Federal legalization in the USA, what does the future hold for cannabis?

This is good to see.
It is not a hard concept to grasp.
From the link above:

The DEA should do so by removing cannabis from the [Controlled Substances Act] altogether, rather than simply placing it in a lower schedule,” they wrote.

Sounds like something someone else around here was saying. :thinking:

The fact that marijuana has less adverse outcomes (including less potential of an overdose) and less potential of abuse than substances that are descheduled (alcohol) or scheduled below Schedule III (such as benzodiazepines),” the letter continued.

Proponents of marijuana legalization have criticized a potential rescheduling as a move that would more so benefit marijuana business owners — most of whom are white — in being able to deduct business expenses from their taxes, rather than helping rectify racial injustices fueled by marijuana’s scheduling.

Sch.3 is not right for cannabis and is basically just another lie, we should not accept a sch.3 for cannabis.
If we do, we accept another lie as the truth and that is never good. :grimacing:


It’s not like we really get a say in what the DEA does, but FWIW there are people in high places that recognize that rescheduling doesn’t go far enough.

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Well you kinda have a point, we do not get to dictate what the DEA does.
We can tell them how we feel.
Think about it…
If the DEA got a letter from every cannabis user, and we flooded our senators and representative with calls, letters and visits it could have an impact.
Standing up for injustice is always a good start and is always the right thing to do.
By raising our voice in protest at least we tell the world how we feel.
If we sit quietly never doing anything the world thinks we approve.
If we bring awareness to the issue progress could be made.

I would suggest this is because they were made aware of the issues by someone who did not approve of sch.3.
Someone has been talking to Mr. Sanders and the Dems, they did not come up with this idea on their own, they heard it somewhere.
So you see awareness can be very effective.
I do not understand why it is so hard fought here.

Stand up tall for what you believe, unless you feel doing nothing and remaining silent is the better choice.
I do not…
I am willing to fight for what I believe in, but sadly some are not and remain complacent. :pensive:


Probably someone like Shaleen Title.

If there’s anyone in the senate who has been aware of the issue for a long time, it’s no doubt Bernie Sanders.

I certainly salute you for writing to the DEA, I think I might pass on that part (my senators are signatories to the letter so not much point in lobbying them about it).

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I have not but I have friends in low places.

A guy they call SeedPAC is usually up on what is happening now.
He suggests making people aware of the issues we face, he said awareness is key as most people don’t even know about what is really going on behind the scenes.

So if folks don’t even know there is a problem or issue that allows the govt. to run things the way they want to.

We have been speaking about this kinda stuff since the inception of pseudo-legalization.

Most folks we run across say it is/was fearmongering.
But most of what we warned folks about has taken place.
The rest seems to be coming true in the near future.

Most folks don’t know that NORML pretty much sold us out here in Michigan.
Think about that when you support groups like NORML.
Awareness is a huge part of these issues.

If you don’t tell folks that groups like NORML may not represent the cannabis community like you would think they should, they will think NORML is just great and maybe give them some money unknowingly.
Awareness of what is happening behind the scenes can be very important.

The hope is I will tell someone…and they will tell 2 friends and so on, and so on.


I agree with a lot of what you’re saying Shag, but I would point out that the organization is called NORML. the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

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It has been a while since that name rolled off my tongue… :grimacing:
I will fix it… :nerd_face:

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And that right there is why I let those good at what they do…do it… :rofl:
Some folks are not cut out to write their congressmen. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Hey @shag . CNN just did a story about how AI will be used to intercept drugs coming through the mail. Could be the beginning of the end for seed trading. Also, There are now people calling for the legal grow-ops and dispensaries to be owned and run by the state. Everyone that lives in Ohio had better start collecting as many different genetics as you can get your hands on. 🥸


Well said, I agree 100%

Lets hope not…

Now that is pretty messed up… :pensive:

Things are changing and maybe not for the better.
At least not better for the average Joe.




Point of last ramble was that the powers that be love creating consumers while eliminating all but a few producers. Legalization will not include personal growing unless personal growers form a better lobby. I hope so but we are talking about a bunch of stoners. Hmmm

Stoners don’t give a fuck about legalization we/they are going to do what we’ve always done.


Maybe they should…
And you feel that is a logical approach?
Vote yes to hand cannabis over to the real criminals and then go underground to grow it because it is illegal.

If legalization does not change things for home growers that is not really legalization.

We should not be so quick to accept the first deal offered.
Especially when it has no benefit except to put money in the hands of criminal politicians and criminal enterprises.

I guess if you support those kinds of criminals then by all means vote to support them.

Me I do my best to stand with the people of this world.
I do my best to stand against all the corruption.
Folks today seem ok with rampant corruption, I suggest we need to speak out against it.

Here is the way I see things…

You say…I voted yes to legalize, that way folks stay out of jail for cannabis.
They said I can no grow at home.
I did it anyway.
They arrested me for doing exactly what they do.
Why do I go to jail and they make millions.

Does that sound remotely fair and just?
It would seem that is what you are promoting.

Yes, i support criminals, as per your claim.

My point is as an outlaw I don’t really care what they say.


Would you maintain that view facing 20 years in the penitentiary?

I’ve been facing 20 years my whole life no point changing now.


So if the laws won’t change that for you …why vote yes.
How does that even make sense?

Legaization without home growing is nothing more that a power grab that supports big cannabiz.
Voting yes supports things like plant patents, plant royalties, sterile clones, ect.

Are you in favor of plant patents, plant royalties, sterile clones, ect.
By voting yes you support these sorta things by default.
These sorta things are not what is best for the consumer.

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Yes yes we know what you think.

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These are the facts brother not what I think.
Also it is not just me…many others have taken their head out of the sand to see what is really happening to the cannabis industry.

Sorry to hear we do not have your support.

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