First Grow - Multiple Deficiencies

Day 56 Update:

Watered today (no nutes) with 5.5 pH, runoff was 7-7.2. New growth looks pretty good. I did some more training, too. All plants are sexually mature, and I’m wondering how much longer I should wait before flipping. Is it too risky to flip right now?



With all the training and recovery (I still see Potassium deficiency) I would wait several days to flip her. I don’t think you will have height problems so just try to find the correct feed and watering routine, lot of LITFA to avoid stress and once you see she’s dialled up I would proceed … beer3|nullxnull


Had this happen before when using lobster compost

Don’t want to treat you like a noob…just want to ask… how often do you water?
Do you do it in a schedule, or when she dries out?
She almost look slike she’s either overwatered, or locked out/flushed -out; which can make for deficiencies.
GREAT job on training!!! she’s not looking THAT stressed, but I’d give her a few days before flipping…JMO!


Great job on the training.
What size are those pots? Are they rootbound?

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That’s totally fine! I am a noob, after all. I typically water every couple/few days. I didn’t start watering to runoff until you suggested it. Here’s what I’ve done recently:

1/5: watered 20oz with calmag
1/7: fed 20oz with full lineup of nutes + worm castings
1/9: watered 32oz
1/11: fed 42oz with full lineup of nutes
1/13: flushed the sick/big plant with several gallons of 6.0 water, then gave that plant 32oz at 5.5 with a bit of calmag and a small dose of terp tea
1/16: fed 64oz with full lineup of nutes
1/19: watered 42oz

Prior to that 1/11 watering, I was only ever giving 20oz every two days, and 32oz once a week, alternating nutrients and plain water.

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Thank you! They’re 3gal pots. There are roots all the way to just below the surface, and I imagine throughout. I don’t think I have any dry spots, and I used Mykos when I transplanted them from solo cups.

Uppot to 10g give em rain or tap water(RV filter) only for 2 weeks. Lotsa stuff going in. Might be confusing em with all that love😉. Peace


Only water when the soil dries out…feed once a week…water between feeding gs as needed.
Too frequent watering can “flush” your plant and not give it time to uptake what you feed it…or even cause root rot.
As long as you water withnutrient solutions a slight run off…unless your grow area is really dry, you shouldn’t need to water more than once- maybe twice between feedings. Good luck!


You like those RV filters? Can you install them under a sink, or does it have to go on a hose.

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Boggie Brew filter like an RV one.


Do those things lower tds/ppm as well? Or are they mostly to remove chloramine/chlorine.

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Yes. That’s what I use it for.


Thumbs up for the RV filter, which I just started using a couple weeks ago. Works great IMO.


Thanks, LadyZandra. I’ll ease up on my watering. It’s so hard to litfa!


Wisest words ever spoken

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Just an update, and another question!

Day 18 of flower:

I noticed a bit of growth on top of my soil after top-dressing Uprising Bloom, which contains bacteria and mycorrhizal goodies. Does this look like an issue?


What is your pH going in?

Could be some kind of fungus, beneficial or not I would spray it with not much diluted peroxide, too close to the stem, the beneficial microbiota won’t be affected if you just spray … beer3|nullxnull


That’s been a struggle, since this is a hybrid media (and I won’t use it again). Last several feedings and waterings have been 6.3-6.4, and I’ve not seen anymore browning/spotting, and fading has decreased. Still not perfect though, I feel.

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