👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

(*passes @ciganomarola the bong + lighter)





Here’s a lot of images for you amazing people. Lots going on as things are always permutations in order to accommodate what the plants need versus what I wanted. :rofl:

I also got another 2x4 tent which I am excited to set up over this weekend. It’s a shit brand (Tolys) similar to Vivosun or my 4x4 and will be used for vegging with equally shit “likesuns” box-fan leds. Bottom line it will do the job I am asking of it when the time comes and now I have an excuse to purchase new lights for it SHOULD they come up in the used market feeds at the right price :+1:

2x4 Tent: Group Shot:

In this tent:

Trizzler F2 AutoFem:

Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil AutoFem:

Strawberry Shortcrack AutoFem:

Mendo Breath S1: Cannasai:

I told y’all in a few days it would be hard to notice what this beauty went through in its training. :+1:

Crockett’s Tangie F2:

Tony Green GG#4 RIL:
@Floyd , they are coming in nicely! Eventually they will be topped, trained and up-potted into larger air-pots for when they go into flower if i’m 4/4 female, or seeds if I have at least 1x male! :hugs:

UK Cheese (Clones):
I am going to make little tartan kilts for these plants :crazy_face:

CSI Humboldt Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91:
This is the one I am still thinking about using STS which is in a small air-pot so it’s in the 2x4. I’m debating now as things have changed with another project so making these into seeds is now a maybe (unless anyone reading this suggests otherwise).

Here are the 2x in the 4x4. You can see the difference in growth from the small one above which is due to the 4x4 not being properly dialed in yet.

One issue is the cold floor which I haven’t addressed like I did with the 2x4.

I assumed that since the 2x MarsHydro TSL2000’s run hot it would take care of the problem. The ambient temp of the tent during lights on is around 23c which is perfect… but the ground is STILL COLD. I have a few options i’ll take depending on costs.

The first will be insulating them off the ground with foam play mats, and if I have to, another 48"x20" heating pad with controller like what’s running in the 2x4. The moment that went in and got turned on everything in that tent got happy. :rofl:

BOG SourBluTooth F2:

It’s not happy but this again was all an experiment and the first run of the ΩPot so we’re all learning as we go.

My guess is that my minimal top-watering with nutrient solution the week of transplant oversaturated the medium and thusly the plant is upset. That in conjunction with the re-veg it’s going through is probably not making it any easier for it.

I’m going to do a total flush of the reservoir and refill with week 3+ veg nutrients and just leave it to do its thing. If I feel the urge to feed it I will mix up a small batch of foliar feed and spritz it just after lights off.

Hydrotech Hydroponics home brand nutrient test with 3x AutoFems

I can say right off that the nutrients are doing their job as I’ve had to use the left-overs of each batch on other houseplants and those are popping despite it being the winter conditions. :+1:

Now, going to the AutoFems they are in no way as happy as I had expected but I do not think it’s the nutrients.

  1. I have never up-potted auto flowering plants before until this time around. It was done on day 12 which I know was cutting it close to the assumed 14 day cut off mark.
  2. Much like the GSCxChem91’s, they are directly on the floor so there is no radiant heat keeping the soil at a steady warm temperature which is what is happening with the plants in the 2x4 tent.

Here they are up close.

Fog Dog AutoFem:

Creme de la Chem AutoFem:

Pineapple Express AutoFem:

They are on day #23 from seed so they still have a long time to do their thing; I just hope they aren’t stunted from the transplant.

I’m thinking next autoflower run they are going straight into their final pots so there’s no need for a transplant; thankfully the new-to-me 2x4 tent will allow for the space to do this versus starting them all off in speedcups.


Here is where things have changed from the original plan after sexing both the Cherry Festival (Red) F2’s and the Unicorn Poop BX1’s

All 3 of the Unicorn Poop BX1’s are Male.
All 3 of the Cherry Festival (Red) F2’s are Female; with 1x of them being a runty Muto.

My plan now is to cull 2 out of the 3 Male Unicorn Poop BX1’s and leave the last one to pollenate 1x normal and 1x Muto Cherry Festival (Red) F2.

