Fibro myalgia

Awesomeness @Thetravler ! Best of luck with them!

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Well @DEFSeeds i had alot of fun growing this rainbow belt 2.0 But Ow! the smell of her as i write this post . This is one of the most profound aroma’s i have ever smelt from a plant ! I cant wait to smoke this ! Thanks for making such a beuatiful plant !

Ok time to harvest ! Yippee !!!


Todays these ladies day ! 2x mothers milk f3 and 2x killer koffee !


Nice, you will have to teach me your tricks so that I can grow something like that. Gorgeous.

How about i just come smoke it all with you !!! Is there any kind i can bag up for you let me now !

Can you tell me why males are showing up this late in the game look at the size of them fuckers ! I feel like i was kickked in the nuts by a track star ! @Budderton i had too show you these i know you will give me some sympathy were @THCeed just tells me to suck it up butter cup kind of thing hahahaha


Ok he what the outdoors are saying on the upside !!![17222068837152168144947396391494|230x500]

(upload://1yNFFSU1F1EbkYRYM0FG4wLvYZn.jpeg) qqx [grid]

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[/grid]![1722208106724259853377555963921217222084241152406757264507627582 |230x500]
(upload://mFY3QfEEDVK1ievZyMUjVllH4ow.jpeg) ![17222081402124732303666923735566|230x500]172220825254919176891209759833|230 x500 (upload://3iMplVLJhBVzLC8Ma7rRP4VxTte.jpeg) !
Hope you like the pictures the 2 dead males were easy 9 to 10 ft but hey that growing legal in Ontario !!!17222086451986485263955977838673 this shit phone only my luck sorry guys you’ll just have to wait !!!


Bummer @Thetravler . Unfortunately now is the time of year that we start finding the males we missed when scoping pre-flowers in the spring. Good thing you got them before they could do any damage.

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Another of your babies heading to the big smoke in the sky


Goodmornig ! Im writing this post in this page i have been on this page and i feel im free to say my opinions here and you should feel the same 2 x now i have had post i have written about Fluer du Mal seeds it my opion that this guy and his business practices suck ! SUCK ! SHIT ! His attitude Sucks his approach to customer service SUCKS ! And they both were removed they said because people complained well we here now fucker :unamused: and my only complaint is how you have treated this situation i still havent even asked for a refund or anything like that .So before all the little followers who seem not to read the whole story and pass your opoin fuck off now ! Anyway the story goes that i supposedly gave this guy my wrong address a but the right postal code ! If you know how the mail work if one is off the use the other some how but the bottom line is i paid the extra for the tracking so buy right the package should be return to sender ! When i first had a problem i was getting notices that the address was incomplete and it was in florida the i got a notice of it being at the boarder and has import fees (something like that ) but i had enough so i reach out to this guy ! His system has to be AI because i wrote numerous emails and the return would ask question that were in 2 emails before when i finnally got the real guy he was very of matter of fact that this was not his problem and that those notices had nothing to do with him ! But he was so condescending i felt he was treating me like i was scaming him instead of just saying i will look into this for you ! Thats what i would have expected of a response from some one im giving my money but that not what i got ! I have wrote enuff know that you should get the drift off what kind of service i got ! And believe my if this guy is this much of a jerk for 1 pk of seeds just imagime if you sent him some real money my opion buyer beware of this company and i he dont like your opion he has it removed so no one knows theres a recocord of his shit service ! But i started with the wrong dog because censorship is one thing i will not stand for !!! @THCeed @Magu @Budderton @blowdout2269 @Mad_Barry @Sailorboy @Sintax @Rayman @RainToday @Pie @Pigeonman @Prince


Let it all out buddy! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Ahhh good morning from Canada !!! Just another goose shitting on your morning ! Nothing like a good growle in the morning makes me feel lighter over the day !

got me some new stickers too !!!


I had a horrible experience with him as well. All my posts were deleted too.
It cost me 30 bucks for nothing and dealing with my credit card company was a nightmare after his transaction. Fees upon fees.
Buyer beware.

Edit- He also gives you no choice to create a post publicly. Then claims the victim instead of reasonably
finding a solution before it gets to that.


Thank you brother the powers that be should take note this is not the first time and i knew that ! Whats the worst is people that got lucky they had no shit try to discredit your good name for some guy they know nothing about ! It amazes me how far this has been i agree i felt like he made it i was being a crimal trying to take advantage of him that why i felt i had to say i have asked for no compensation ! There to many sheep not enuff sheppards watching the flock !

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i clean fuckin toilets for a living so im in shit all day long so bring it ! Hahaha


Lol! Seriously though, cleaning, and especially toilets is one of the jobs I think most people would be a lot more appreciative of if they thought things through a bit. Every time I sit on a toilet out in the world that isn’t gross I am grateful that job is being done. When I taught school it was mostly at such small schools that the classroom toilets were my problem during the day. Those kids ended up getting lessons on proper use and care of shared toilets added to their curriculum. :rofl:


I bet the boys could pee through a cheerio at 10 paces after :joy:. I know my aim got better after cleaning up just once :rofl:, hahahahahaha


I could just tell you were a dirty boy !!! Hahaa !

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There should be more like you ! These kids these days are terrible but you know what there fucking entitled parents that taught them not to respect people like me that clean there houses . At the end of the day i know all there dirty secrets ! I charge out the wazooo ! Because of those people so knowing that i make more an hour than most there parents i have a hardy laugh every time i get back in my car and count the loot !lol


![17223739569891398316663603077630|230x500] This(upload://71M9VOgoo4G1uI1ZhzK3LQs8dUR
.jpeg) this is double thunder from @JohnnyPotseed could anybody help me is this a male or is this how this plant looks ? @THCeed @RainToday or @Budderton