First documented grow

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I’ll have to grab a picture of the clone of the other copy. I made a mistake and thought or might have seen what I thought to be a pollen sack. I threw the copy of the other one in my window it’s starting to flower. But definitely wasn’t a boy. Smh. Excuse the amateur noob mistakes… But here’s week 8 I’m gonna let her go till week 9 I’m thinking tho !!

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@GEMI-CONNECT616 check it out man.

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I chopped her week 9. Hand trimmed colas. And got to test my trimming bowl some more :love_you_gesture: on the lowers. Trim will be used for edibles and fan leaves and stems will be composted. All organic for the win as always :100::fire::muscle:

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I’ll show more once dried more :pray:

Nice looking plants.