👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

Yeah the friend that gave it to me told me: "I tried making it look like the UK Cheese you gave me last year!** :sweat_smile:

He’s a sweetheart, I was floored too :rofl:


@OhNo555 thank you so very much as I forgot to post yesterday night that I got the stamps you sent me so I can continue to send out more beans and pollen to our fellow growmies!



You are very welcome :hugs:, anytime brother :sunglasses:! :+1::facepunch::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Let me know what this one is like, I never got to grow this one. @Pigeonman


Fresh frozen bubble should be epic, nice harvest and reset, goals.



:sweat_smile: :+1:


beautiful garden! :100:

oh mannn… pressed flower rosin goes sooo harddd, especially when it’s Bubbbaaaa! :raised_hands:


4x more cuts are now smol plants!

1x GMO from @Rhino_buddy !! (it’s happening! )

We lost the CapJunky, it got white and fuzzy and was tossed last night, but the Green Crack is so green it’s taking it’s time throwing fish bones out it’s cube!

3x Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut, gotta keep 'em going!

So my cloning game looks rough but roots are roots eh?

:man_shrugging: :sweat_smile:


Fresh harvest and new clones, what more could a grower ask for?? Well… more space and free power would be nice, but this doggone reality thing keeps poking its head into my life :joy:
As long as you have roots and a small green node you will get growth! Sorry to hear of the Cap Junky rotting, that one has been killing it for everyone who grows her, I would have loved to see you work her. I can’t wait to see these little girls take off! :sunglasses::v:


I got a muto in veg for almost a year lol. I’m just gonna flower it out next time I have space.


GMO is about to blow up @Pigeonman ! Nice job.

I’m prepping some more mailers and Ive got another cap junky I could share. Also Skunk tangerine attempt #2 will be en route. Also was gonna send this pink lemonade cut that is absolutely pink lemonade,and delicious.🫶

Stoked to see the green crack grow for you. Just tossed one into my flower tent a week ago and it’s already getting buddy. I hope we can get 100% success one of these times. :crossed_fingers:
Love the resurrecting of the clones. Those berger cuts are gonna look killer next week too.:wink:


Thanks so much @Rhino_buddy !

And to everyone most joyous Ostara!!!


That would be a great strain name…
…and nobody has used it on Seedfinder either… :+1:



Mid-week update y’all!

The MedCab continues to veg out. I’ll take those Mendo Breath cuts this weekend. @TopShelfTrees1 one of them is gonna be yours growmie!

I defoliated the shit outa all but the Frankenstein plants in here. Aka: Limed Orange(s), Sour Diesel: DT Cut(s), Blueberry: Archive Cut, First Class Funk(s), & Barney’s Farm G13 Haze

I’ll get to the Frankies this weekend. :rofl:

And in the 4x4 is the glory that be thy Nepali Watermelon Hashplants!

Have a great day folks, there’s snow on the ground by me and I’m trying my best to ignore it.



Everything looks great! I like how you keep your cuts, mine are always so bushy and big, I really need to start going smaller and more compact. The :watermelon: HP are moving quick! I’m stoked to see how they turn out for real! I’m stoked on that mendo, awesome! You rock bro


The medicab is looking good but there appear to be some trees growing in the corners of this veg tent… not sure if you noticed those :joy: I love the look of those little NWHP and can’t wait to see them all growed up! :v:


Looks like a fire hazard to me, better send me the top foot, just to be safe.



All y’all!




The 1st time I grew GG4 RIL it was 5 seeds and I got 3 males, 1 hermie and 1 female… so I made a lot of backup’s. Now I’m growing out 6 of these backups and go figure I have 6 of 6 females… so I needed to move some things in so I can flower them out ASAP.


My second best tent for flowering is the AC Infinity 2x4; it does great work as we all saw with the Jew Gold 1974 S1 test run in the OmegaPot2.0. So this means that all those 1 gallon pots need to go upstairs so the 1L GG4RIL’s can come down here.

It’s a tight space for…17x plants but hey it’s working! :rofl:

Orange Tags: Limed Orange (x4)
Red Tags: Sour Diesel: Danny T Cut (5x)
Blue Tag: Blueberry: Archive Cut (1x)
Purple Tags: First Class Funk (2x)
SoloCups: Frankenstein (4x)
Rear Right: Barney’s Farm G13 Haze (1x)

My hope is steady feeding and they’ll bush out nicely up here. :crossed_fingers:

This left 2 :elephant: 's in the room… the Frankenstein plants that are legit monsters! I considered all my options and this is what happened:

Yep. I’m saying fuck-it and have an old style LED grow brick and unless they start to fuck with me too much they’re living under 24/0 in the kiddie pool next to the 4x4 until May. :rofl: :+1:

A little more housekeeping in the now cleared out 2x4 and the GG4R.I.L.'s are in their new flowering home.

They are already so even after their sexing test that I’m just gonna leave them. I’ve upped their Nit levels to address the yellowing but tbh i’m not really to worried about it.

The MedCab is still vegging out. I did some cleaning in the propagation tent so I can take a few Mendo Breath cuts and hopefully convince them to root into new plants.

The bush in the front right most row is the Mendo Breath. :ok_hand:

The Nepali Watermelon Hashplants are making me smile each time I open the 4x4. :grin:

Nice and even growth most all round. Still the 2 runts but that’s to be expected considering their back-stories.

They all dance under all those fans. It really keeps them growing strong along with the heavy silica diet plan.

Back upstairs the cuts are all gaining their footing in the propagation tent.

In the back is a First Class Funk
Yellow Tags: 4x Bubba Kush: Matt Berger Cut
Red Tag: GMO
Purple Tag: Green Crack

Now with space to breath are my 4x SoloCup Challenge entries which are my own bred Blood Orange Haze x Hubbabubbasmelloscope S1 AutoFems.

Fuck it pt 2: I’m gonna start calling them: Blood Orange Hubbabubbasmelloscope Haze AutoFem because it is accurate, long and ridiculous. :+1:

On top of all this I’ve also been processing 3 out of the 4 SSDD BX1 F2 plants as fresh frozen and here are the spoils of all my toils:

Top Left: 120u :+1:
Middle Left: 90u :star_struck:
Bottom Left: 73u :+1: :+1:
Middle Right: 25u :+1: :+1: :+1:

Very happy that the 90u has the most collected! No complaints with the 25u as the second or the others on the table.

Thanks so much for stopping on by! All the best to you and your grows!

:v: :grin: :+1:


You’re going @thceed style and growing trees in your yard this year aye?:rofl:. Those look almost 4’ tall already man I should see those from here on a clear day come September!