Fentanyl laced Cannibis

I don’t need to elaborate


Do you smoke cannabis by placing it on a piece of aluminum foil and heating it from below?

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Probably explains why that dispo weed isn’t doing anything for me, stupid glass pipe.


They do seem to be confusing vaping/free basing with smoking but also say they use many different devices including bongs and people can overdose on the residue depending on their tolerance.

I wasn’t clear on whether using bongs etc actually meant they were exposing their heroin/etc to a direct flame.


for some reason the link breaks if i make it clickable…just remove the space before .com for this url :point_down:

actionnewsjax .com/news/local/late-night-traffic-stop-putnam-county-leads-discovery-fentanyl-laced-marijuana/VOZORVNTLNE6PCGRVIYA5UBVJU

This is the most likely cause. My ex wife is an ICU nurse and they’ve had plenty of patients who’ve come in for fentanyl overdose but claim they’ve never touched the stuff. The one common denominator between all of them is that they smoked marijuana before they OD.


Here’s my problem with local news reporting: they write a sensational story and never go back and dig into the details once time has passed. Old stories are old.


I’m here to give you a first hand account of my last time buying grass off the street. I picked up an eighth from a close friend. I busted the bag up between Mom, Aunt Anita, and of course got the fat nugget. As soon as I hit it I said to my GF, I feel like I smoked a Perk.

Im not sure how this would even help this topic. I spent alot of time here and in South Philly, Atlanta. Dad lives in Atl. The Fentanyl xylazine is so bad here it makes Ke sington look like a good time.

The P.O.S. dealer had a ton of customers who solely sold Fentanyl laced weed to them. I understand why said customers fought me tooth and nail about how his grass is the best. Wonder why. Shoot you local heroin dealer.


**oh yeah, at that time I was 2 years clean from Fentanyl and when i went to my clinic where these U/A results are still available. It was crazy that F and grass only popped. That’s when I co firmed I gave my Mom laced weed. Thats why I only smoke what I grow unless I know the person.


I was going to go to an Ultramgnetic MC’s show in a few months but it is in the tenderloin and I don’t want to walk over half conscious people. It isn’t as bad as they say on TV but it is just concentrated in that area.


I agree. I take most articles like this with a grain of salt.

Not to mention, the cop supposedly found it after removing the suspect from the car. Sounds planted.

Nonetheless, it is a documented, published article supporting the narrative, as shaky as the evidence may be.

There was an overdose one town over from my buddy in NY a couple years ago now. They found the dude slumped over in his car in the walmart parking lot. Dude said he was smoking weed and passed out. Trying to find the news article.

Did find this warning from NYS health department about contaminated synthetic cannabis. Ive never seen it personally but my buddy in NY has come across synthetic cannabis being sold as weed and also mids that have been sprayed with synthetic cannabinoids



That “synthetic cannabis” crap is a whole different story.



The Scary part about the Synthetic shit is there are so many analogs out there a chemist will create 20 different ones for every single analog they do this because as soon as its under the radar and they find it they will test for it and make it a schedule drug and start looking for it.By the time you have it in your system they wont know what they are looking for if you end up in the ER.Ive known people that have had seizures off this shit and a couple other people that almost ended up on 72 hour hold that tell me they still dont feel right to this day


Synthetics or what used to be called spice, (can be) insanely addictive and can turn people into literal zombies that will sell everything. I haven’t heard about that on TV in years and it is terrifying. This is an actual problem and it was just turned into the “this is fine” meme.


I’ve not bought weed in 20+ years, a non issue for me and mine.
In the 70’s in our area, was Killer Weed, you buy a 35 mm film cannister for $30.00. Then liquified angel dust, that was saturated and dried onto parsley.
You then (the idea of it) was to add that into an ounce of schwag, about $15.00.
There was enormous amount of schwag back, no one wanted it, however due to the cartels, say, you wanted say 10 pounds of premium buds. Sure you can, but you also MUST take a 100 lb’s of swag, or GFYS, since the next guy will.
So KW was made to bump up the potency of the schwag.
BUT it STUNK of chemicals, and real bud lovers, would shun it.
Maybe it’s the same idea.


I used to hear about it occasionally in the 90s and very early 2000s. They were calling it “wet” and it smelled like a sharpie marker