First grow White Widow

This is my first grow. Started with seeds. I started the seeds in damp paper towel in a ziplock bag and once sprouted planted in miracle grow soil (my bad) in party cups with drainage holes on the bottom of the cups.

April 14

April 16

April 19

April 20

April 23

April 24

April 25

April 27

April 28

April 29

April 30

May 01

May 20 (Looks like I stopped taking pictures for 19 days)

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 24

May 25

May 30

May 31

June 2 (I got rid of 2 plants)

June 3

June 4

June 6

June 7

June 8

June 9 And then there were 5

June 10

June 11

June 12

June 13

June 14

June 15

June 16

June 17

June 18

June 19

June 20

June 21

June 22

June 23

June 24

June 25

June 26

June 27

June 28

June 29

June 30

July 1

July 2

July 3

July 4

July 5

July 6

July 7

July 8

July 9

July 10

July 11

July 12

July 13

July 14


Nice pics!
WW was the first plant I ever grew and I still have a special place in my heart for that plant. You cannot go wrong. Other plants may have better yields, better smells, colors, etc… but WW is so hardy, and almost everyone loves the potent high WW gives.

Even though I have grown a bunch of other strains, friends still always request the WW.

Hope you have a great harvest!


Looking good.

I also enjoy the Canadian tire buckets.

All the best.


Beautiful plants, I love the bluish tint to them. Like firehead said you can never go wrong with white widow, and some versions can be huge yielders too…also way to skip over the boring seedling parts quickly lol

Are they flowering yet?


Off to a good start. Since this is your first grow, do you have any questions a out what to expect next? Tell us more about their environment. Lighting, tent size, soil or nutrients.


I located some Promix HP so I’m using that as my medium. Nutrients are Reefertilizer Grow and Blood. Light an Optic 2 a friend loaned me I used to veg.

I bought a 5 x 5 marshydro tent and light (3000) but I failed to order the vent fan in time so I’m waiting on it. My plants withered in the tent in the last few days of flowering. Clearly I should not have switched until I got the vent fan to a 12 and 12 cycle. I hope it’s the lack of air flow that was killing my plants but they are recovering well back upstairs and out of that tent.


You just hurt their feelings a little - they forgive quickly… :innocent:
Love your pots! :+1: :sunglasses:
