👨🏽‍🌾 Farmer Pigeonman (OR): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Indoor Growing

I figure if he doesn’t know it, probably no one does. :stuck_out_tongue: Easy stuff like herms or not, the rest of us can handle, but he’s been selecting from this line for 10+ years now…


Great to learn @Cormoran, thank you!


Well… I would cull anything that didn’t look like what I was looking for and may have pulled a couple without even thinking about it.

Edit Correction… yes I have culled some herms… probably more than I care to recall lol… I totally cull em, no second thoughts, but i would need to confirm intersex parts on em to call it a hermie…


I would say the ones with the structure you like the most are the least like the original GG#4 in structure. The original cut is very leggy. @Instg8ter and @PhilCuisine I believe have original cuts. Or did.


Well, thanks @Floyd you just sold me on picking one of the other males! :heart:


Look for leggy plants, thinner individual leafs that twist, and lap over each other to the center leaf , purple petioles, then pick the frostiest. And buy extra trim scissors.



Up potting day!

The 2x ACDC are geting the up pot love tonight.



JW Cut from MI Cannabis cup - lost it a few years ago

Have some S2 bag seeds . Running a cross of it with Orange Gogi from a member that’s supposed to be outstanding.


Nice plants…


UPDATE! (and now I’m very tired)

So many things up-potted today and then all moved up and down and all around.

The pollenated Cherry Festival (Red) F2 (x) Unicorn Poop BX1 now dubbed Horny Horse Cherry Shit Fest is all up in this tent like some sort of tall baller cooking up the magic being all like “Hi. :woman_cook:”. @Pawsfodocaws & @G-paS you’re work grows on :fist:

There’s space for it in here, so it’s only slightly funny looking and is on week 7 so it’s not in here for long anyway.

The Female and Chosen Male TG’s GG4 RIL’s have been moved upstairs and look really nice under the HLG 100 V2 4000k.

Not like I “need” anyone’s approval, but I do hope y’all like the chosen male. The other two are sitting in a tub out of their pots as they were needed for the ACDC plants. @Floyd , this has been a rad adventure and I must thank you again! :hugs:

GG4 RIL Fem:

GG4 RIL Male:

The Medicine Cabinet 2x4 is finally living up to its name after proving its effectiveness with the GG4 RIL’s. There is still enough space in here for the (hopeful :crossed_fingers:) 3x Freedom Dream CBD plants gifted with a warm heart by @KanehB. 1x of the 3x showed a tap root and all 3x are now in soil waiting to be extra loved.

Here are the Manitoba Poison’s I got trading with @jessethestoner; :crossed_fingers: for 2x Females; where one will be a gift for a good friend with a balcony needing a plant. If 1 male, then it’s going into veg where i’ll collect pollen and then dust a few branches of the female when the time is right during the summer grow.

Manitoba Poison Plant 1:

Manitoba Poison Plant 2:

The CBD OG KUSH S1 got the BIGGEST air-pot today and gets to go from 16oz to a 8.4 litre (yellow-bottom) in one shot. Yes I know it’s gonna stall with lots of root growth but then my hope is (like all the other times i do this) it then EXPLODES with veg growth followed by solid buds. I plan on reveging this one no matter what so I want it to have a large and healthy root system. :+1:


Up next are the ACDC plants gifted kindly from @Rhino_buddy as part of the “FUCK YOU CANCER” project. I’ve been babying them as per their request and I told them they are special enough to have the priority of the pots they were getting place into today. :hugs:

I do hope they feel the love and gift it back in good health and vigorous growth.

ACDC Plant 2:

ACDC Plant 3:

Last but not least are the 2x autoflowers gifted by @DougDawson as well to help say FUCK YOU to cancer. The Earth Lover CBD’s are doing well as my first attempt at planting directly into the air-pot.

Earth Lover CBD Auto Plant 1:

Earth Lover CBD Auto Plant 3:

The plants doing well as a direct planting is actually a relief as I am planning on putting the seeds directly into my 5gal fabric pots for the summer after floating them. Their adolecence indoors will involve up close and personal babying to make em shiny (and chrome) before the great outdoors.

Thanks for checking in folks! All the best to you, yours and your grows :fist:

:hugs: :metal: :globe_with_meridians:


Your grow is amazing @Pigeonman but I was just saying to my partner that your updates are FUCKING EPIC! :grinning::+1:


I bet your tired, I don’t know how you keep track of it all. Everything looks great!


Considering your buckets OVER FLOWING with frosty nuggets… I’m glowing with thanks! :blush:

ADHD with just enough OCD to keep it all in check :rofl:


#fuckcancer :+1:


Ha! Yes! ADHD and OCD for the win!


Looking epic there brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Oh @KanehB

:heart: :hugs: :heart:


So sweet! :hugs:

Considering what’s happening globally, it’s fitting the little thing came up wearing its 🪖, IMO. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have big CBD plant plans too, I’m thinking of grabbing a couple Canuck Pucks over the next couple of months, there are two (including the CBD one) that I’ve been :eyes: eyeballing for months!

I’ve been using some CBD Oil that was my Grandpas, Gods rest his energy, the past couple of nights to help with sleep. :yawning_face:

I have RSO, but would rather save the stronger stuff for stupid bad pain. :slightly_smiling_face:


I just checked them out and LOVE the idea! The CBD one seems steep at $150us for 9 seeds! :open_mouth: … BUT this does make me feel better about the flip-flopping i’ve been doing about The Landrace Teams “Jalisco” from Mexico which I’m 95% sure I’m gonna buy in the next few months at $150 CAD for only 10x seeds + shipping :sob:

But seriously look at this Shaman’s gold:



Well DAMN GURL, you’re looking fine all up in here like:

Although mixed about this:

Manitoba Poison, 1 is male and i assume the other female…

The thing is i NEVER put them to 12/12?!

@jessethestoner did you come accross this when running them? It’s almost acting like an auto.

I’m so confused about the flowering but not upset about the male as it’ll go into veg until i can flower it for pollen.

:man_shrugging: :confused: :rofl: