FieldEffect's 2024 "Field of Dreams"

Hey FE - sorry I missed to answer in time.

Haha good answer it’s hard to answer now.

The main reasons why I am asking are:

From my perspective and what I learned

100l Soil holds longer if I re repot for instance like 0,2l , 3l , 10l, 30l, >50l

As a plant directly potted in 100l.

Furthermore I saw that maybe sexing is way easier/earlier.

  • I take roots as a hidden breeding trait so I need to see them.

These are my main reasons behind my question…

In regard to my OD season I am not sure if I will report. First of all it is way to big with over 40 plants :rofl: and I am not sure if I’ll have time to report in a proper way.

Lack of time :sweat_smile: but never say never. I have a few interesting project running and I guess I will show something.

Here is the first Girl of the - Old School Skunk BX from Old school Genetics Barcelona-
Hope they’ll like it 2000km north :innocent:

This season I am really early xD last years I was busy with outing one month later.


Hey there @CalleMinogue

That’s sensible.

If I was breeding, and I intend to eventually, I would be concerned with this. This summer I’m trying to keep the outdoor on a minimal attention arrangement and produce some variety to sample. We’ll see how it goes.

Totally got 'ya there.

Aren’t you in Europe somewhere, what’s 2000km north? I guess the nordic countries are in that range if you are southern EU. Good looking plant with those deep leaf serrations! I like it :grinning:


I am from Germany - more less middle with tendency to the north… it’s pretty rough here from time to time.

Growing big plants here is no problem but to bring them with amber and mold free home is kind of challenging :sweat_smile:

This year I am really early. I can sex 4weeks earlier this season as usually… oh oh xD if I am to nervous I will grow some fat bushes.

I am still indifferent if I should try one or two direct in the soil. It’s a old peat region and everything you plant there explodes…

And then all euphoria disappears as you are realizing it’s Monday morning :rofl:


Yesterday marked 4 weeks of Hydro Pumpkin

She’s been eating and drinking a shit load. Need a new jug of pH Down. Trying for about 2mS EC. 250mL A,B of concentrate MegaCrop 2 part and topped off with about 30 gallons. 5mL of monosilisic. About 78F water now.

Here’s what the beast has become in the last few weeks.

Rest of the front watermelon/squash/tomato bed. Just installed the shade cloth today, the sun has been brutal on the seedlings.

Back grass coming in…

Back bed with peppers, beans and peas. New shade cloth to help with our already scorching conditions.

No mercy for the cannabis, although they are already in a protected (from wind anyway) region of the yard.

Cheers hope all your gardens (and mine) thrive this year :cowboy_hat_face:


“No Mercy for the Cannabis” I did catch that @FieldEffect

Thanks for a nice laugh to end the day.
Good Luck with your Selections this week…

Those shade clothes look really cool.
Nice call !


Was hoping the selection would be easy…

But not going to complain :sunglasses:

Neighbor’s dad is going to be happy about a C99 and a Fighting Bilbo :cowboy_hat_face:

@MissinBissin the shade cloth is 30% it seems like it helps with the temperature and ridiculous PAR. I learned now why it helps in the early season… it’s because the root system isn’t adequate yet to supply them in full-chooch photosynthesis. In a month the cloth will be removed and it’ll explode :hot_pepper:


Bloody amazing tool to help them get ready. Nice find @FieldEffect

Gotta love sharing those Females


Hydro Pumpkin was almost out of water this morning. About 10 gallons a day I’m estimating. Going to need a float valve soon to keep her topped off, it’s not getting colder. Added 50g of A and B Megacrop to get EC back to 2.1. 150mL of pH down. The GH giant jug looks identical to the windshield washer fluid I use, going to keep this gallon inside to avoid mixing them up in the future. I can see my half-witted ass mixing them up and pouring pH down into my car washer fluid tank while simultaneously poisoning the pumpkin with washer fluid.

Made a new bubbler hose the other one had stopped working well the pressure was just tearing the fittings off. New one is twice the length of dripper hose to reduce the static pressure. It bubbles like crazy.

Flowers everywhere, everyday. 10 minutes a day plucking flowers. Got some nice buds on the main vine by the pallet I’ll be picking the best one for the giant pumpkin :sunglasses:

The weed is fine I’ll post pics of that later. Debating topping or growing them au natural

Cheers guys, hope your gardens are green!


It never ceases to amaze me how aggressive pumpkins are, don’t fall down around that plant…it might eat you. :grin:


It’s ridiculous. I’ve never seen anything grow like this.

For reference, here’s the 2023 pumpkin.

2023 (almost exactly this time last year). I’d say we’re more than 6 weeks ahead this year.

July 8 2023. Actually more like 8 weeks ahead. Hydro pumpkin looked like this 2 weeks ago.


Perhaps you folks are more interested in pictures of juvenile cannabis :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

C99 really excited to try this now-heirloom staple. She’s vigorous. Think I’ll top her tomorrow and turn her into a giant bush.

Mexican Death Sativa x Oaxaca looking good starting to take off. Definitely topping this one to keep her manageable. Good-looking :heart:

Fighting Bilbo. Little slower out of the gate

Sweet Sierra has an interesting thing going on with it’s smoothed-over leaf margins. I’ve not seen anything like this before

Skunk Hero or Super Hero is disappointing in vigor so far. Contemplating planting something else instead.

Romulan cut doing well

907 Blue Genes x NL1 is getting along decently

907 Blue Genes x Shiskeberry had a little trouble adapting but doing fine. New growth back to looking good :+1:

All in all, good start so far this year :sunglasses:


That’s wild! Hope you didn’t have any plans to be away for more than a couple days all summer! :rofl:

Looks awesome dude :+1:


Yeah I think I’ll get the float valve installed tomorrow. Thankfully everyone is getting their swamp coolers going, float valves and tubing and adapters are all going to be really easy to find :cowboy_hat_face:

Thanks man! I can’t believe it’s working. Water is 80 and it was almost 100 outside today. It’ll get about 5-10 degrees hotter out by solstice.

I noticed that the water temp is the same as the temperature of the water coming out of the spigots outside. So burying the tank is “working” hopefully it works well enough as the season continues


If it works it ain’t broke! A float valve should buy you some days off :smiley: The plants look very happy with your system.

Are you adding hypochlorous acid to this?


Yeah I’ve been adding about 1-2mL/gallon on about a 2 week interval

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What cultivar is the Pumpkin? And the leaves there really shade themselves by having undulations and a concave overall shape.

This is a squash of course , but a pumpkin leaf here is very similar.


They sure do. It’s hard to even spot the blooms. Spiny too.


Cleaned out the shed today and restarted the compost tea turbo brewer. Comically, I intended to refine this setup, never have and probably never will. It remains ghetto as the day this atrocity of marginal engineering was born, a year ago.

First run of the 2024 season, de-chlorinating some water

Tomorrow night we start a batch of tea :sunglasses:



Life is too short for weak plants :rofl:

Perhaps a Durban-Thai Cindy…I’ve already been purusing my list looking at fems.