👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

BOG SourBluTooth F2: ΩPot

It’s all working very well considering:

  1. SEVERE revegging,
  2. Cool temps early on.,
  3. LOW humidity.

Looks like shit now, but I’m expecting it to eventually just explode at some surprising point considering that I LIFTED UP THE POT AND FOUND BRIGHT WHITE ROOTS IN THE RESERVOIR!!!

:open_mouth: :exploding_head: :exclamation:

Yes. I totally Yub Nubbed.

SADLY I can’t get a picture as it’s to awkward but will now be cutting a few 2x4s to act as cross beams so I can lift up the air-pot and leave the roots exposed for inspections. Otherwise while the plant is small I can always just lift it onto a 5gal bucket and it’ll stay put due to it’s design. :+1:

My HOPE is that right now it’s going root zone crazy, this is why there’s “no action up top”, so :crossed_fingers: that it’s a VEGITATION :bomb: just waiting to :boom: based on a :timer_clock: I am totally oblivious of.

:t_rex: :comet:

Here are the 3 autos that have stunted due to:

  2. cool temps,
  3. LOW humidity.

Fog Dog AutoFem

Creme de la Chem AutoFem

Pineapple Express AutoFem

Despite their short stature, i’m going to bring them through to term so i can possible have a smoke sample for the summer’s efforts to come. Meh… it’s something :man_shrugging: .

CSI Humboldts Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91
Here are the 2x in the larger air-pots that are being trained and then put to flower. I’m really liking the growth of these beans, and all 3 look like they would have grown out near identically if it weren’t for the different conditions. Hats off to the breeder for the continuity.

So far only the Tony Green GG4 RIL’s are showing me this level of consistency… but I think we all knew this would be the case considering the skills of Tony Green he puts out in plain sight for all of us to enjoy here on OG.

Cherry Festival (Red) F2

Well there’s clearly some RED going on here!

The colours are better in person. My tent sunglasses + snow shovelling tired eyes = didn’t notice my phone was in the wrong colour temperature…

I still have YET TO FEEL that the tweaking of this tent for the winter season is done as of yet. Taking out all the pots, I put in another layer of foam padding to insulate the root zone from the cold flooring (same as under the 2x4).

3 more mats will do it; one to cut and fill in the last of the space in here and 2x for the new 2x4. On top of these matts I put back the Reflectix insulation pieces. I need to get another roll of this stuff too.

And now the obligatory group shot before I got check on the Unicorn Poop BX1 male and Cherry Festival (Red) female getting it on in the 2x2.

This is always THE LAST THING I DO because there’s SOO much pollen coming off that :unicorn: :poop: ! (:sneezing_face: )

Thanks for checking in! All the best!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Been a busy week so I haven’t updated as much as i’d have liked so here is a quickie:

2x4 tent is rocking and socking like a blue or red robot! :+1:

4x4 tent is doing much MUCH better!

It still drops to 15c for the 2 hours lights are off (22/2)… I’m hoping that the NEW 2x4 tent will solve that drop once it’s on and active at 24/0!

NEW 2x4 tent aka: “FUCK YOU CANCER: The Medicine Cabinet”.

I ran power from my 20amp so it’s the MedCab + 4x4 + heater on the 20amp and everything else runs on the basement’s 15amp. I’ll eventually spring for another 20amp circuit down here but that’s a summer plan. :pray:

Ultimately I should spend the $$$ on a pair of better light for this thing but really the tent cost me $50, each light in there $50… actually, everything in this thing cost under $50 per part! :thinking: , except for the AC Infinity T6 which I got used for $100… which is still a joke when you look up the brand new price!

Tomorrow i’ll take a chunk of time to hit a bowl and finish this all up and get it running by eve. :+1:

All the best and much love to y’all!

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Good on you for helping out. I help a few cancer patients with herb and tinctures. All of them have tried CBD heavy meds, but the THC stuff with a lower CBD % is what really does the trickt! I think besides easing pains, it also makes them mentally feel happier. Entourage Effect.

