First Grow - Multiple Deficiencies

New growth looks much better … beer3|nullxnull

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6.4 for soil is right in the sweet spot bud, u nailed the goal and why ur plants are starting to look lush, no lock outs, here’s a better chart imo that u can visibly see ur nutrient availability by ph,

As a fellow organic soil grower I think ur making the same mistakes I made when I first started growing thinking add a bunch of this and that and it’s gonna make for better buds without a true understanding of what things I’m adding is actually gonna do for the soil. Sounds like u were adding great amendments on the mix but weren’t paying attention to if they were acidic or alkaline to keep a BALANCED soil and adding excessive amounts, great examples that I did was a bunch of fireplace ash which drove up my ph, later learned to balance it with spent coffee grounds and of course use more in moderation , less truly can be more when it comes to growing.

Def adjust what u can and get through this grow but next round you would prob wanna consider just starting over with fresh soil that isn’t swinging all over the place, especially if it’s loaded up with amendments its gonna continue to get hotter as they continue to break down, if u don’t wanna completely chuck it u can always “dilute it down” with more compost(steer or mushroom) mushroom is my fav of em and some perlite

Seeing the visible fungus culture on the top layer is concerning to see, that screams to me not enough air flow getting in and out of that tent, I see you have a fan in there but are you getting any of the exhaust pumping out of the tent?

If you are trying to stay cost efficient on soil I would consider building your own, I have a great thread on it titled " let’s make 500 gallons…"

But the basic mix I do is 50% compost for matter for microbes to eat (half and half mushroom compost and Scotts humus and manure) 20-25% coir or peat for water retention and 25-30% perlite or lava rock for aeration and the cup of Dr earth per 10 gallon to charge the mix with food and microbes. Last time I made 500 gallons it ran me about $240 to build, average 1.5 cu ft(9.6 gallon) bag of premium soil is 25 bucks plus tax these days

Worm bin and compost teas are a great way to feed too, I’ve never had to ph anything since I’ve built my soil with that recipe and just do revs compost tea recipes that I’d also be happy to get shared over to ya


Just misted that area with a 1:4 (peroxide to water) solution. Hope that takes care of it. Thanks!

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The fungus layer only appeared two days after using that bloom amendment for the first time. I did drop my exhaust fan (Cloudline T6) speed to “2” recently, but just upped it to “4” after reading your reply.

I appreciate your thoughts on a better soil going forward, at least one that’s more stable. I do plan on mixing my own soil, and using what’s left of my Roots Organics liquid and dry nutrients in the next grow. Sometime I’d like to try strictly dry amendments or a water-only solution, but I’ve spent too much on my current regimen; I’ve nearly purchased Roots’ entire line of products. I know that’s a bit of a sunk-cost fallacy, but at least they’re good quality, and I know they work!

I’d gladly review anything you send my way :slight_smile: Thanks!

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That’s where compost teas can come in handy those amendments u already purchased can likely be used in em :wink: Ive used many of their products in my teas including the terp tea, seabird guano and others! Let me dig out those recipes and shoot em over to ya when I can find em


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And here they are

Couple changes I did with the veg recipes is make a aloe leaf slurry and add that in as the base of the tea and when I was fishing last year I’d catch a bass or catfish and leave it alive in a tub with my air stones and release it the next day but use that water for my tea doing a brew that following day, shit really exploded after that one

I’ve also messed around throwing azos and mycos(veg), terp tea(flower), and a few others in those recipes with nothing but excellent results from it

This let’s u keep ur soil build/recipe more basic cuz ur babies gonna be getting all the nutrition they need from those feedings every 10-14 days using these recipes and I’m sure u already got many of those things in the list, to keep things cheaper too u can get a goodwill blender and save some money grinding up your own oyster shell or buying a big bag of alfalfa cubes and blending em for alfalfa meal. The Hume’s I also cut costs on by mixing my own ordering off red bud soil company the 3 ingredients of yucca, soluble kelp and powdered humic acid( helps break down peat moss and it’s hydrophobic properties)

Hope this helps to get u on the straight and narrow organic path;)


Thank you, Az. Much appreciated!

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Another update - Day 30 of flower:

Been watering just about every 3 days or so, as needed. Feeding every other time, always pH’ing to 6.4. Tested runoff yesterday, and it was 8.1.

Some lower leaves dropping/pulling off very easily, which makes me think nitrogen deficiency, and maybe still dealing with a potassium deficiency. The new growth is darker, for sure, but seeing yellow or brown tips everywhere.

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