I’ve topped the normal CF-R F2 leaving the others as is and they are now all together in the 2x2.

Heres a few close-ups of the plants in the 2x2.

Cherry Festival “Muto” Red F2:

Unicorn Poop BX1 Male:

Cherry Festival “Normal” Female Red F2

This is the female Cherry Festival (Red) F2 that’s going to re-veg for a while and then make me some delicious flowers :+1:

Here are the other 2x Unicorn Poop BX1’s that I need to cull when I get the heart to do so.


I’m going to continue to Cannasai this male Mexican Death Sativa as I love it’s Grapefruit scent. It’s been enjoying it’s life as a houseplant and I know it’s looking forward to being allowed to flower along side something very special in the months to come. :heart_eyes:

Okay, that was A LOT but I both work hard and play harder.

Thanks for reading my epic; all the best to you, yours and your grows!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


You sure have a lot going on. Looking good. :smiley: :+1:


But how do you find time to eat with all this going on? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got a flower tent a veg cab and a germ space and it’s eating up all my time.


Adhd with enough ocd to keep it in check with my coffee to blood ration being higher than average :slight_smile:


When I add in a male jail I’m going to be totally swamped. And need a new timer. I got a Canadian tire gift card so it’s taken care of :relaxed:


Also, you were talking about SAD lights awhile back - here’s mine:


Great update @Pigeonman, nice to see the cannasai perking back up.
I also need to get my floor temps in check, it would require me to empty the big bed though which I dont really want to disturb quite yet :confused: .


Man, you have a lot going on! Those basement plants need some wool socks, upstairs look right perky.

I have a cold floor too, just sitting the tents on top of 1/2" foam board really helped. Thicker is better…Any kind of thermal break.

You mentioned transplanting autos, have you tried tiering? Lots of ways to do it, but basically just put the smaller pot in the bigger one. Airpots are great for this. The auto won’t miss a beat.

I’ll let you get back to work :slight_smile:


Oh I have tiered but removing the pot. Somewhere on this thread is images of my 8 plant seed run which are tiered to the point of looking like Step Pyramids.

Here’s an example to save the eyes from searching.

I totally hear you @HorseBadorites that not removing the actual pot will aid in the transplant but I still hesitate to leave em so I’ve gotten really good at transplanting with little to no root disturbance. Your suggestion of an air pot is great!

I could try to pop them in the mini air-pots, then plant the pot itself 1/3 into the final pot and let the magic happen. The roots should be able to make it through all the openings available and not prune themselves as there is media in the way vs just air :thinking:


Righto! Start 'em off in 1l APs. Doesn’t look as cool as what you did, though :slight_smile:


That was a boatload bro. :slight_smile: Again, very nice setup.





Mine still smells like rotten fruit.


Y’a know @Slick1 , it’s not that far off and may end up being similar in time :man_shrugging:


Tony Green GG4 RIL:

I topped all of them yesterday above the 6th node. Today is day #26 from seed and although they were going strong since the very start they are obviously please with getting steady daily feedings since day 7 above ground.

@Floyd , these are some happy plants; I’m itching to up-pot them in a weeks time! :hugs: :+1:

Cherry Festival F2 (Red) - FEMALE & Unicorn Poop BX1 - MALE:

Well, the weird muto CF-R turned out to be A MALE! It’s flowering period being delayed was already making me question keeping it but now it’s destined for the Hügelkultur pile along with the other 2x UPBX1 Males that weren’t kept.

While I’m now at a 2 females and 4 males out of 6 plants grown I’m not complaining as it means I now have 3 out of the 4 orange bottom Air-pots i need to up-pot the GG#4’s into next week! That and it means I have 3 slots open to pop more beans in a few weeks time; which is an early surprise! :smiley:

And now please push play on this before the following images:

We can wait for it to load, then scroll down…

Okay, now that the mood is in the air:

That’s some wonderful PLANT FUCKING :rofl:

Thanks for checking in! All the best!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Looking :smiley: good!


Love me some plant porn!:star_struck: Hope they make some nice babies for you!


Now you got us all horned up!