👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

I gave the Jew Gold 1974 Black: The Lost Tribe Cut some extra love last night while addressing the ACInfinity 2x4 tent.

Last views in the ΩPot 2.0:


Peeled off the air-pot and clipped the mass in the reservoir:

Promix BX in a nursery pot:

Tucked into new medium with 1 inch left open at the top…

…to add a layer of earth worm castings and Aquabac!

I then mixed up a 1/4 strength dilution of veg nutes to feed her for the next few weeks and put her in the now-cleaned AC Infinity tent with the 2x Frankenstein S1’s from @JohnnyPotseed and the 3x Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2’s from @HolyAngel .

Top two plants: Frankenstein S1’s
Bottom three plants: Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2’s
Far right of tent: Jew Gold 1974 Black: The Lost Tribe Cut (yes it still has a :menorah: )

Have a great :black_flag: Friday folks!




I know I can go back and reread or ask so here we go lol. Did you grow the jg in in your 2.0 pots and put in soil to reveg?


yes! This. Exactly this.


Yogi F2 co-op seed run is coming along great! All the females got some serious LST yesterday.

In the MedCab all the vegging plants got defoliated and fed.

CapJunkie S1, Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut (x3), UK Cheese (x2), Jew Gold 1974, & First Class Funk (x2)

Hey @MonasticDank the FCF’s are coming along great! Once the Yogi’s are done I’ll STS one of these and put them together in the 2x2 on a different floor :smiley:

Finally in the ACInfinty 2x4, the Frankenstein S1 (x2), Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2 (x3), & Jew Gold 1974 Black: The Lost Tribe Cut in reveg.

No pics yet but I decided to toss 3x Mendo Breath S1 seeds into a shot glass because why the fuck not?

Have as good of a day as the day will let you folks!

:v: :grin:


This makes my day! I just lost mama FCF, seems like that cut was meant to find its way to you. Hope that reversal goes as planned for ya! Spread that funk far and wide!!


ooh that middle one is the ticket! That’s the mom leaner 100%

5-7 bladed leaves, got the right the shape to the blades…
Can see the bendy stem trait.
Only traits I might not see yet is the leaf crinkle and any double serrations :thinking: sometimes the serrations take longer to show. The leaf crinkle is usually pretty apparent though. Stem rub should be a spicy/vegetal type scent but I’m interested in what you’re getting off them?


This IS showing on another plant and a little on the edges of this one! Thanks @HolyAngel !

Also if there is a male in there I’m breeding it with one of the Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut clones. :ok_hand:


If that middle one turns out to be a boy, send me pollen and i’ll make a bx2 while you’re at it :yum:





Proof of life is always appreciated when it’s 36 hours in. They did start showing at 24 hours but the added 12 floated gives me a lil’ longer tail to work with.

Into cups they went!

I’m rather excited about these Mendo Breath S1’s as the last one I grew was in a solo-cup and even though it didn’t produce much as I didn’t have anywhere near as many XP points then in :broccoli: :man_farmer: I could smell the thing from 10 feet away and it went DARK PURPLE in the fade.



Love the Vegvisir!

Best of luck on all those germinating :muscle:


Thanks @HolyAngel ! So far so good when I looked under the 4" pots this am. :+1:


With these Mendo Breath S1’s, you gotta love a happy set of seeds in germination :blush: .

In the same room the now very shiney Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut is filling in ending week 5 of flower.

:gem: :star_struck:

In the ACInfinity 2x4 the Frankenstein S1’s are going :gorilla: :poop: ! @JohnnyPotseed this was why i made the joke on your thread, these fuckers are HUUGE! :rofl: :+1: (Top 2x plants)

@HolyAngel this doesn’t knock the Sunshine Daydream BX1 F2 plants which are the bottom 3x with full on Cannagar sized fan-leaves!

@CADMAN , in the corner the Jew Gold 1974 Black is turning red so the black may just be if you let it get cold enough! :rofl:

In the MedCab 2x4 all the vegging plants are acting like they were not defoliated last week… which is normal. :rofl: :+1:

I need to flower out the CapJunkie S1 Muto once the Bubba is done upstairs. Fuck, I may just toss it in there today to start 12/12 and get this over already.

The 2x cuts of First Class Funk will be trained and vegged out more so once the Yogi run is 4 weeks from done I’ll mix up STS and start flipping and spraying 1x of them, and then 2 weeks later I’ll put the 2nd in there to start it’s flip and catch the results from the 1st :grin:

My only hiccup is if one of the SSDD is male I want it’s pollen… so that’s a fork in the road to watch out for in the next few weeks :grin:

Enjoy your Saturday folks! It’s raining gross over here so I’m putting on 1986’s “Dawn of the Dead” as I feel like watching zombies in Ft. Meyers this AM after looking outside…

:v: :rofl: :+1:


Seriously this Bubba Kush is the only thing that’s helping me sleep at night and regret when I forget to remove it from my one hitter when I go out… :rofl: :+1:


seems to be a great smoke for bedtime ! i love my flc it is a great daytime smoke. i hope the sour d. is helping a bit better with insomina. :slight_smile:

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DUUUDE! Thanks! @MonasticDank sent me these cuts from bagseed he popped from a primo drop and the cuts stank right outta the DVD case! I’m happy they rooted so well, and the more I hear about this cultivar the happier I am with making S1’s outa these gifts!

Maths: Get surprise parcel with 2x cuts of something special + time + effort + STS = S1’s for everyone!


i like this math :smiley:




Yes but what DVD was it?