My space routinely gets down 60°F. The plants used to get cold feet, until I raised them up at least 6", and have at least 1/2" of polyiso insulation board between the tent bottom and the plastic covered dirt floor.

I also got a heat mat for an insulated clone/seedling box, that really helps the little ones.

Cold doesn’t seem to bother the bigger girls.

They do look chilly!

Buy 'em some platform shoes, and matching handbags, lol!


I just got a second one for the MediCab! I may end up springing for another one next month. Thanks for the height suggestion! I’ll pull out some milk crates tomorrow :+1:


Quick Update 2: PLANT F$%IN’


I’m pretty sure she’s preggo.



:drooling_face: Boy, oh boy, do I love me some good ol’wholesome PLANT F$%!ING!

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And almost there and I can run it for the day to see how things balance. The LAST thing (i can think of) that I need to add the 3x side-wall bars when I get to a lumber yard and that should about do it. :+1:

I also got to run out and pick-up the feral cat shelters from the Humane Society :hug:

Now to eat something small with an espresso and then I’ll up-pot me some Tony Green GG#4 RIL’s!



The MEDICINE CABINET has life in it with the up potted Tony Green Gorilla Glue #4 RIL’s!

I’m loving these plants A LOT. Thanks again @Floyd for the gift of giving them to me to grow, and @Tonygreen for the gift of growing them our for all of us with such mastery of skill!

Now that this tent is working and three of the auto flowers are due to come down in the following weeks I’m going to start popping the CBD and THC/CBD producing medicine for MCT and FECO oil goals to fight that fucker called cancer that’s after my friend. :fist:

Currently bubbling away: 28g decarbed flower + 1 cup MCT oil.

It’s been needing a top off of water once an hour and it’ll be turned off to cool after 4 hours. Straining will happen tomorrow because I am tired.*

Thanks for checking in. All the very best for you, yours and your grows! :heart:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Licking my fingers clean was both a good and bad idea… :rofl: :eyes: :sleeping:

I have never had an oil THIS DARK and I’m glowing for it (or maybe that’s part of licking my fingers clean).

The solids have been set aside for a batch of Chocolate Biscotti to be made later on. :cookie:



The AC Infinity 2x4 tent is my most stable grow box in the basement. It’s now become my “go-to” space to veg-out anything I’m working on from now on. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Everything in there now gets a little more space to grow because the TG GG4 RIL’s have been up-potted and moved into the Medicine Cabinet 2x4 for the time being until the medical plants are popped and large enough to put them in there.

Let’s look at some of these ladies up close.

UK Cheese Clone #1:

UK Cheese Clone #2:

(@Cannasaurusrex )

Crockett’s Tangie F2; still in re-veg:

Mendo Breath S1 (Cannasai grafting project):

Y’all remember when I stripped this thing down to bare wood?..


CSI Humboldt Girl Scout Cookies x Chem91 S1 #1

Trizzler F2 AutoFem:

Strawberry Shortcrack AutoFem:

2x4 Medicine Cabinet:

@Tonygreen 's GG#4 RIL’s are taking to the new tent well!

The ambient air temperature is staying around 20c with these lights on for 24/0 with the soil level nearer to 22c due to the heat mat turning on and off to keep the roots warm. @Floyd , these are some happy plants and I hope for a matching set of males and females :smiley:

YES, i’d like the humidity higher but since they get watered every day they are not complaining as much as expected. :crossed_fingers:

4x4: The Big Cube:

Running the lights 22/2 is keeping everything above 23c with is SUPER RAD! Even with a humidifier the RH is bullshit, but again I water every day and hope for the best. The Air bird heat controller is attached to a 6" duct booster that will bleed excess heat from the tent into the basement if it gets to 25c.

