Fat bastard and ISS outdoor grow by mrgreenthumb

Why do I not see a bug?


Went back out where the plant is and they where flying back around the plant, they look like a bee and sound like a bee, mostly black


the bug was inside of the rolled leaf…

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Doesn’t sound like anything you have to worry about. Most bugs are your friends. Did you watch “A Bugs Life” :rofl:

Funny you mention that. I just watched it again the other day, lol.

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yea it didn’t seem like it was eating anything just burrowing and hiding in the leaf…so weird man

Just kickin it & chillin :bug:

had to do an eviction, do not want crazy bee dirt mining bugs in my pot

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Is it a cutter ant?

Might be some kind of parasitic wasp, gonna build a little nest and fill it with bugs or caterpillars then lay some eggs in them.

no, not ant like at all. They looked and sounded like a bee

some crazy bugs up here in the PNW

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Google is your friend. :rofl:

I think they where nesting

Bee-neath-Our-Feet-Ground-Bees.pdf (268.7 KB)
Found this article on bees, pretty incredible. Didn’t know there where so many types of bees that burrowed in the ground

True that. :bug: Nothing like Florida. Bugs on Bugs on Bugs

You can always take a good pic of it on a white surface and reverse-look it up.

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Hey look what I found yay! So here we have a type of bee that cuts perfect partial circles for their hive carpenter bee maybe?:thinking:. Idk about name but we have them here pretty harmless unless it your cannabis plants it’s cutting holes out of lol. Now I gonna pull up a swath of grass over in the corner and watch you make cannabis magic! If watching these grow then smoke em isn’t magic then what is?

Edit: I’m simple.lol how about a leafcutter bee? Lmao​:rofl::rofl:


Yes, a leafcutter. They are here in Southern Ontario as well. They won’t hurt your plants other than a few holes.


Yea, in the link I posted there are all kinds of bees that burrow in dirt. Unbelievable
Glad you stopped bye @420noob, the show is just getting started. Doing the best I can at this outdoor stuff, but having a bee infestation is a new one.
I just went out and had to wrap duct tape around the bottom of the pot to close up 80 %of the drainage holes. Hopefully that will keep them out


Maybe look into fabric pots? They will also give you more bang for your pot space by air pruning the roots but no drainage holes. They are pretty reasonably priced as well. I have my first photo outside now a bb#3 clone I took from the big bitch in my tent. Looking good!