Fat bastard and ISS outdoor grow by mrgreenthumb

I will check these out, my next grow i will have my indoor setup done. I am not sure what grow system I am going to do. I am real interested in the octo’s, so we will see


Can’t go wrong with the octopot . There idiot proof .


There’s a thread I’m following now first octo pot grow and they look straight legit. Bottom watering just makes so much sense and you can hook to a rez I’m thinking about these myself. Just seeing the rootballs that come from smart pots are just insane with no root bound!


A little Fat Bastard mood music :fire:


that is areally cool cover , very nice

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Covers sic as f


So is the album itself! Up there with cowboys from hell!

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I wouldn’t go that far. Remastered tho.

Not the same as cowboys from hell, different kinda jams thou

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Ya you are right but vulgar display of power was hard AF! Dropped a fat bastard today cause well saw you had one going and said fugit.

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I have 4 going, getting close to the 2 foot mark. They are nute sensitive, so go easy on the npk. @420noob


Will do how far along are they?

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I think it was like April 25th when I dropped the beans


about time to get another update, it has been a big learning curve on watering outdoor and nute levels. Been getting hot here and the plants have been using up a bunch of water, been using my nute levels also. Was not exactly prepared for the amount they need for outdoor. I would have raised my nute amounts that I mixed in the soil.

The plants are growing doubled in size since transplanting into the 15 gallon. Will see even better growth now that I have adjusted watering levels and nute amounts
First plant is different than the other 2 bigger fan leaves and structure.

Second and third plant are very similar growth structures

All in all things are looking pretty good, I think. Starting doing some defol on the lowers to keep that airflow going. Haven’t had to spray for pest control yet. So pretty happy about that.


Healthy and flourished. Keep growing Props. :sunglasses: :metal:


Looking awesome!


You got some nice happy looking girls there. Ya the heat, water, nutes is a big learning curve. All was smooth sailing until super hot hit. They will fill those 15 gal nicely for you.


Thanks @420noob, they actually do look pretty good, I stepped up feeding amount, and gave them a full gallon. Should kick these girls into gear, will see.


plants have picked up the pace, as they are loving the fish ferts. Gonna top with some blood meal before next water, to get ready for bloom stretch.

Love the structure of the fat bastard, gonna be a fairly large plant. I am not sure about topping again, this strain really doesn’t like to be topped I do believe. Have you found this to be the case @Andrane? I topped earlier in veg and it took forever for it to get back in the groove, but that could have also been due to my underfeeding.
But anyhoo here are the 3 big girls. First up the biggest of the 3. She is just about at the 3 foot mark

Next is the shorter different pheno than the other 2. She has bigger fans and structure, but looking good.

And last but not least is the 3rd one in line. Really strong growing plants

Soil mix has been working real well, just didn’t add enough n in the mix, we will see how it goes in flower, with this being my first outdoor run I had to make some guesses on the amount of soil additives to add but I am ready with liquid nutes to supplement when needed.
They have been using about a gallon every 4 days, stepping up to a gallon and 1/2 on next watering. Well that is all I got for now. I am still absolutely loving having a grow going, I love getting up in the morning and seeing the growth overnight. Loving the ride


Right On!!! It is awesome going out and seeing them in the morning. Moving now. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol: