FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

Killer view man.

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images (15) sorry, couldn’t resist lol.

Those are some awesome pointers that guy is giving out for free!


I’m a soil guy too. This hydro experiment is a new deal to me. I’ve done a lot of research in the last 24 hours people are very methodical and all have differing opinions. Almost like the weed-growing community.

People actually bury the secondary vines to get more root system. Fruit set according to one of the timelapse 2000 lb pumpkin videos was about June. So that’s what I’ll target this time. I can’t bury the secondary vines on hydro, but if they are near my other veggie bed I may be inclined to give it a shot. We’ll see. No rules on this beast. Thanks for chatting with him!



The outdoor 2024 season has officially begun!

Hopefully some of that solar storm radiation encourages the younguns. :upside_down_face:

The clones (thanks @Rhino_buddy for the Romulan), left-to-right 907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry (S1), 907 Blue Genes x NL#1 (N4), and Romulan. The mommas on the left are a little pissed about being outside the last couple days.

Sweet Sierra (Sour Boggle x Sour Diesel) @buckaroobonsai

Super Hero (Super Skunk x End Game #5)

C99 @Baudelaire

Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxacan @PineTarBastard

Fighting Bilbo (Fighting Budda [Burmese Sativa x Blueberry] x Txerri Bilbo Haze [Strawberry Cough x Super Silver Haze]) @MissinBissin

Here we grow :cowboy_hat_face:


Hydro Pumpkin update:

6.1pH 1.8mS added 90mL of HOCl. Some hints of slime development, hopefully damped now.

I think it’s working! :cowboy_hat_face:

The weeds are doing well. Lots to do this weekend with Reflectix on the grow bags and pumpkin reservoir.

Cheers happy 2024 :fire::hot_pepper:


You’re off to a roaring start! It’s gonna be a good growing season!


Thanks @Bert :cowboy_hat_face:

Pumpkin is growing fast. Plucking flowers here and there and boosted my EC a touch. Mostly by accident. I was measuring my water earlier in the day in TDS mode. So I topped it off and fed until I saw about 1700 (what I assumed was uS but was actually ppm). I realized the next morning checking my indoor I was in the wrong mode. Scale is 710 so I’m at about 2.4 EC. May as well, I’m not trying to grow a small plant here. All gas, no brakes :rofl:

Temperature of the water has been very stable at 75F for the last two weeks.

Front veggie bed I’m trying cardboard as a decomposing ground block to minimize the weeds and shield the ground a bit. I got overwhelmed with cover crop last season. All watermelons, zucchini, squash and tomatoes in the front bed.

Back veggie bed is peppers (jalapeno and ghost), peas and beans.

Ah yeah, I also have a couple weed plants :rofl:

Fighting Bilbo @MissinBissin

Super Hero

Sweet Sierra @buckaroobonsai


Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxaca @PineTarBastard

The clones, L-R, 907xShisk #1, 907xNL1 #4, Romulan

The clones are adapting well to organics but I expect them to spend a while longer getting comfortable

Cheers everyone, hope you all have a great season :cowboy_hat_face:


Things are looking good here man! :sunglasses::+1:

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Good Morning to You @FieldEffect and its great to see you playing outside.

Your Pumpkin already looks amazing. I had forgotten how much Foliage and Debris there is involved in such a task.

Its also awesome to see you putting Smaller seedlings… outside. Sometimes these are the most Coddled creatures on the planet… but the whole LITFA thing brings me back to, they know how to survive.

Go Plants. !!

And You Sir, are firing on all Cylinders heading into this Season.

Get that Chair of Yours re-upholstered and get it in the right spot, I cannot wait

We have a Holiday tomorrow, Somehow its referred to as the May 24 weekend.

Whatever… Cheers and have a great day Field, Your Pots are awesome

ps your winter, Mini-Masters, indoor grow series has been a smash… Thanks for that Cause and Effect class, no surprises that its still thriving


Hopefully it’s a good run @buckaroobonsai happy to be running mostly OG genetics this time :grin:

The pumpkin is a bunch of growth happening fast. Just hoping it’ll be bigger than last year. It’s way ahead of last year’s efforts.

And yeah, I’m just taking it easy with the cannabis this year. It’ll do its thing like it has for a long time.

LOL definately need to get a new one. I’d make one if I wasn’t so busy with the rest of life.

Glad to see your grow getting going as well. It’s good for us. Gardening is a good way to purge the mind.

LOL it’s been fun getting all the advice I can from OG and making new friends I never would have expected. Learn at maximum speed :partying_face:


Hydro Pumpkin is drinking fast now I need to keep her fed. My niece is calling it “Big Ed” I tried my hand at AI art to my own horror :rofl:


Did some training on the mother plants but forgot to take pictures. Here’s some of the seedlings…


I hope it’s ok, here’s my pumpkin from last year. It completely covered our bird enclosure. It came from a halloween pumpkin we gave the birds the year before. We cut it back constantly too, it was gnarly. It must’ve loved the duck pool water, and the birds loved the shade lol.

Looking good over there!


That’s a nice pumpkin!

When I first saw the picture I thought that was your pumpkin plant already this season! :joy:

Love your spot with the trees!


Some pictures…

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry

907 Blue Genes x NL#1


Super Skunk

Sweet Sierra @buckaroobonsai

MDS x Oaxacan @PineTarBastard


Fighting Bilbo @MissinBissin

We’re looking good so far!


Its going to be a great show. You’ve got a funky Cast @FieldEffect.


Funky crew selected by a funky man with a funky plan.

Looking forward to seeing what these OG beans bring :sunglasses:

Neighbor was just over checking out hydro Pumpkin, the 2024 weed lineup and getting his ram out of my back yard. Said last year’s Halloween “gift bag” was treating him well


A Secret Weapon… that beast was leaving little Pearls of Wizdom I bet.

Maybe a new Nute? !


Outta likes.


Nice. Just found your thread while I was seeking for an OD Thread to tease a bit of my rODeo 2024 :star_struck:

Is there any reason why you start in those big shoes ?

Anyhow - fingers crossed for a season free of shit!


LOL @MissinBissin :rofl:

“Pearls” of something definitely deposited all over the place.

Nice to see you in here @mota I gotta go peek in see what you are up to

I can’t think of any reason not to. Mostly I wanted to try getting them outside sooner - less stress overall not spending a month in idealized indoor conditions and then going outside. Toughen them up from birth. I’m only going to leave one of each variety in each pot. Males will get culled next week and I will select my keeper female when the plants start to tangle with each other.

Last season I started with bigger, pre-sexed seedlings and 50 gallon grow bags. The plants got a bit too big. So smaller pots, later start.

Good luck on your outdoor grow! Is there already a thread?