👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Damn @Pigeonman now that’s how ya update! Impressive work!


Did someone say plant fucking?


I got up just before lights off in the 2x2 so I snuck a peek at the orgy and DAMN the :unicorn: :poop: male is being all up in there like:



No pics as it was just a peak but I’ll snap some later tonight. :+1:


Are you gonna release a soft core version, for us that are more faint of heart?:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This is soft core. Do you even see a live :chicken: ?!



Who am I kidding! Give me the hard, euro version of that crazy plant sex!:rooster::smirk_cat::+1:


And here’s the :seedling: PR0N:

I just JAMMED the Cherry Festival (Red) F2 Female underneath the Unicorn Poop BX1 Male, so if the CF-R doesn’t produce seeds than the UP is sterile. :thinking:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Looking good you should intertwine them like two cobras mating :crazy_face:…that music video killed me deff set the tone haha


You should write a book on weed sex positions, call it the Canna Sutra :rofl:


@Rabeats2093 & @Oldtimerunderground


Why tho? Has he failed on other girls under different conditions already? Is there not the possibility of either being sterile or any other factors that could be at play if indeed seed doesn’t develop?


Ih i’m just joking around saying that “If this much pollen doesn’t creates seeds then what the fuck?!”


I needed some of this unapologetic filth this morning @Pigeonman!


Solocups (round 2), initially for @Indoornesian 's Solocup challenge but round 1 failed so I’m sticking too it just for fun. Regardless, they are going very well.

The Trizzler F2 is the terpene winner as if you touch it there is not a chance in Narnia (aka: not even in a fantasy setting) that you’ll even be able to smell anything else. It is THAT strong of a scent; and thankfully not rotten fruit but still like Red Turkish Delight x 1000.

It’s also a solid as a rock, and filling out like a cob of corn.

Trizzler F2 AutoFem:

The Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil F2 has the thickest and chonkiest stem I have ever seen for such a small plant. It’s filling out well in a cob structure that is similar to the Trizzler F2. It has a nice scent to it, floral with a bit of gas.

For whatever reason it’s the first to start to show any colour… or it’s eating itself… or something else is going wrong… Meh, whatever. :man_shrugging:

Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil F2 AutoFem:

Finally the Strawberry Shortcrack F2 has my favourite growth pattern OF ALL the three autos growing here. Imagine rock solid strawberry scented green clouds floating in and amongst a sea of razor ridged foliage and you’ll see in your minds eye what I have the pleasure of watering every day :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: .

When i say “strawberry scented”, i mean it. They smell like a strawberry scratch’n’sniff sticker that was made in the 80/90’s; with a sudden and swiftly ending after scent of chemicals burning like crack.

It’s some fucking weird shit but now I have the burning need to run at least 2 of these indoors during the summer with some STS to ensure I have TONNES + sharables it’s that rad.

Strawberry Shortcrack F2 AutoFem:

All in all the 2x4 tent is happy as fuck* (*a happy fuck) so every plant in here is DEMANDING 8-12oz of water/nutrients PER DAY.

I just kneel down next to them with classic rock playing in the background and make the motions as if it was a tea ceremony:

  1. turn plants 1/4 turn keeping foliage from touching each other (plant to plant)
  2. inspect foliage with the occasional stem rub or nug tap checks
  3. measure and water 8-12oz per plant depending on the plant.
  4. apply solutions slowly as to prevent run off and ensure deep soak (air-pots making me calm down)
  5. lift watered plant to ensure saturation by weight (do this every day and you know by feel if it’s heavy enough to actually have the water content you are intending)


Right now its:
12oz = Mendo Breath S1 (Cannasia)
10oz = Crockett’s Tangie (x1, in reveg)
8oz = Tony Green’s GG#4 RIL’s (x4), UK Cheese (x2, Clones), CSI Humbolt GSC x Chem91 (x1, potentially STS).

I got some more supplies for the new 2x4 24/0 veg tent and hope that I’ll have it all set-up by the time I have the final orange-bottom air pot I need to up-pot the TG’s GG4 RIL’s. It’s also a cold snap… so having the 24/0 tent venting into the room will help with battling the cold!

Cheers and all the best to you and your grows!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


I’m constantly amazed at what can grow in a Solo cup. :thinking:


The Barry White song is almost a guaranteed success. It’s right up there with Litfa. I put that shit on everything. :sunglasses: :v:


The Narnia/Turkish Delight cross referenced is absolute gold. Well played indeed.

OMG I want to grow this just for the nostalgia of huffing fruit scented markers.

Loved this update 10/10 would recommend :bear:


My @Pigeonman!

What an update! What a thread!

I know those Petroberries are headed to the right hands…


Thank you kindly @ciganomarola ! I look forward to doing your Petroberries honor! :bowing_man:

@HeadyBearAdventures , do you have or need Trizzler F2’s? I have enough on hand that I can send you a small flip without harming my future plans so you can get growing on this huffing quest? :hugs:


Hey @Pigeonman I appreciate the offer; I checked my auto bean stash, and I think I have my lineup for the rest of the year. You hold onto those beans since I won’t get to them before 2023 :bear::+1:
I will, however, say that if I ended up growing that strain somewhere down the road, the journal will be called “Huffing Quest”