FBSC Oaxaca heirloom x Central Mexican Green Hashplant

We gotta isolate that trait like Bodhi did with the DBHP. With two different colours and the ability to add them at will you could definitely make some money off of breeders. I’d love to have these traits for my own plants. Sativas red, Indicas purple. And there will be no question if it’s my genetics or not. Awesome!


Should be a good one, @lambchopedd! Looking forward to.following along! A purple bleeder already. Sweet!


Hey Lamchop have you ever encountered any phenos with like strange feathering on the ends of the leaf tips?I was doing a deep dive into some Cartel brick weed from the 90s.I popped 40 beans only had two pop up.One is kind of screwy and really thin and the other is a really really slow growing lanky one that popped out three true leaves on the second set and they both have this what I can only describe as feathering in the leaf tips.I’ve grown out a couple over the years and I haven’t seen anything like it


That second definitely looks strange. Can’t say that I’ve really noted feathering… in my experience most seedlings outgrow their minor mutations (usually, but not always)

The first one has what I call “crinkle leaf”, which I see somewhat often across many different strains. I’ve heard some famous breeders share their theories on it — particularly Tony Green with GG4, and Matt Riot with Clockwork Orange.

I’m curious to see if that second stays that narrow-leafed throughout it’s life :thinking:


You didn’t by chance use any mycorrhizae did you? I’ve noticed that the leaves of the plant often crinkle when contact is made with the fungus
Also I’ve seen this with old seeds, and inbred lines


Yes Sir I did I used promix and I spray with a plant probiotic spray that’s loaded with microbes.This stuff is amazing and it cleared up my pm problem indefinitely in junction with the sulpher treatment @JoeCrowe recommended.I only had to use one real good spray of Safers sulpher spray the one in the green bottle .Also my nutrient uptake problem was solved in a little less than 8 days…


As far as the beans they are from the 1990s so they are going on 25 years old so they are up there a bit.As far as inbred of it was a good cartel strain I’d imagine they would have bred the shit out of the same seed stock over and over again like the old man talks about on the weed farm in Narcos.So these seeds check all the boxes in your inquiry.


As for the second on it is quite bizarre.I’m letting it live not out of mercy but pure curiosity it’s catching up on leaflets but a really odd thin leaf thing going on


Glad to see that parasite has been wiped out!


I have grown what I believe is the blueberry strain since 1991. I out crossed it in 2014 to an unknown strain and grew The Offspring in Washington State in 2017. About 1% of the plants looked very similar to what you have going on. The plants grew kind of like ABC. What looked like branches would form only to have a clump of leaves at the end. The leaflets never did get any thicker and in fact may have been thinner… so there is a link with the my old Mexican genetics ( blueberry is part Mexican) from the 90s and what you have.
Sometimes old seeds make plants like that because some of the DNA must be damaged perhaps, or some nutrient is missing or hard to process from such long seed storage.
I’ve seen lots of plants that were fairly similar. I find that transplanting these into a larger container can help the plant catch up to its siblings. When I transplant, obviously the dirt comes out of the cup in the shape of a cup. Knock as much dirt as you can off, until you come to some roots. I don’t know why this helps. But it often does.
I had a weird mutation on Lambsbread. It’s documented in the thread. In my case it was most likely Hemp Flea Beatles causing a virus of some sort. Anytime flea Beatles have hammered my plants the leaves look similar to that for a week.


That shit was extincted.I periodically pull all my plants out the tent and do a Lysol spray then follow up with a quick spray and wipe down with the sulpher in the tent every third wipe down and I don’t even get those funny yellow spots either.I only use my own cuttings in the tent I don’t bring in anything that wasn’t birthed in that tent .That Probiotics spray used after keeps the PM off.That Bacterium Subtillus with those other microbes like to eat PM like tic tacs.I suspect It acts on the leaf surface for bacteria warfare like that LABS syrum does.


With that old seed stock I suspected the same hardships with nutrient processing being the seed was from old brick weed.Also from what I’ve heard I was to expect this stock to veg very slowly and be very gentle and patient.The real question I think we are all wondering is ,Is the ugly duckling going to turn out to be a swan or a big old goose egg.I’ll keep it around if it does some wierd shit but it will
Be on thin ice and have to be some serious trip weed , medicine or both. I
don’t think I would want to breed with that somethings off the rocker with that one.Now the other one I’m really tempted to say from what all the breeder research I’ve read I keep hearing the same thing.To rebuild a variety that time forgot to use something similar to what the parents would have been.
I would like to see if that Oaxacan would fit the bill to see if it would help bring it back from the dead.I see it like using Asian elephant dna to splice into a wooly mammoth to resurrect one.I’m going to get a cutting going off that not so bad one and I’m going to chuck a really good Oaxacan male to it when I make some head stash seed stock if it’s a female or vice versa.Any thoughts?


It is great to see so many Mexican strains being grown on the forums. I remember when everyone thought I was a bit eccentric for growing Mexican bagseeds.

With Mexico going legal, all of these old strains will go extinct, or will be held by private hobby growers. Campesinos in the mountains of Mexico will be as antiquated of an idea as hippies in the hills of California.


I’m going to repot them I have some really good soil I just broke up out of a rootball I had sit for 2 weeks.I just potted a cutting that wasn’t doing well into a pot of soil with the decomposed roots and the transplants seem to love it.That cut is my best one now it bounced back in a week.I’ll put them in a half gallon and keep them there for a bit.The drainage in that soil with the recycled roots was better than my perlite mix of 30 40.

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That’s why I’m pushing it so hard now. There is limited time to find what we need to find( the pure stuff of course). Some of the people still growing landraces now will turn to hybrids when they are readily available from neighbors.


I read that Afghan strains have been inbred for so many generations that they often grow with a crinkle in their leaves when young. If this is true, then theoretically since almost everything has Afghan in it the strains that have been bred more closely to the Afghan roots would be more likely to have this mutation. What did the others say?


Tony said, if I remember correctly, the crinkle is a trait/sign of legitimate gg4.

Riot, claimed the crinkle leaf is a linked-trait signifying higher potency in Agent Orange.

I don’t know how well either of these stories hold up :man_shrugging:t4:


Thai crinkle leaf. I wish I paid attention. This very well may have been the best plant. I know what the Little Sprout turned into and that one definitely wasn’t my favorite. 33% chance miss crinkle Leaf was the best


Please excuse me, I’m taking my usual eazy boy recliner in the back. Looking forward to this.


Update of the two.They are the palest yellow green shade I have in my tent.Very slow but steady growth.Of my whole room these two have my curiosity the most.They surprise me everyday.The one is starting to look more like a plant now.They love the new light always happy in the morning