Fentanyl laced Cannibis

More people will die from the air we breathe and the food we eat.

Of course doing something about that would require more than lip service to the status quo.

In a previous line of work I had met a guy who overdosed 3 times and I asked him why don’t you just try cannabis and he said it wasn’t enough for him.

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Pretty much spot on. Just a ton of really old shitty cannabis thats no one wants to buy. The sketchy part is some synthetic cannabinoids arent super apparent until you’re handling or even smoking the bud.

I know a few people who got messed up pretty good smoking it without realizing it.

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I thought they were soaking it in formaldehyde or what-have-not? Or maybe that’s just the urban legend of what wet was.


In theory teens have less access to actual cannabis in legal states… I imagine a lot of people are turning to the other deltas or other things they can readily buy online.

I can’t even imagine having to buy weed on the street anymore


Even if fentanyl-laced cannabis is actually a thing, it seems to me that the issue is the fentanyl, not the cannabis. But politicians have been doing that sorta fear mongering for decades, so it doesn’t surprise me. “Don’t smoke the weed! You never know what other drugs are in it!”

The LA Times did a story a couple years ago about fentanyl where the reporter sort of “embedded” themself downtown and hung out with a bunch of junkies for a week. There were multiple pictures of people using a lighter to smoke it, not from underneath some foil or anything, but directly to it, which I didn’t even know was a way to consume it. I thought you sniffed or shot it.

It didn’t look like the direct flame was affecting their ability to get fucked up at all. I mean, who better to trust than the people who are strung out on it? They probably know the best way to consume it. Or the easiest and fastest way, anyway.


I think that was mostly hype. I can’t be sure, but I would think smoking formaldehyde at any dose would probably be toxic, since it’s straight to the blood stream via your lungs.

Fear…they are selling fear.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed - and hence clamorous to be led to safety - by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
H. L. Mencken


I Volunteer to the homeless and know of people that mix it on purpose. And they could overdose or just space out and drop the doobie and someone in this area picks up the half doobie and smokes it. It actually happens a lot. And I knew a guy that died along with his friend from two guys on a doobie. I knew this man very well and he would lace a doobie about once a month. But it only takes once!


I help the homeless drug addicts everyday and they like using the foil or the glass pipe. But on occasion some will lace a doobie. I witness them smoking when I help them. My favorite one named Greg a weed and beer guy told me of his occasional laced doobie. He died in a double death overdose, two guys on a doobie. So yes it can be consumed on weed.


Isn’t it transdermal? Even touching it can be bad.


Largely a myth:


Well that’s good anyway.

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It isn’t a common thing, but there is fentanyl laced weed in my neck of the woods.
Meth, heroin, coke etc, are all laced with fentanyl. Good luck finding any of those drugs without them being laced.
My source of info is from a family member who lives that lifestyle.


I wasn’t saying it can’t be consumed on weed; in fact, I said just the opposite. What I was saying is that the weed-and-fentanyl thing isn’t the issue. The issue is fentanyl.


Thanks for posting this topic. Really really good to know

i just talked to someone yesterday who got some. it made her sick as hell and she suspected it had fentanyl in it so she got a test and came back positive for it. she assumed that the dealer had gotten it on the weed from handling it and not purposely lacing it but has no idea for sure. so at least in this case it actually happened, kind of.

Cross contamination is very likey if someone is using one scale for multiple substances.

Thanks for all the comments as I found this quite informative.
