šŸ‘ØšŸ½ā€šŸŒ¾ Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

@Pigeonman ā€¦here you go fellaā€¦they must of heard me talking about em because sure enough this morning the mum turned up on my fence to inspect her grain feed I lay on the floorā€¦if you peek through the blind you can see her on fenceā€¦

and then low and behold the dad turns up and they been doing this a few yearsā€¦they breed in the tree you see in backgroundā€¦in the exact same place!!!

I have a magic and a love in my heart for everything livingā€¦and they flock to our little garden in the countryā€¦I have a Robin who sits on my windowsill and taps with his beak for foodā€¦birds on itā€¦lololā€¦bless emā€¦mad how I met a pigeonman onlineā€¦lolol


I feel this @dna917 !

We have Finches that breed on our property every year as we have made a safe-space for songbird breeding. Additionally Robins are starting to nest here again as well; they moved next-door when we lost our 45+ year old Cherry Tree.

Thereā€™s the raccoon family in another yard that visits ours each night to drink, and when itā€™s breeding season the preggo momma grabs cat-food from the feral cat feeding stations to supplement her needed calories (and thankfully this means she leaves all our plants and bins alone!)

I have no idea where the skunk family and opossums live but they do cruise through every now and then.

Bees EVERYWHERE, butterflies, dragonflies, etc. I ensure breeding places in our pond for the dragonflies so itā€™s rad in August when they are 4 winged fighter ā€œplanesā€ jetting around eating all the fuckery-bugs!

Thankfully the blue jay family lives a few houses down so they let us sleep :rofl:

And gratefully the Pigeon flock has gone down from 2022ā€™s 15-25 birds making a mess and needing to be chased off due to the potential hazards down to 4 birds, one female of which must be Pigeon breeders stock that got out cause itā€™s showbird quality! Itā€™s mate is a standard looking T.dot Pigeon so their kids should come out interesting.

Itā€™s great seeing ONLY these few nowā€¦ I hated chasing off the larger flock but theyā€™ll fuck up our roof and the guano could become a problem.


I knew you was good stock the day I met you as vegguerilla and I voted your story on how you came about your name the best if you remember?..I liked you from that momentā€¦and sending you those black raptor cross to Canada from where I live and it costing 4.20 and I showed you the ticket receipt you kinda get a feeling them variables happening breed freindships that are honest and trustingā€¦very difficult to find onlineā€¦Iā€™m glad I reached out to you and in the end you did to meā€¦your a warm and pleasant person and it shows in how transparent you areā€¦thereā€™s no act with me or youā€¦we just ppl connecting online who are one of the sameā€¦and its refreshingā€¦your garden and the animals that seem to frequent there sound awesomeā€¦lololā€¦only predator here is domestic cats and most of em you donā€™t see in the garden so birds pop in daily to inspect whatā€™s around and take a drinkā€¦we get goldfinches Robins and blue and great tits quite regularā€¦I get this little picture hd view every morning out that window and it warms my dayā€¦start the day the right wayā€¦lololol

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Thanks for the love @dna917 !


Lilā€™ update with the younglings:



CapJunkie S1 broke through the soil and is a 1cm helmet on a stick. It was misted and remains covered.

Golden Tiger S1 is still underground but I can see it starting to poke.



I hear Golden Tiger is a dam good sativa.
I have recently tried Cap Junkie and itā€™s very good, too. Interested in watching.


This is why iā€™m running it along side my 3x ā€œZamjalā€ plants (Zamadelica x Jalisco):

Also because FUCKING HELL YES!


:upside_down_face: set him out some cannabis seed


I think i know what the bottom plant is in that pic. I google imaged what I suspected. Ever chew it? Better still, ever process it? What about seeds? LMAO

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I just got tat @3bombedmice ! This tea plant is also happy and is already giving me new leaves!!


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Shoot, I thought it was Erythroxylaceae. I read up after i posted last, and found what it is. Check the pic Erythroxylaceae, donā€™t the leaves look similar? Themā€™s some bright red berries ainā€™t they?

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if that helmet stays there and doesnā€™t move you have to make intervention and either bend back or break the very tip of that coty for the first leaf to openā€¦it sounds brutal but snipping that fold over helmet tip if it doesnā€™t open saves it lifeā€¦

I took a fraction of that folding tip in pic 1ā€¦pic 2 was a few days laterā€¦and I had to go to gooeybreeder for help on that 1ā€¦if it happensā€¦you know what to do.
you may find doing this and gently coaxing that fold back and forth ever so gently and trying to open a small gap and then snip a very small pieceā€¦and then just leaveā€¦the first few leaf sets will mutate but by the 3rd leaf which theyā€™ve done here,they grow through itā€¦you cut a baby into quarter doing this so itā€™s critical a small snip cut and leftā€¦its done the job here.


I couldnā€™t find a price on that thing. Found one for
199 euros.


Iā€™d think Iā€™d pass on that no mater what the price was. Economical priced Iā€™d look for one that is similar to this 700 dollar style.

Or go crazy and get a quality trimmer for a few grand.

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299 for the one you posted.

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I got mine on sale for about $250 :canada: :dollar:'s with delivery. Considering the original branded version is over $1000 no complaints here!

I hear ya @ShiskaberrySavior . If i was going for nugs Iā€™d have saved up but the ā€œDeath Fanā€ is specifically for outdoors trim jail branches.

I donā€™t mind hand trimming the primo part of the crop but the hashables I donā€™t wanna spend much trimming time on. :ok_hand:


Yup! Thanks bud!

The spray was my 1st intervention so far, and as of this am the cotyledons are starting to flex the shell open. If itā€™s not off tonight there are always a set of tweezers next to this tent :smiley:

My seed popping method of heavy-scuffing + H202/H20 soak usually mitigates the shells toughness via appropriate saturation unless itā€™s uber beefy. :rofl:



All is well in the tiny-tent.


3x Zamjal; on day 14 so they are all getting up-potted today!

Left = Golden Tiger S1, Right = CapJunkie S1

Golden Tiger S1 (It wants up but is taking itā€™s sweet fucking time about it. :rofl: )

CapJunkie S1: (Helmet is off but the cotyledons are being stubborn! :man_facepalming: )

Mephisto Genetics Illuminauto #57 Blood Orange Haze S1; seed increase is on day 68 of 85! :partying_face:

Have a great Saturday folks!



in that seedling tray,add a cup or bowl of water to raise humidity slightly if you can dudeā€¦and that cap Junky will not fold over and openā€¦its literally you trying to bend that fold and snip the tiniest piece off edge of coty and it should release flowerā€¦your humidity has to raise a little I would say before you do thisā€¦bloody hell,they all doing itšŸ™„


@deeez99 :rofl: you know it! Shortly after this pic i up potted the Zamjals and put the dome on.

Itā€™s been 85% rh all day since :metal: