šŸ‘ØšŸ½ā€šŸŒ¾ Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Iā€™m gonna try to shove 4 fems in mine in about a month and try out some various training techniques that I havenā€™t utilized previously
I think a 2 in 1 grow tent, with an isolate clone/mother space is in my future in 2022

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Well, that took forever but itā€™s all said and done. Iā€™m very pleased with the results considering the dry-out really fucked the plants over something harsh. There is no where as many seeds as I had been hoping for for give-aways but what did produce were nearly all beautiful and viable beans.

It gives me enough to keep a few and make-up packs with 4x beans per pack for sharing! :hugs:

Things I am going to do different next round of hand pollination: NO BRUSH.

Of the 2x seed runs, the common denominator that I think is the issue is the brush. It gets so sticky after the first few applications (in the 1 session) that I donā€™t think the pollen is able to distribute appropriately when I apply. Iā€™m going to purchase a pollen blower bulb and mist the pistils next time.

Most important thing about all of this was learning how to go about the STS process. Thank you again so very much @JohnnyPotseed for your kind gift of the chemicals in order to do this in the first place! :heart:

As a bonus, Iā€™ve got a fuck load of cannadust from now a total of 10x plants that were grown to make seeds (8x crosses, and these 2x Kosher Kush for the S1ā€™s); which means Iā€™m gonna try to make bubble hash FINALLY!

BOG SourBluTooth F2 & Crockettā€™s Tangie:
Itā€™s time to sex them and I hope they are female. The SBT is coming along brilliantly and as expected the CT freaky leaves are slowly and steadily getting more and more normal with each new set. Iā€™ve now cleared out the 2x2 of everything BUT these two to do a 12/12 flip and see what the cannaGods have in store for me.

(I need to find my green filter for next photos)

The solocups, Mendo Breath S1, and UK Cheese clones have all gone downstairs into the 2x4. Itā€™s averaging 16c down there with the 4x4 tent OFF so Iā€™m :crossed_fingers: that they donā€™t get any sort of cold shock as they were sitting cozy at 20-25c upstairs. If I see any issues Iā€™ll bite the bullet and buy a 48" heating mat to go under everything to keep the root warm.

Iā€™m also very happy to have invested in these Air-pots. @Slick1 , thanks for your input in using these things; and you were right about ā€œdonā€™t let them dry outā€. Lesson learned from a simple slip! :rofl: :thinking:

I gave her a trim today removing the largest of leaves to open up the body for more airflow. The revealed branches look like they will make for some nice clones; or brilliant smoke. Iā€™ve got enough going on right now that Iā€™m partially thinking about growing her out, and then trying a reveg. Iā€™ve never done that before and this thing is plenty healthy so itā€™s as good as any specimen to give 'er a try.

All three are doing equally well. Moving them under the SF2000 I can now really see how happy they are. Iā€™m starting to give them flower nutes starting tomorrow and leaving them at 18/6.

You can see that the one on the left (air-pot, upper left) which was established earlier than the one on the right (air-pot, upper right) has really taken off. Itā€™s no longer a ā€œbelow the soil line is what mattersā€ deal; itā€™s now a full blown beauty in the works. In a few months time I will up-pot both into green-bottom Air-Pots and they will veg out from now until the end of May when they will be set free outdoors and if Iā€™m lucky become treeā€™s that would make @Oldtimerunderground proud (I hope!).

I propped up 2 out of 3 out and mounded all 3ā€™s base with more castings. They have been getting distilled water only which carries the castings down into the mass. They all have second sets coming in so they are going to start getting week 1 veg nutes as of tomorrow. :heart:

Just like the :unicorn: :poop: I needed to prop up 2 out of the 3 babies. CFR-2 is delayed with itā€™ head stuck in itā€™s helmet so I sprayed it carefully and after the casing absorbed enough water I pried it off even more carefully with my fingers. Itā€™s happier now and should take off eventually. Regardless of the hiccup, they as well are getting started with week 1 veg nutes starting tomorrow.

These 6x plants will get to join the SBT & CT in the 2x2 once their gender reveal party.

All three are doing well! The deeper hole ā€œsortaā€ worked where the plants didnā€™t dig themselves out completely but they still did a little. So I did my usual and holding my breath I lifted them with a chopstick and then mounded worm castings around them carefully and sprayed it all into place with a misting of distilled water. The system works; no need to change it. :wink:

Iā€™m extra excited for these last three after pulling the seeds from my STSā€™ed Kosher Kush project. Iā€™m going to use the 2x2 to allow for an ā€œopenā€ pollination of two of these plants with a fuck-tonne of air filtration.

No brushing bullshit; just a shake anytime I feel like it where Iā€™ll tie a string to the converted male and then giggle the string outside of the tent. :+1: :yarn:


Thanks for checking in! All the best to you and yours!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


What a thorough update @Pigeonman, well done!! I appreciate the hard work and time put into that post.

Youā€™re the king!


Thanks @Oldtimerunderground !

Weā€™re gonna tag-team 2022 outdoors with vegging out since 2021!

Iā€™m thinking 2x 30 gallon fabric for these bad girls; 1/2 Promix BX mixed with 7.5gal composted manure & 1/4 mushroom compost , extra perlite and worm castings.

Should make em POP and then by August itā€™ll be a steady nute feed of my Flowering mix.


Youā€™re welcome, the praise is well deserved :blush:

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll be able to veg next seasonā€™s outdoor like I did this yearsā€™. Now that Iā€™ve had some time to contemplate things after my experience with the Odyssey, I think itā€™s really not necessary to veg so long before planting outside to get some really huge plants. Sounds counterintuitive, and maybe a bit contradictory, I know, but allow me to explain.

