Fat bastard and ISS outdoor grow by mrgreenthumb

I have been super busy these days with house renovations, and have been sucking at updating my thread. But here we go. It has been fun and challenging remembering my soil mixes, and adjusting them to an outdoor growgot some tip burn but not bad for first grow back . but man I am so happy to be back growing.
First up are the 2 oldest FB they are at 15 inches, and ready to transplant to the 15 gallon pots. Which i will be doing on Sunday, when I get back from a short vacation

Next up is the next oldest FB, will also be ready for 15 gallon pots on Sunday

My last FB is the youngest it has maybe another week or so before being transplanted

Then off course I have my little ISS gaining steam, will be much smaller than the FB but should be ok. I am going to veg it for 2 more weeks then put her outside fulltime.

All in all the FB and ISS has been great strains to grow . Can’t wait to get some buddage going…


Those are nice man. Perfect time to go into 15’s. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Thanks for stopping bye @ColeLennon. Yea I can’t wait to get them transplanted. Really excited to see this outdoor action get going.



images (7)

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My gif game sucks. Didn’t keep gif’n

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@Mrgreenthumb Looking good man. I found that the fat bastards stretched like crazy. So I would keep that in mind going forward!


Yea they for sure are going to be a large plant gonna have to top again after transplant, a 7 ft fat bastard would be pretty awesome.:grinning::grinning::grinning:


A update on the progress so far, got to FB transplanted to 15 gallon, so far so good. This outdoor stuff is crazy stuff. I have 1 to transplant today


Hell Ya!!! It’s on like Donkey Kong. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: :100: Beautiful site. Props. Change your life I swear. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lets see more of this platform you put together for it. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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The platform i had to build cause my backyard is so not level, I had some plywood sheets and some flat concrete pieces that I us e d to shim up the plywood. Still is not as flat as i want

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It will help with bugs and your dry off. :sunglasses: I have been thinking about running another strip of 1 inch on each side of the gauntlet platform and putting my 30’s on that. Help with dry off.

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They are gonna take off now!
Looking good :+1:


I noticed the stretch too.


That one is perfect for FIM’ing those two tops.

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I might give the FIM a shot, I don’t think the FB like being topped all that much, she does love the stretch thou, going to be some large mo fo’s


Update time, plants are really getting in the groove now, starting to get some big fans and growth is excellerating. Starting to get some nice funk smell when you get a few feet from them. So far my first outdoor grow is going pretty smoothly.

A group shot
These two lady’s are really getting there grow on

I think this girl will have the biggest fans out of them all
Will try to get some better pics on the next update. So far pretty damn excited about how things are going, and a big thanks to @Andrane for hooking me up with some great genetics


on another note I was walking by my smaller Fat Bastard and out of nowhere some kind of bug carrying a leaf flew into the drain hole of the q gallon she is in. I was like what the hell was that. I could see dirt being pushed out of the hole. So I popped her out of the bucket and there was like 5 to 10 small curled up leaves in the bottom of the bucket and the bug was inside one of them

This is an example of what the leaves looked like

Here is the collection of the leaves.
Never seen anything like that before. If anybody knows what kinda bug does that let me know


Great update. The plants look great. Sun and heat makes them move fast especially foliage. I have no idea what bug that is. :sunglasses: :metal:

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