Fat bastard and ISS outdoor grow by mrgreenthumb

That’s up to you. I use grow bags so it’s difficult to overwater and they dry out faster. I’ve had pouring rain on them this summer more than once, they don’t care.
Before I did my defoliation not much rain was getting to the soil. The leaves were like an umbrella.


To big brother. You would just risk a huge chance of PM. The rain right now is fine. Its mid to late bloom it gets tricky. All you can do now is buckle them down with zip ties and keep an eye on them. If you have a pop up canopy or use hand truck to bring them under shelter you can do that. Depends on how big they are.

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UPDAT TIME!!!.. we have budsites and some stacking going on, so excited, been a long time since I the pleasure of growing my own flower. I really did miss the process of growing this plant.
First up the furthest along plant, it is the smallest of the 3.

The other 2 are really turning out nice, budsites are forming, I like the node spacing , and vigor of these 2

So far other than a overfeeding, it has been a trouble free grow. Let’s hope these girls get the chance to finish thou.


They look healthy and flourished. First budsites are magical. Great growing. :sunglasses: :metal:


Been a while since I posted an update, I really suck at keeping up with my grow threads. The FB are doing ok putting on weight getting stinky and frosty. I hope to be able to finish these before winter really takes over but I have my doubts.
Been super busy working on the house, but getting close to coming to a finishing point. I really need to get in and convert my garage to a grow space…
Well enough on that let’s get to some pics 1st 2 pics are of the more indica leaning plant of the 3, it may actually finish.

Next are my 2 biggest plants they are coming along nicely also

Really impresses with the fat bastard so far. Can’t wait to see what these girls produce


Looking good! Hope you can get them done in time. Have you thought of covering them a little early so the dark time is lengthened and speed up flower but might affect yield.


Looking good! Lots of time left. If you can, figure out a way to cover them from October rains. A short shower is fine, but 2 or 3 days of rain in the forecast, cover them if you can. Make it to Nov, you’ll be set.
You are lucky, I will probably have frost in October.


Yea I am prepared, I bought 55 gallon clear trash bags @ColeLennon calls them helmets. They will fit perfectly with the tomato cages.hopefully will not be too bad, but will need all of October I do beleive


Be careful with the bags. Something with open sides would be better. Even just a tarp with tent poles.

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Yeah, I agree I wouldn’t use the trash bags while blooming. You would be better off to zip tie like a cheap umbrella to the top of the cage. Stick the handle down in the top ring and zip tie it. You want the air to clear the moisture.

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Those are looking really good. Stacking nice. You have another month easy. You are going to get rain. Just go out and shake them by grabbing the base and giving them a good shake when you get home after a rain. Like, Tuned said don’t worry about it unless you get a 3 day ground and pound.


dammit wanted to use my helmets…:grinning::grinning::grinning: but yea I can see where they would cause trouble.


I only use helmets when they are small if there is going to be a ground and pound. Really just to make sure the rain and wind doesn’t tear them to pieces when real young.


I know I have the box unopened. :rofl: I think you are better off just leaving them be. Let the cannabis gods decide… Just brace them with zip ties to the cages.

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Next week is going to be a challenge…:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Just buckle them down. :sunglasses: :metal:

Since they are in those hard plastic nursery pots. You can always use your hand truck and move them over next the house. Just close enough that the house shields them from some rain. Just make sure colas aren’t touching the damp side of the house.

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I do have a hand truck. Hopefully the forecast changes. Too early for all this rain

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This is the shit you want to prepare for. This is coming to me on the 26th. Its the rain weighting the colas and wind gusts that do the damage.

Batten down the hatches with zip ties and stakes. :100:


Better move yours closer to the house. Its going to be a big one. Mine are going to be hanging low low low.

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