Fibro myalgia


That’s a boy, my friend. As ‘boy’ as a boy can be, at that!


Yep, +1 vote, that’s a man’s man if ever I’ve seen one.


Thank you for your time appreciate you cheers !!

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Thanks for your help agsin cheers !!!


Dude, you got a dude.


Hey @THCeed what is the cause of this ! See how the leaves are bent on the ends is that heat you think i have the airconditioner on but these last couple days i have been having a hell of a time trying to regulate the tent its been running 24 to 30 all week i think they are heat stressed you observation ???

front right side but i tried to get a wide angle for you and anyone else that can give costructive criticism lol :laughing:


And while were at throwing the males out it leaves me with six for the show and grow For all the OG fans of in house bean makers and no body does it better than OG bean Makers !!!
First plant will be
Double Thunder there was 3 now there 2
Hell Fire x 2
Purple Freak lost 2 to the boys team
Double Kush x Gmo xRootbeer
And thats this grow hopefully no more suprise and we can get this grow , Growing !!!


Lotsa tips turned down, also known as “the claw” could be a few things. But in my experience, the most common being nitrogen toxicity.
Check it out. :wink:


Thank you very helpful descibe my problem exactly. I am using old soil that i mixed with som other stuff to rejuvenate the soil but i guess i didnt measure it properly and i had a thought but wasnt sure again i was thinking heat but now i read that i would be more inclined to follow that advice !
Really appreciate your help !


Hey buddy my feed program i guess well call it is a cup and a half in the morning and same a lights out would you agree that for the next couple days ppm water on off days and only my regulare nuits no extra . Any thoughts ?

Sorry gotta show this plant at one month look at this hearty stem structure just simply eeewwww!

The picture are not doing this justice i would say it as thick as a dime already and for those keeping track popped June 9


Hello everyone ! I have been shouting and screaming alot latly every time im one here and i just want to say i the case of OG the good always out does the bad and i hope that everyone knows this is how i truly feel ! I feel so lucky to belong to such a community that comes to anyones help that needs it but what makes this community so great is our resiliency to people that would take advantage of people that would have given and did with out truly asking questions just on trust alone and blind since when are these bad qualities ! I wear who i am proudly ! And proudly i say i am a part of this community ! So instead of yelling about all things wrong ! Today im yelling thank you for allowing my to be apart of this great thing called OG !!! Eccept that one guy you know who you are you wank !!! Lol hahah Have a great day to all OG members ! Oh sorry the reason that reminds me of the greatness of this site today from 923 in my mail box no name on anything just beans i have a feeling who sent them but he had no dog in the fight he just offered to make things right ! The other day on another post this dick was saying when someone stands up and fixes other problems its for ulterior reasons but and as i said hes talking out his ass and again hes proven wrong by this gentleman seeding seeds from his own collection cause of others wrongs what does he get out of it besides a greatful thank you !


Got these today ! Thank you for you kindness ! I truly appreciate the fact that there is people like you ! Cheers

im sorry but can some one tell me what AHP means !!!


Keep up the good work. I am excited to see what you find. :slight_smile:

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AHP is Ancient Hashplant from @GregOG.

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Fuck you know everyone !!! Your like the conner mcgregor of pot ! You got that uh uh esp yea hst erd i don know ! If i live to 100 i will never remember these fucking things i cant remember my name half the time ! This is no joke i had a girlfriend for 2 years i called her buddy cause i didnt know her name she never new !!!

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Thank you very much @GregOG for the ancient hash plant very much appreciate the thought cheers !

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Im over here watching out for the give aways for yea hahahaha !!! Good to hear from you cheers !

Heres an update on my latest grow using only OG grown beans ! Made by the worlds greatest bean makers !

this hell fire is coming along just beautifully then double kush / gmo/ rootbeer double thunder I have to get my tape the picture doesnt shop this lady is about 4ft already ! And then we have a purple freak !!! again this lady is 4 ft or more and her sister is about the same see yous next time from the other tent !!