I sprouted the Black Garlic and Afghani towards the end of March, and they still turned into trees. The clone I took last November and seeds I started in Jan-Feb were cut back multiple times over the veg period to keep them manageable. I juiced a bunch of leaves from all the growth and gave out a good 100+ clones, all before the plants even went outside. It was a ton of work.

I feel the key to growing giants is putting them in the ground with good soil for unlimited root growth, planting them in a location with as much sun exposure as possible, and watering often. Being able to grow in the backyard is what makes those things 100x easier to accomplish, and I believe it was crucial to the success of my outdoor grow.

Edit. I did take a clone last month though :thinking: 2022 here we come!


Hows the KK smelling now?


It smells like pine-mint dust!!! :rofl:

Some of the beans above are slated for you @CADMAN for your Jews Gold 1974 project! :smiley:

While I totally hear you and do agree about the labour; part of the reason I like the long veg period is the ā€œCastaway Wilson Factorā€. Iā€™ll be caring for these plants intimately indoors for 5-6 months before putting them outside for a less intimate outdoor season for ANOTHER 5 months. So this means that by the end of it, almost a years worth of my love, care and positive energy will be going into this living thing that will eventually sacrifice itself for the health and care of me and my loved ones.

It was the book ā€œThe Giving Treeā€ that really got to me as a kid and I felt that the boy was selfish regardless of the treeā€™s joy with each gift of itself it chose to give. Since as Iā€™ve learned to work with plants in this co-active way itā€™s been bliss.

I still get sad when I crop; but I know they had fantastic lives under my care. The outdoor ones take on more abuse than I like, which is another reason I like to have them at their very best for at least 1/2 of their lives.

And yes, I balled openly when Wilson floated away because he was no longer needed to keep his friends spirit enough to survive.


Hahha nice. & awesome man thatā€™s great and I appreciate you :pray: will be a great endeavor to make Kosher Daddy F2 & F3s

I understand your thinking here :+1:


Nice work! Looking forward to seeing what you get from those genetics.


Day 3 and they like the idea of growing with me :hugs:


Quite the line up! Super excited to see these 3 do their thing! :green_heart:

I would be first in line to see those trees outdoor youā€™re plotting on! 5-6 months veg indoor before going outdoor!! Maybe looking at a 5lber or more! :christmas_tree:


I have a problemā€¦


Fog Dog (@corey)
Creme de la Chem (@BasementBeans )
Pineapple Express (@sprinklememaynee )

Iā€™m going to put these in speed pots with promix BX and treat their life cycle with my local hydro shopsā€™s personal line + a few additional sample ammendments gifted to me by them as well.

On day 14 up pot them into orange bottom air-pots and then the real testing will begin!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Hope youā€™ve got a good carbon filter, thatā€™s going to be a staaaanky tent :v:

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I vent outdoors and YES :rofl: :+1:

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Sick lineup.


Good problem to have!


Thanks @Cbizzle! I just did a headcount and my head is spinning and thereā€™s no turning back now!

Pink Cookies (Mother Bonsai_1L Pot)
Gelato (Mother Bonsai_1L Pot)
UK Cheese (Mother Bonsai_1L Pot)
Kosher Kush (Mother Bonsai_1L Pot)
Mendo Breath S1 (Mother Bonsai in progress;1.5L_SpeedPOT)

GSC x Chem91 S1 #1 (*SMOKE_Air-Pot_Orange)
GSC x Chem91 S1 #2 (*to be STSā€™d_Air-Pot_Orange)
GSC x Chem91 S1 #3 (*to be pollenated for S1ā€™s_Air-Pot_Orange)

Cherry Festival Red F2 #1 (*Smoke IF FEM_Air-Pot_Orange)
Cherry Festival Red F2 #2 (*Smoke IF FEM_Air-Pot_Orange)
Cherry Festival Red F2 #3 (*Smoke IF FEM_Air-Pot_Orange)

Unicorn Poop BX1 #1 (1x Mother Bonsai_1LSpeedPOT, 2x Smoke IF FEM_Air-Pot_Orange)
Unicorn Poop BX1 #2 (*see above)
Unicorn Poop BX1 #3 (**see above)

BOGā€™s SourBlutooth F2 (sexing right now; SMOKE if FEM; Ī©POT Test-run!)
Crockettā€™s Tangie F2 (sexing right now, SMOKE if FEM; Air-pot_Green)

UK Cheese Clone #1 (Air-pot_Yellow, vegging until May, Outdoors 2022)
UK Cheese Clone #2 (Air-pot_Yellow, vegging until May, Outdoors 2022)

Trizzlers F2 AUTOFEM (Speedcup; solorun2)
Strawberry Shortcrack AUTOFEM (Speedcup; solorun2)
Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil AUTOFEM (Speedcup; solorun2)

Fog Dog AUTOFEM (Air-pot_Orange; New Nutrient line test)
CrĆØme de la Chem AUTOFEM (Air-pot_Orange; New Nutrient line test)
Pineapple Express AUTOFEM (Air-pot_Orange; New Nutrient line test)

:rofl: :rofl: :thinking: :hugs:

I hope so!!


Lots of awesome stuff going on here! Iā€™m definitely tuned in. Particularly curious about the GSC x Chem 91 cross. Thanks for sharing.


Honestlyā€¦ IS that a problem? All depends how ya look at it :wink:

NICE Headcount! LOL


Thatā€™s one hell of a line up! Very cool!