My babies and 4x4’ tent setup with 315w CMH

Not really any specific order here sadly… I’ll try to start from seedling and work up to now, no guarantee’s! :v:t3:

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Hi, Bullettooth Nice grow room, the first picture, is it Mars Hydro ECO600w? :confused: :confused:


Hello friends at @Zoey! Thank you! Yes indeed it is, I removed the plastic shield to eliminate any possible loss and had hung it up next to a older 300watt LED purchased off Amazon roughly 5-6 years ago which was only used for one grow and was only used for the flowering part so only the last 6-8 weeks. I plan on using both as side lights in conjunction with my new 315w cmh for flower this round and will change out my cmh bulb from the 4200k to a 3100k… might even try to incorporate a 10k finisher towards the end if funds are available? I also have this all setup inside one of your 4x4x6.5’ tents which I absolutely :heart:


Good to know, they looks very healthy, great job ! !
Enjoy your growing with Mars Hydro :v: :v:

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The one closest to the camera is a no name brand off Amazon. (EDIT) I found the companies name that makes the other light, it’s made by OceanRevive and it’s also rated at roughly 200 actual watts. The light I have behind it with the two smaller individual panels is your newer Mars Eco 300w. Both will be used as side lights with my 315w CMH as a main light. It’s going to be :crazy_face: bright!!!

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Many thanks it’s much appreciated! I’m still learning as this is only my second time growing with artificial sunlight… I try to mimic nature as much as possible!


Effin’ eh, mang!! Looks serious! You’ve got some savage light output there…the LEDs + a 315 cmh will be hardcore!! Cant wait to see the updates!!


I just did my “final” topping and a slight defol today, they have been in 5gal buckets now for about a week and are showing nice signs of continuous growth… nothing too crazy since I had a small growth stunt around week 5-6 and some spider mite issues most recently but they do look happy! I’ll definitely add some updates with the lighting and overall progress once I switch over to flower, looking like Halloween before that happens and Christmas/New Years before I’m ready to chop it all down… Hoping for anything close to a pound or so of dried product. If I get 5 ounces each I’ll be happy! I’m still learning what to/not to do during the early stages.


nice setup!. i’d drill some holes in those white buckets though.


Thank you kindly! Although they can’t be seen rest assured there is plenty of drainage holes in the bottoms… I used a reamer for RC car bodies and made about 8-10 1/2” sized holes with a added 2” layer of hydro pellets at the bottom. They drain quite well believe it or not!

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perfect.just makin sure.

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