First documented grow

Okay. The 26th I will have the space to flip one or possibly both of these lady’s. (Not sexed yet. ) Then I can continue posting results. I’ll try to remember to take a picture before the stretch


I should mention today they got hit with fish poop seaweed fertilizer and Epson salt and molasses :100:🪴. Then on flip I’ll figure out how many gallons of soil is in each pot and top dress accordingly with Dr earth flower girl. I also ordered a better veg light finally. Ill give up the low wattage soon…

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She’s a girl !! Pheno #2 has been flipped #1 is still waiting for space flipped on the 25th instead. Then topdressed with Dr earth flower girl. Hit once again with fish poop seaweed molasses and Epson salt will mostly be water only now until I feed microbes with mollases again. :fire::love_you_gesture:


Congratulations :tada:

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Thanks man!

While watering my veg space I noticed a pollen sack… The other one I have not flipped to flower yet is a boy!!! So gonna end up chopping it. But I wish to collect some pollen from him. So I clipped a branch put it in water then in a unused room in our house near the window. And paper under to catch it are our days even short enough for him to drop his load :sweat_smile:

Also what would the offspring be if I do pollinate her…
f2 IBL? I’m assuming

In my experience, they will see it through.

Now, I can’t speak the the quality of the pollen. They will surely make it to the finish. Just like a dude.

The seeds would be considered F2… No IBL, I think you need like, more generations and backcrossing to be IBL.

F2 assumes you bred “siblings” or two offspring from unrelated parents

Yes I’m assuming their siblings

And ohh I thought any inbreeding is ibl. Because it’s not backcrossed

You may be right. I’ve not seen IBL talked about except for well worked, stable lines.

F2 is fun. You might get something cool, or it might be weird. It’s a dice roll growing F2 seeds, and that’s fun. I’ve had F2 siblings that were like that Arnold and DiVeto movie. One was lime and stoney the other was purple and cerebral.

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I recently had 3 autos same strain all 3 different terp profiles. One is so dam good I have no clue what terp it is but I’ve never smelled anything that good before


I have used their products. Not bad. Alaskan Fish fertilizer works pretty good too. Nice looking plants.


Thanks man. And yeah I considered trying Alaskan fish one. But got a sample from Neptune’s to try.

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Looking great so far. I think I have a little nute burn but I’m not to concerned I’ve seen worse.


At this point all they see is water and from time to time Epson salt and mollases. They won’t get redress in flower nutes neither. Just the first topdress



According to my calendar I’m on week 7? Of flower uhm it’s not gonna be finished on week 8 I don’t think. Is the first 2 week transition counted as part of 8 week hybrids ?