👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

My ocarina toots: YES.

It’s how I remembered it was a Trifoliate. :smiley:



I already removed the drainage hose and will be getting a smooth one tomorrow.



I think I read on @jinglepot thread he added a on/ off valve at the end of the hose that pours I to bucket. You probably know this already :rofl: you will be blessed with lots of fire hash! Do you have a press? Do you “melt” it together or leave it as loose trics?


Right on!!! It’s so exciting!! :laughing: I’ll be making hash tomorrow. I can’t find 99%ISO for washing my bags in-between washes, im gonna use some home made moonshine instead :grin: get some very nice oil out of washing your bags in Iso/alcohol

I used a threaded elbow with a threaded plug. In total 3’ hose, 1 - 90° elbow, 1 - 90° elbow with a threaded end, 1 - threaded plug to fit, couple hose clamps. I forgot my hose clamps and have had no leaks :man_shrugging:


I really need some hash lessons.lol. I’ve learned more in statements you toss out then actually researching.


Watch this… over and over, I have about 10 times, lol. Check Frechy Cannolis other videos for pressing and temple balls


Boy are you ever gonna have some kinda fun with that Pige!

Best CannaGizmo I ever purchased.
:green_heart: :v:


No press. I figure I’ll put in between parchment paper and roller it to burst the trichs. As for decarbing, I have a mini-decarber and just need to get a smoll glass container to gold the goods.

@Jinglepot I was thinking of putting a valve inline closer to the washer as my on/off resulting in less fluid in the pipe when running.


Where did you get your washer from?
Make and model?
Might be time to automate things and my birthdays coming up. :grin:


@Floyd it was this exact one:

$200 all in to your door.

I JUST modded it by taking off the washer drum, and then removing the included drainage hose and replaced it with 10cm of 3/4" smooth wall hose.

You’ll need to soak the end in boiling water and I used a funnel to pre-taper the hose end before struggling to get it on. The drainage port is also 3/4 so you need to stretch it around.

Rather than just have 1x long hose poking out I measured the distance from the drainage port to the base which was around 10cm of hose. This got attached directly to the drainage spout, and then a 90 degree bend where I then attached the hose end. To this I added my draining hose once I put the whole thing back together.

In all it was 6 screws and 1x zip-tie to dismantle so just make sure you have a very small zip-tip around when you do this in addition to your hose.

Will post photos of inside soon. :+1:


I have the same thing, works like a charm even with fluid coconut oil



Great to know!!! :hugs:


But make sure you have some kind of syringe or dropper, otherwise it’s a bloody mess lol

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I’m going to have a set of these for food when I start making protein gummies for the missus and I so I’ll have them on hand soon enough :smiley:

Do you use the same brand gelatin caps? I have not tested these with liquids yet and when I do it was gonna be MCT oil filled, then left on a piece of paper to see if there’s any leakage.



Thanks! Wife just ordered me one for my birthday. Lol
I just made some hash the other day and was thinking how much easier this would be. :grinning: :+1:


You could, but its more stuff for the product to catch on amd would most likely restrict the flow a bit and make cleaning far more difficult



Mines next weds. It’s my “The Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything” year for me this round. :+1:

Fuck. You’re 100% right. Looks like i’m just gonna stick with “The @Jinglepot Special” with the hose to thread bend + a threaded cap. :+1:


It’s actually the Frenchy special. Everything I’ve accomplished woth my machine was from franchise youtube vids and FB page. :laughing: credit where it’s due and all :wink:


Big love @Jinglepot !

My new name then: “The @Jinglepot Special what was learn-ed from the Frenchiest of Canolli’s".

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Its, I get my Old Age Security year for me. Lol

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