I’ve been going in and out of this tent from the side doors as the smaller opening minimized the dramatic changes that happen IF I open up the front. :+1:

BOG’s SourBlutooth F2:


@CADMAN , check this out!

the “other side” of the 4x4:

Top Row, left to right:
Pineapple Express AutoFem, Cherry Festival F2 (Red pheno, in reveg), CSI Humboldt GSC x Chem91 AutoFem #2

Bottom Row, Left to Right:
FogDog AutoFem, Creme de la Chem AutoFem, CSI Humboldt GSC x Chem91 AutoFem #3

I am VERY PLEASED that the AUTOFEMS are starting to FILL OUT again after my FUCKERY. :crossed_fingers:

Ghost Rose x Cookie Devil AutoFem: Done! and will be trimmed up later tonight to dry then cure.

This is my view when I chill with the plants.

To my side is a small table with my 1 hitter, personal smoke filter and an espresso :wink:

What USED to be a personal theatre for a weekly movie night with my friends has now after so much time become my own gardening sanctuary (screen is still up behind where I’m sitting for 16mm prints).

It’s a wonderful transition as most of those that came out are now overworked, burned out, have kids or moved away so it was the right time to make the change. :heart:

Thanks for checking in! Big love to you, yours and your grows! :peace_symbol:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Absolutely beautiful :rosette:
I love the setup.

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You got roots hitting the water? Let’s see…
Ps. Picked up a 5gal flower pot :yum: to use as the holding container for the future DWC… what size is your pot?

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The Air-pot = Blue bottom = 5.6 gallon. Thankfully I can lift it out and put it directly onto a 5gal bucket as the bottom of the ΩPot is a bucket net pot lid :+1:

Tonight I’ll try for some root porn after I do the res change :metal:

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Niceness. Here is the 5gal container ( 13x10" )
I’ll drill holes in the bottom to make a mesh perse…

Current DWC I made:



Sooo it’s a nessarry thing to remove all the water from your ΩPot at any point? I can just use a small water pump and empty into a bucket that way yes?

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I do remove as much as I can every 2 weeks using one of these:

If i can find a 3/4" t-junction fitting with on/off valve then I’m going to put it inline to the systems existing water pump so all i’d need to do is put the extension hose into a bucket, and then turn the lever to drain out.

It’s so much easier to maintain a res by replacing every 2 weeks with a top-off after 7 days. You CAN go 3 weeks but the 3rd week is often when things start going wrong… and then the WORST is the issue is visible only after the res change… so you’re always questioning: “was it the 3rd week? or is it my new mix?!”

I also find that 2 week intervals work well with my feeding schedule. Allowing for top-offs to increase ppm/ec some weeks, and then those weeks that you need to drop those #'s just happen to be the weeks you need to flush the res anyway! :hugs:

I learned this with the 3 cycles of my RDWC which needed about 100L to run… and the water filter is IN THE BASEMENT when this was all on the 3rd floor of the house :rofl: I WANTED 3 weeks, but the risk of loosing nutrient balance was too high so I ended up lugging A LOT of water up stairs.


Fugggg dude lol

This is exactly WHY I want to top feed nutrients only …and use plan water in the rez with an air pump, never actually draining the water out at all, just Topping it up with more plan water.


I hear ya. Thing is my thoughts are that their may be more nutrient uptake from those ropes hanging into the solution. So I want this thing intimidating and I’m going for it.

I think this may end up being flowered AFTER I already have started my outdoor 2022 run :open_mouth:


Do you think it’s More important for the roots in the rez water to suck up nutrients OR roots that are still in the Soil Container? I’m just thinking out loud lol

Make a Monster plant 🪴 bro


That’s a solid Q.

My system was based on the idea of a plants roots accessing a water res under ground like the natives of Mexico and othe cultures that “farm on water”.

The soild is there to hold the plant in place and DOES supply feed, but in a natural setting i’m not sure if the top feeding is accessed more than the bottom. :thinking:

The logic im going with is based on the above and my DWC and RDWC where the the roots in the basket meant NOTHING in comparison the roots in the solution.