Fentanyl Laced Weed? WTF?

Pretty sure I live only 3-4 houses away

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Wish i was closer or they were mailable :slight_smile:

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Lets be real, mdma/ecstasy goes for 20-25$ a bean. Think i will be giving away that to random people? Hell no. Not to mention i damn sure wouldnā€™t be giving it to kids.

Plus, everything i have read about edibles (never purchased), the ones that have similar looking packaging to candy bars arenā€™t cheap either. Why on earth would i give that out?


MDMA/extacy is $1 around here. They are handing that shit out in bags. I canā€™t tell you whatā€™s on the smokeā€¦ fentanyl , spice, hair spray, pgrā€™sā€¦ but I can tell you that shit is sending them to the e.r. Every day. One hit and you can barely walk, your head is swimming, your heart start to beat erratically. You feel like you are having a heart attack or stroke. I have friends that have had strokes on it. Seizures, and heart attacksā€¦ the shit turns your skin dark as fuxk. The ones that keep smoking it look like zombies around here. Every one I know that smokes it ends up in the hospital. No joke. Be glad itā€™s not in your area. Thatā€™s the truth. One more thing, It looks like good weed. PGR weed most of the time. Cause it never has trichs on it. It smells like terps are sprayed all over it. The shit is oily most of the time, but not always. You donā€™t know it until you smoke itā€¦ then itā€™s too late. Iā€™ll try to get you guys a pic of some and post it later. Be safe. It out there.

Fentanyl is actually extremely cheap ordered from China. Thatā€™s why they cut heroine with it


Yes fentanyl is not costly and neither is meth. Not sure about in weed but definitely in meth and other things and the junkies are requesting it because they donā€™t get in as much trouble when doing meth as itā€™s calming effect keeps them from getting too crazy. I have heard meth put in weed and to be honest now a days unless you are buying pharma grade meth you never really know whatā€™s in it. Huge margins for those putting it on the streets and I have no desire what so ever to try it.
With fentanyl and carfentanyl the difference between working and :skull: is a very fine line.
Taking one of those patches if you have not ever done one and are not in severe pain that needs it is a definite instant good night. :zzz::sleeping: Generally when those are used the person has been on other things for pain and their tolerance is very high. Not the same for a novice.


iā€™d imagine its cross contamination from a careless dealer. itā€™s very possible. there was lots of people in B.C. dying from fentanyl in cocaine. likewise, not sure if cross contamination. but iā€™d also guess thereā€™s some sick people who intentionally cut weed or cocaine with fentanyl just to watch people die and get a kick out of reading the stories in the paper. who knows, sick people out there.

possibly even a government or gov. agencies, foreign or domestic.


Our old Premier (Crusty), made money for her campaigns from producers of Fent. Then she sat in front of the camera worried about the problem it causes in societyā€¦ That is a serious killer right now in BC, and world wideā€¦ There has been 827 deaths in BC last yearā€¦the number smashes the virus they are locking down the world for, right now.



Once again China is behind these needless killings.
Our friend yeah right


Weā€™ve been hit very hard by here I know this is an old post but itā€™s hatching very deeply with me because the last bag of weed that I bought off the street with laced with fentanyl my aunt my mother and myself with the bag I know it had fentanyl in it because I go to a program.

Iā€™ve done much Fentanyl and carfentanil in my time unfortunately. Right now in Baltimore their lacing everything from Powder cocaine crack cocaine weed repressed green Xanax bars all with fentanyl :pill: in them nobody knows itā€™s like Russian Roulette because these little kids from out in the county who donā€™t have a tolerance end up getting one and thatā€™s it theyā€™re out on the toilet. :coffin:

Thats the worst thing you could possibly find trust me. If you get caught importing or making it manufacturing it selling it you should be executed publiclyā€¦:gun:

.love you guys be careful grow yer own.:heart::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::v:


My Provincial Gov played a role in killing my little sister from Fentyā€¦

They should never allow it in society, pain killer or not.



JeeZus manā€¦Sounds crazyā€¦Good thing you grow your own meds Mang.



Im sorry I was so angry. Its an issue we cant bend on at all it has to go. I have no woman bexause all the good girls around here are fucked in the head or on smack hmphhh shit ass acting fentanyl.

I just dunno.