for plant growth and development.

Super Hu-Max = Liquid carbon. Natural chelator and stabilizer, biological food source and buffering agent. Super Hu-Max is an excellent complement to any synthetic or organic fertilizer. Adding carbon may increase the ability to hold more nutrients, making them readily available to the plant as needed. Super Hu-Max will enhance fertilizers by stimulating microbial activity, enhancing root development and improving soil quality. This stuff is blacker than the blackest black x infinity!

Super Ful-Max = Liquid fulvic acid. Natural chelator and stabilizer. Biological food source and buffering agent. Super Ful-Max is an excellent complement to any synthetic or organic fertilizer. It is especially beneficial in freeing up nutrients locked up in the soil, making them readily availble to the plant as needed. Super Ful-Max consists of beneficial trace elements that activate important enzymes in the plant.

50/50 = Liquid kelp and vermicast extract. Powerful biostimulant extract of worm compost and seaweed.

Super Aminoz = Increases yield, quality, proper ripening of fruits, reduces stress. Super Aminoz can be used with all plants. Amino acids have been proven to help protein synthesis, stress resistance, action on the stomas, chelation, pollination and fruit formation. Super Aminoz is derived from a naturally vegan source of plant protein that contains all L-Amino acids.

Super Seamax = Marine seaweed Ascophyllum ‘nodosum’. Foliage and root growth biostimulant containing auxins and cytokinins. Hydrotech’s seaweed extract contains plant hormones called cytokinins and auxins, found regularly in rooting powders and gels. A minimal amount of auxin will trigger root growth. Seaweed extracts provide many beneficial trace elements.

The other items are in addition too the nutrients from Hydrotech which include:

Harvest Miracle = Copper. The copper in Harvest Miracle stimulates an existing enzyme in plants that enhances the availability of iron—a crucial ingredient in the production of chlorophyll, the pigment that makes plants green. Also helps with PM and pathogen resistance.

Gro-Silic = A concentrated liquid silicon supplement suitable for soilless and hydroponic systems. This plant-available form of silicon (monosilicic acid) helps improve plant growth and quality, in part by hardening cell walls. Plants with improved cell wall structure are better able to endure periods of abiotic stress such as high temperatures and drought.

Wholesome Blackstrap Mollases = Complex carbohydrate food source for beneficial microbes.

Yucca Extract = Yucca is a rich source of steroidal saponins, whose extract acts as a natural surfactant or wetting agent. Surfactants work to reduce surface tension between water particles, which facilitates spreading. It also enables water to spread evenly through soil, reducing the presence of dry spots and water channels.

All together the stuff looks KVLT as FUCK.

I mixed up the nutes in a green tinted water bottle but poured out some into a glass bottle so y’all can see how :metal: metal :metal: as fuck this stuff really is!

Tomorrow these little fucks get to start drinking the liquid black:

Thanks for checking in!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Yeah humic acids will turn your feed as dark as my soul. :smiling_imp:


Gotta come back and read those two mega posts after work! I love when we get to see total methods from individual cultivators; thanks brother!
Oh, and since we’ve got new little seedling babies in the mix, allow me to say:
I hereby bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!


This one will mostly be photos I promise! :wink:

Cherry Festival (Red) F2; Day 18:

Unicorn Poop BX1; Day 18:

Fog Dog, Creme De La Chem, & Pineapple Express (All Autofem; All Day 6)

Humboldt CSI’s Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1; Day 11:

Tony Green’s GG#4 RIL; Day 4:

4 of 5 are about equal in growth, the 5th has stalled but I have hope still as you can see in this close-up:

Awww yeah, I’m gonna sling shot myself into 2022 really well with all of these!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


You can say that again! Definitely gonna follow those Cherry Festivals close; I’ve got a couple packs of F2’s myself, and I’m excited to pop them, but they have to wait their turn while my auto grow happens.

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Hell yeah Bro! Watching that Festive and Poop!

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