FBSC Oaxaca heirloom x Central Mexican Green Hashplant

This is going to be long winded, I’m always long-winded… Mostly because I post so infrequently. Bear with me.

No tldr this time, just gonna break my tangent into sections:

Overall — These things don’t like dry-spells. In their defense, I have them in bigger pots than I usually use because there were so few… so perhaps I’m just not fully watering the substrate :thinking:

I’m fairly confident that I have an early/moderate spidermite infestion in one of the tents — i.e leaf spotting, nymphs & eggs can be seen with a loupe, a few adults too, no webbing
As far as I can tell these are unaffected, and have never been near the main culprit plant in question (already discarded) but I’m not taking any chances.
I bought way too many Phytoseiulus persimilis RAPID sachets…. And they’re already dispersed abundantly in every tent AND the benign house plants :sweat_smile:

The Males — I had two males, the purple bleeder and a much taller one. The taller one got culled this morning simply because he was a pain in the ass anyways…and he hated the dry-spells more than the others.

Plus, the pollen was starting to mold in spots where it sat too long on leaves.

The Purple bleeder however, is most likely going to get a haircut and start revegging tonight; the females are fully pollinated as is, tonight will start the countdown of 8wks for seed maturation, despite many of them not needing that much time at this point. I’ll post new pics of him after he starts putting out new foliage.

The Females — these beauts blow me away, visually speaking. I can’t comment on yield because they’re fully pollinated, and were done so very early (all were flipped at the same time).

Their resin however is BEAUTIFUL! Large heads on all of them under a loupe. I know we all know what “frosty” weed looks like, but these things glisten so pristinely in the light that they look like droplets of water :heart_eyes: I couldnt get a picture that would do em justice (I tried, I promise)

I have three… One is pretty muted. The second one has a very funky almost industrial chemical like smell to it. The third however, smells true to snowhighs description; ”melon”. But I want to take it a step further and say that it doesn’t just smell like what I expect from melons. It smells like a melon fruit salad… With ripe papaya at the forefront. It is so fucking terpy! In the background it does have a touch of that industrial chemical smell that the other one has… I would type out what terpene I think it is, but I’m not versed in terpenes as well as I should be, and I’d probably get it wrong anyways. It goes without saying that she is my favorite thus far.

Also I may have gotten one thing incorrect before; the terpy female may also be a bleeder as well. I can’t say for sure… It’s been a long time since I’ve taken cuts from her or pulled a leaf off. But as I look at all the incisions, I noticed they dried black like the purple bleeder did.
But take this with a grain of salt.

Oh yeah, and for anyone wondering about a smoke test and blah blah blah… I have clones of everything either in veg or in flower already. So there will eventually be pics of unseeded buds to gawk over.

What Next? — so since I culled one male, and I’m going to reveg the other… I’m thinking about moving the girls to finish in my (what’s supposed to be-) sinsemilla tent.

In which case their tent will be empty. And after disinfecting it, I’m thinking about doing a little Bodhi side project that I may have mentioned to some privately… Or if you follow me on IG, you may have seen coming… Or if I couldn’t shut the fuck up and posted about it publicly already.

I have 20 or so Portable Spaceship f2s from @dankbydru (Thankyou again!)

I originally just grew a pack he gifted me, but ended up really loving the smoke! So I asked him for more, revegged all the females, and now I’m hoping to do sort of an Open-pollination F3 generation just for myself (& of course to give out to friends) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Since Nixon (and especially under Reagan/Bush), there were some pretty nasty chemicals that got sprayed on commercial canna farms down in Mexico. So it makes sense there would be some odd deformities in Mexican hybrids.


I see what you’re saying.
But I dont think its inbreeding recession, since they open pollinate their fields. I think its more that they heirloomed their lines to adapt to the crazy low humidity in the regions so they crinkle their leaves up to help move the air around the leaves.

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That male is looking stellar, real thick flower structure!


Paraquat, lovely stuff… :face_vomiting:

I recall something about it causing a Parkinson’s disease as well…



How did these finish up? Did you get any intersex issues on the females?

I have a rare pack of Snowhigh’s Pine Melon Oaxacan F9 that I need to get to one of these days. Your grow and report makes me want to run them soon!



Sorry it took so long to get back to you man.
Idk if you want a long-ranty response, or shorter n’ sweet — so let this be a hybrid of the two.
The pollination was so long ago and my memory sucks, so bear with me.

tldr — no intersex noted. I think Snowhighs description was spot-on… however, it didn’t quite cure out that way

From what I remember, at least one of the females smelled like industrial chemicals, while the other (my favorite) smelled as if you sliced an overripe papaya and shoved your nose in it — I fucking loved it. The third female I dont remember much.

Around that time, I was either struggling with spidermites already or they took over just before harvest — cant remember which. For that reason, I held on to the plants to at least finish the pollination and skipped trying to smoke em. I did however manage to keep a cut of the papaya one alive… and over the next year, lost it multiple times to those damn mites &/or made one-off pollinations with in via my other OPs. Every time it retained it’s intense papaya profile and vigor.
But the point is that I liked the cut so much that despite the mite issue, I kept taking cuts and trying to keep em clean.

Fast forward to just a few weeks ago — I finally successfully brought it to harvest without mites ruining it :sweat: Until harvest, it 100% still smelled like fruit. BUT after drying it went full-blown industrial chemicals! Like for reference, I simultaneously chopped a Chem91 hybrid that I got from CSI (Bad Wolf II, or whatever he calls it) — and this Oaxacan was hands down terpier and more aggressive on the nose (I mean no disrespect to CSI).

Still haven’t smoke it. It’s curing in a jar… probably with the Bad Wolf, because I let the clone go and didnt feel the need to distinguish it.
But yeah man, I hope that helps.


I should probably also mention that I’m currently growing f2s from my OP run as well. You’re absolutely welcome to some if you want to compare-contrast when you pop yours :grimacing:

None of the females where overly stretchy, but one male was. Buds weren’t airy, but not rocks on’a stick either. No issues with mold or anything like that. The resinheads were pretty large, and looked “wet” throughout flowering, if that makes any sense. I wouldn’t recommend molesting the buds before work if you want to be discreet. I’d also expect they’d need staked or at least need to be leaning against a wall (mine did)